87th Legislature Bill Positions

The TCCB does not take positions on all bills in any legislative session, and the analysis of the bills provided below were made at various phases of the legislative process. The analysis may not accurately reflect the final status of the bill. The full TCCB legislative agenda may be found here.

All bills reviewed by TCCB

HB 18 | HB 2981 This bill, known as the Texas Cares Act, establishes a prescription drug program to make prescription drugs available at a discounted rate to uninsured individuals. Eligibility is limited to Texas residents who are U.S. citizens and are uninsured. Financial vulnerability may be considered as an additional factor for determining eligibility. Drugs used for elective abortions are excluded from program benefits. The TCCB supports this bill to increase the affordability of prescription drugs for the uninsured.

HB 30 This bill requires the Windham School District to provide a course of instruction that will help incarcerated youth younger than 18 (or 22, if receiving special education) to receive a high school diploma or equivalent program. The TCCB supports this program to encourage the rehabilitation and reintegration of former youthful offenders into society.

HB 39 | HB 453 | SB 47 This bill allows certain persons (e.g., victim of trafficking or indecency, adult acting on behalf of victim) to file an application for a protective order. Under certain circumstances, it allows an attorney representing the state to file an application with respect to each victim if the offender is placed on deferred adjudication or community supervision. The TCCB supports this bill to protect formerly trafficked persons and to care for victims of trafficking.

HB 42 This bill prohibits health insurers from denying continued coverage to an enrollee who refuses an abortion regardless of viability or fetal abnormality. The TCCB supports this bill to protect unborn life and the conscience rights of the insured.

HB 52 | HB 245 | HB 760 This bill makes it an offense for a person to sell a firearm at a gun show without conducting a criminal background check and/or maintaining a record of sale. A gun show promoter commits a Class A misdemeanor, if with criminal negligence, the promoter permits the sale of a firearm without a criminal background check; failing to give 30 days notice of gun show to local law enforcement; failing to prominently post notice regarding criminal background checks; failing to arrange for a dealer at gun show to conduct a criminal background check. It is an exception if the person to whom the firearm is sold is a peace officer or is licensed to carry. The TCCB supports this bill to require criminal background checks at gun shows.

HB 56 This bill prohibits operation of concrete plants and crushing facilities from 440 yards to 888 yards within a residence, school, or place of worship. The TCCB supports this bill to mitigate pollution around schools and churches.

HB 62 This bill establishes the restorative justice coordinating council. It also allows a school district or open-enrollment charter school to contract with a service provider approved by the council to develop and implement a program or assist the school in providing an alternative to suspension. The TCCB supports this bill to promote restorative justice reform to serve juveniles who are at risk in a school setting.

HB 69 This bill amends the law prohibiting abortion after 20 weeks to prohibition of abortion at or after 12 weeks. The TCCB supports this bill to protect unborn life.

HB 77 This bill removes the use the of death penalty for defendants who are found guilty in a capital felony if the finding of guilt is based solely on the testimony of a single eyewitness without any corroborating evidence. The TCCB supports this bill to reduce the use of the death penalty in Texas.

HB 78 This bill provides for the establishment of a pilot program for the purpose of reducing recidivism, arrests, and incarceration of persons with mental illness by facilitating treatment and critical time intervention (e.g., social, clinical, housing, and welfare services in the first weeks after the person's release from jail). The TCCB supports this bill to increase access to mental health services and the reintegration of former offenders into society.

HB 80  This bill requires judges to allow indigent defendants, children in foster care, homeless children, and unaccompanied children (UAC) to pay fees and fines through community service. The TCCB supports this bill as a restorative justice practice.

HB 98 | HB 133 This bill would extend the medical assistance coverage of women receiving Medicaid for at least one year following a delivery or miscarriage. The TCCB supports this bill because it supports maternal health.

HB 102  This bill removes the protection for unborn children that ensures that life sustaining treatment is provided to pregnant women. The TCCB opposes this bill which reduces the protections for unborn children in end of life care decisions.

