87th Legislative Session Agenda
The Texas Catholic Conference advocates on behalf of the Roman Catholic Bishops of Texas for policies and programs that support the life and dignity of every human person from conception through natural death.
Our Legislative Agenda (below) and positions on current bills (right) are the result of a rigorous process of reflection and consultation.
Bill positions
Human life is intrinsically valuable and should be protected by law from conception, which happens at fertilization, to natural death. Moreover, the family is the sanctuary of life in which parents teach children how they ought to live. The TCCB opposes direct threats to innocent human life, from conception to natural death, and seeks to promote strong, stable, and healthy families by:
- opposing abortion and euthanasia;
- supporting the elimination of all funding for abortion providers;
- supporting funding to abortion alternatives and support for expectant mothers;
- supporting proposals that recognize the sacredness, fidelity, and permanency of marriage;
- supporting continued improvements to the foster care system which respect subsidiarity through a community-based model;
- supporting increased recruitment, formation, and support of foster, adoptive, and biological parents;
- supporting creating a standby guardianship process to better support parental planning for potential guardianship needs;
- opposing the advancement of gender ideology, especially in places where young people are affected; and
- supporting reasonable measures to address gun related homicides and suicides.
Legislative Agenda
Our work to improve state law is guided by Catholic teaching and statewide ministry. There are eight topics on our legislative agenda:
1. Life & Family
2. Immigration
3. Restorative Justice
4. Education
5. Healthcare
6. Social Concerns
7. Religious Liberty
8. Creation