HB 103 This bill establishes the Texas Active Shooter Alert System by the Department of Public Safety to be activated on report of an active shooter. This Act may be cited as the "Leilah Hernandez Act." The TCCB supports this bill to reduce the impacts of gun violence.

HB 107 | SB 141 This bill extends eligibility for medical assistance to a pregnant women for a period of not less than 12 months following the last month of the pregnancy. The TCCB supports this bill to improve maternal health.

HB 109 This bill allows a person who was placed under arrest for certain nonviolent misdemeanor offenses to request a court to have all the records and files related to the arrest expunged if certain requirements are met (e.g., person was placed on deferred adjudication and subsequently dismissed/discharged, person was not required to register as a sex offender, etc.). The TCCB supports this bill to promote the reintegration of former non-violent offenders into society.

HB 115 This bill broadens the property tax exemption for certain property owned by charitable organizations and used in providing housing and related services to homeless individuals. It removes the requirement that the property be located "on or consists of a single campus." The TCCB supports this bill to promote ministry to homeless and housing insecure persons.

HB 116 This bill broadens the eligibility for relative caretakers of dependent children to receive supplemental financial assistance. It also creates an offense if the person defrauds or makes a false statement or misrepresentation. The TCCB supports this bill to promote strong, stable, and healthy families by widening eligibility for caretakers and strengthening safeguards.

HB 119HB 473 | SB 1017 This bill prohibits healthcare providers from making decisions on eligibility, access, and insurance coverage for organ transplants based solely on the disability status of a patient. The TCCB supports this bill to increase access to life saving treatments for patients with disabilities.

HB 133 | HB 98 This bill would extend the medical assistance coverage of women receiving Medicaid for at least one year following a delivery or miscarriage. The TCCB supports this bill because it supports maternal health.

HB 136 This bill allows the voluntary and confidential reporting of pregnancy-associated deaths and pregnancy-related deaths by certain persons and requires the development of a work group on maternal mortality and morbidity data registry. The TCCB supports this bill to understand, promote, and improve the health of Texas mothers.

HB 140 This bill prohibits the sentence of death on a defendant who, at the time of the commission of a capital offense, was a person with severe mental illness. The TCCB supports this bill to abolish the use of the death penalty on persons with mental illness.

HB 143 This bill allows individual counties to seek a federal waiver to provide Medicaid eligibility to anyone who is qualified for federal matching funds under the Affordable Care Act. The TCCB supports this bill to provide Medicaid expansion and increased access to healthcare services.

HB 146 | HB 98 This bill would extend the medical assistance coverage of women receiving Medicaid for at least one year following a delivery or miscarriage. The TCCB supports this bill because it supports maternal health.

HB 166 This bill prohibits a person under 21 from being on the premises of a sexually oriented business and creates fine for enforcement. The TCCB supports this bill to prevent opportunities for human trafficking.

HB 171  | SB 118 This bill requires HHSC to provide Medicaid eligibility to anyone who is qualified for federal matching funds under the Affordable Care Act. The TCCB supports this bill to provide Medicaid expansion and increased access to healthcare services.

HB 182  This bill would repeal 85 RS SB 4, passed in 2017, which was an "anti-sanctuary cities" law that required compliance with ICE detainers, preempted local law enforcement policies, and denied state grant funds to cities who prohibit local law enforcement from cooperating with federal agencies. The TCCB supports this bill to end the practice of local enforcement of federal immigration law.

HB 187 This bill allows courts to reconsider the merits or grant relief on a motion for habeas corpus on subsequent application if certain conditions are met, including when the attorney representing the state consents in writing. The TCCB supports this bill to promote reentry of the incarcerated in our society by allowing review of sentences.

HB 193 This bill requires that a juvenile court destroy court records of victims of sex trafficking, except those records maintained for statistical and research purposes by the Texas Juvenile Justice Department. The TCCB supports this bill to assist youth who have been trafficked and help them reintegrate into society.

HB 206 This bill adopts statewide the payday and auto-title lending regulations passed in more than 40 cities throughout the state along with strong provisions to limit fees through their inclusion in borrowing limits. The TCCB supports this bill as a positive step forward in reforming predatory lending practices.

HB 215 This bill abolishes the use of the death penalty in Texas, while still allowing for life without parole. The TCCB supports this bill to end the use of the death penalty.

HB 217 This bill strengthens the procedures around a postconviction motion for forensic DNA testing. It adds to the definition of "exculpatory results" DNA test results showing unidentified DNA and another individual's DNA profile in a DNA database. The TCCB supports this bill as a measure to ensure innocent persons have access to justice.

HB 223 The bill amends the statute to state that a person who has been convicted of a Class A misdemeanor involving a member of a person's family or household or a violent misdemeanor commits an offense if the person possesses a firearm before the fifth anniversary of the later of their release from confinement or release from community supervision following conviction of the misdemeanor. The TCCB supports this bill as a reasonable measure to address gun related homicides and suicides.

HB 225 This bill allows a court to grant a convicted person relief on a an application for a writ of habeas corpus if they file an application based on certain new evidence that was previously unavailable. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure access to justice for potentially innocent persons.

HB 229 This bill requires law enforcement to enter information about a protective order into the statewide law enforcement information system maintained by DPS within 48 hours of receipt. It also requires that a conviction that would prohibit a person from possessing a firearm be reported to DPS within 24 hours after judgment of conviction is entered. The TCCB supports this bill as a reasonable measure to address gun related homicides and suicides.

HB 232 This bill would allow courts to provide deferred adjudication to parents who are the primary caretaker of children, and counseling, therapy, education, and parenting classes may be required as a condition of deferment. The TCCB supports this bill to help restore family bonds where parents would otherwise be incarcerated.

HB 242 This bill allows the Railroad Commission to require an owner or operator of a facility used in oil and gas production to submit to the commission a water pollution abatement plan if they are located in a recharge zone of the Edwards Aquifer. The TCCB supports this bill to maintain water quality for irrigation and drinking.

HB 245 | HB 52 | HB 760 | HB 1765 This bill makes it an offense for a person to sell a firearm at a gun show without conducting a criminal background check and/or maintaining a record of sale. A gun show promoter commits a Class A misdemeanor, if with criminal negligence, the promoter permits the sale of a firearm without a criminal background check; failing to give 30 days notice of gun show to local law enforcement; failing to prominently post notice regarding criminal background checks; failing to arrange for a dealer at gun show to conduct a criminal background check. It is an exception if the person to whom the firearm is sold is a peace officer or is licensed to carry. The TCCB supports this bill to require criminal background checks at gun shows.

HB 252 This bill removes directives that require judges and attorneys to lie to jurors about the level of unanimity required for a death sentence. The TCCB supports this bill which will improve the rights of jurists serving in death penalty sentencing cases.

HB 259 This bill allows the Board of Pardons and Paroles to hold hearing on clemency matters by videoconference or telephone in a capital case. It also allows the attorney representing the inmate, family, or victim to make presentations. The BPP is allowed to deliberate privately, but the presiding officer must publicly announce each member's decision regarding whether or not to recommend clemency. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure transparency and accountability in clemency proceedings.

HB 270 This bill increases the personal need allowance for nursing home residents on Medicaid to $75 per month. The TCCB supports this bill to allow nursing home residents to increase their personal needs allowance.

HB 275 This bill allows a court to grant a convicted person relief on an application for writ of habeas corpus if they make a finding based on scientific evidence presented at trial that the evidence the person would not have been convicted or would have received different punishment. The TCCB supports this bill to limit the use of the death penalty.

HB 277 This bill strengthens the requirements that counsel be provided to indigent defendants in criminal matter at the initiation of adversarial judicial proceedings. It also requires that a defendant may request counsel after any subsequent arrest or citation while the case is pending. The TCCB supports this bill to address overincarceration and criminalization by providing access to legal counsel for those who are unable to otherwise afford it.

HB 289 This bill allows a representative of a school, place of worship, licensed day-care center, hospital, or medical facility to the list of persons who may request a public hearing from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality related to the construction of a concrete plant. The TCCB supports this bill to improve transparency and community engagement in environmental planning and regulation.

HB 290SB 39 This bill extends eligibility for the Children's Health Insurance Program from six months to one year. The TCCB supports this bill to increase healthcare coverage for children.

HB 295 This bill amends the statute relating to the Texas Indigent Defense Commission. Among other provisions, it allows the commission to distribute grants to an entity that provides county administrative services under an interlocal contract or a nonprofit that provides indigent defense services or support services. The TCCB supports this bill to increase access to justice for the poor and vulnerable.

HB 310 This bill requires that the health curriculum for public school students include instruction that human life begins at conception and has inherent dignity and immeasurable worth from the moment of conception. The TCCB supports this bill to teach accurate biology.

HB 348 This bill requires the TCEQ to make environmental and water use permit applications available online. The TCCB supports this bill to enhance transparency in water use.

HB 354 | SB 188 This bill repeals the use of the death penalty in Texas while still allowing life without parole. The TCCB supports this bill to end the use of the death penalty.

HB 385 This bill amends the process by which a defendant could reduce or terminate their period of community supervision. A judge would be allowed to modify conditions for community supervision for a defendant via a risk and needs assessment and require participation in a counseling or substance abuse program. Furthermore, the bill provides flexibility in payment of fee and allows for defendants to gain credits for community supervision in faith-based, volunteer, and other community-based programs. The TCCB supports this bill to reintegrate former offenders and to promote rehabilitation.

HB 389 | HB 398 | SB 38 | SB 119 This bill requires HHSC to provide Medicaid eligibility to anyone who is qualified for federal matching funds under the Affordable Care Act. The TCCB supports this bill to provide Medicaid expansion and increased access to healthcare services.

HB 390 | SB 316 This bill requires the operator of a commercial lodging establishment display certain signs and require each employee to complete an annual human trafficking awareness and prevention training program and certify, in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, that all employees have completed the training. This bill provides for civil penalties for failure to cure a violation. The TCCB supports this bill to protecting persons from human trafficking.

HB 398 | HB 389 | SB 38 | SB 119 This bill requires HHSC to provide Medicaid eligibility to anyone who is qualified for federal matching funds under the Affordable Care Act. The TCCB supports this bill to provide Medicaid expansion and increased access to healthcare services.

HB 402 The bill requires that funds derived from criminal asset forfeiture in human trafficking to be used only for official purposes of the attorney representing the state or for law enforcement purposes to cover the cost of a contract with a municipal or county program to provide services to domestic victims of trafficking. The TCCB supports this bill to promote healing and restoration for survivors of human trafficking.

HB 414 This bill provides continued medical assistance to a pregnant woman receiving Medicaid for a period of no less than 24 months following the last month of a woman's pregnancy.

HB 417 This bill would make it an offense if a credit services organization, unless they have evidence sufficient to prove an offense was committed, to file a criminal complaint or threaten to file a criminal complaint related to an extension of consumer credit or credit services or refer or threaten to refer a consumer to a prosecutor for the collection and processing of a check. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure heightened consumer protections in payday loans.

HB 453 | HB 39 | SB 47 This bill allows certain persons (e.g., victim of trafficking or indecency, adult acting on behalf of victim) to file an application for a protective order. Under certain circumstances, it allows allows an attorney representing the state to file an application with respect to each victim if the offender is placed on deferred adjudication or community supervision. The TCCB supports this bill to protect formerly trafficked persons and to care for victims of trafficking.

HB 454 This bill would allow counties to establish a drug court program to treat substance abuse by parents of juveniles who have entered the juvenile justice system and thereby help them stop using drugs. The TCCB supports this bill to provide support for fractured families in the hope that the effort will deter future offenses and rehabilitate parents.

HB 473 | HB 119 This bill prohibits healthcare providers from making decisions on eligibility, access, and insurance coverage for organ transplants based solely on the disability status of a patient. The TCCB supports this bill to increase access to life saving treatments for patients with disabilities.

HB 486 This bill changes raises the age of criminal responsibility from 17 to 18 in various state statutes. It changes other laws relating to age of responsibility and substantive and procedural matters to effectuate that. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure that minors are not punished under the adult justice system.

HB 487 | SB 85 This bill changes the age at which a juvenile court may exercise jurisdiction over a child from 10 to 12. A child younger than 12 years of age must be released from custody unless the child poses an immediate threat to public safety or to the child's own safety. It provides for a jurisdictional hearing for a child younger than 12 years of age on the request of a party to determine whether or not to retain jurisdiction. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure that minors are not punished under the adult justice system.

HB 488 This bill prohibits the use of a mechanical or physical restraint on a child during judicial processing and any restraint must be removed before the child's appearance in court unless the court finds that it is necessary, there is history of disruptive behavior, a substantial risk of flight, and it is the least restrictive restraint.

HB 508 This bill prohibits a health benefit plan issuer from denying enrollment or coverage or charging more on the basis of a preexisting condition. The TCCB supports this bill as it increases healthcare access.

HB 509 This bill requires expanding Medicaid eligibility to all persons who apply for that assistance and for whom federal matching funds are available. The TCCB supports this bill to increase access to health insurance and healthcare.

HB 524 | SB 313  This bill allows a sales and use tax exemption for firearm safety equipment such as a gun safe, barrel lock, trigger lock, or another item designed to ensure the safe handling or storage of a firearm. The TCCB supports this bill to improve gun safety.

HB 525 This bill declares that religious organizations are essential and prohibits any governmental official at local or state levels from prohibiting religious organizations from engaging in religious and other related activities or continuing to operate in the discharge of the organization’s foundational faith-based mission and purpose. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure the protection of religious activities during disasters.

HB 531 This bill requires a landlord to provide notice concerning a leased dwelling if they are aware the dwelling is in a floodplain. If the landlord does not provide notice and the tenant suffers substantial loss or damage, it allows a tenant to terminate the lease and requires a refund for all rent or amounts paid in advance after the effective date of termination. The TCCB supports this bill to support transparency in disaster impacts.

HB 547 This bill allows home schooled students the opportunity to participate in UIL activities. The TCCB supports this bill to allow families to develop educational and sports activities for their children.

HB 569 | SB 192  This bill requires a justice or judge, when imposing a fine and costs in case involving a fine-only misdemeanor, to credit the defendant for any time the defendant was in jail or prison while serving a sentence for another offense. The TCCB supports this bill to to prevent offenders from finding themselves in a never ending cycle of being incarcerated for simple tickets and fines and helps them become reintegrated back into society.

HB 575  This bill extends the Preparation for Adult Living program to all youth aged 14 or older who have been in the foster case system for at least 4 hours after their 10th birthday. The TCCB supports this bill to provide greater support to children as they mature in the foster care system.

HB 576 | SB 185 This bill requires a final order to be rendered within 90 days after the trial commences. The TCCB supports this bill to help families to finalize guardianship issues.

HB 610 This bill allows a license holder in an industry regulated by a state agency to sue to enjoin the enforcement of that local law if it regulates that business in a more stringent way that that imposed by state law. The TCCB opposes this bill because it would weaken municipal consumer protection ordinances in areas such as payday lending.

HB 683 This bill changes the age from under 60 days to under one year by which a designated emergency infant care provider shall, without a court order, take possession of a child if the child is voluntarily delivered to the provider by the child’s parent and the parent did not express an intent to return for the child. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure that parents who are unable to care for their infants can to provide a safe opportunity for the child be provided a loving home.

HB 686 This bill changes parole eligibility for inmates convicted of an offense when they were younger than 18 years. It would require the parole board to take into account additional considerations for youth and adopt a review policy to ensure that someone is provided meaningful opportunity to obtain release. The TCCB supports this bill to promote parole board review of lengthy sentences given to juveniles.

HB 688 This bill eliminates the law of parties for capital murder so that one individual in a group of offenders cannot be charged with murder committed by another member of the group. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure that individuals are held accountable and make restitution for their own actions.

HB 701 | SB 224 This bill requires simplified certification and recertification requirements for supplemental nutrition assistance program benefits for an individual who is 60 years of age or older or is a person with a disability and who resides in a household in which every individual residing in the household is 60 years of age or older or is a person with a disability. The TCCB supports this bill to improve access to food assistance to alleviate food insecurity.

HB 721 This bill requires notice to a victim, guardian of a victim, or close relative of a deceased victim that the inmate is eligible for release to mandatory supervision. It allows for the parole panel to interview a victim, guardian of a victim, or close relative of a deceased victim regarding the release of the inmate to mandatory supervision. The TCCB supports this bill to improve restorative justice practices by ensuring that victims are allowed to participate in the criminal justice system and their need for safety is considered.

HB 725 This bill expands eligibility for free public pre-K programs to children who have ever been in foster care in another state. The TCCB supports this bill to improve access to pre-K for vulnerable children.

HB 730 | HB 1149 This bill repeals the child welfare conscience protection act. The TCCB opposes this bill because it removes the protections for foster parents and child welfare providers to make decisions based on their conscience and sincerely held religious beliefs.

HB 734 This bill allows qualified aliens who have been in the U.S. for a period of five years to be eligible for Medicaid and pregnant women, regardless of the date of entry into the U.S., to be eligible for Medicaid. The TCCB supports this bill to increase access to healthcare for vulnerable people.

HB 757 This bill requires that an offense for which a defendant received and discharge may not be grounds for denying or terminating housing or employment, or denying the issuance of, suspending, or revoking a professional or occupational license. Certain crimes are exempted from this such as capital murder, sex crimes, or crimes related to the activity or conduct for which the person seeks or holds the license. The TCCB supports this bill to assist the formerly incarcerated to reintegrate into society.

HB 760 | HB 52 | HB 245 | HB 1765 This bill makes it an offense for a person to sell a firearm at a gun show without conducting a criminal background check and/or maintaining a record of sale. A gun show promoter commits a Class A misdemeanor, if with criminal negligence, the promoter permits the sale of a firearm without a criminal background check; failing to give 30 days notice of gun show to local law enforcement; failing to prominently post notice regarding criminal background checks; failing to arrange for a dealer at gun show to conduct a criminal background check. It is an exception if the person to whom the firearm is sold is a peace officer or is licensed to carry. The TCCB supports this bill to require criminal background checks for at gun shows.

HB 772 This bill would prohibit a justice or municipal court from ordering the confinement of a person, including a child, for failure to pay all or part of a fine or costs imposed for the conviction of an offense punishable by fine only or contempt of a judgment entered for the conviction of an offense punishable by fine only. The TCCB supports this bill to promote bail reform in a way that does not criminalize poverty.

HB 814 This bill allows a refund of tuition and fees for an entering freshman student enrolled in a general academic teaching institution for the first semester or term for which the student enrolls at that institution if the student: if the student is a Texas resident and graduated from a Texas high school and maintains a grade point average of 3.5 or greater in their first semester of college. The TCCB supports this bill as it increases the affordability of higher education.

HB 820 This bill requires a covered business (an entity doing business in the state with annual, worldwide gross receipts of more than $500 million) to conduct an annual audit of their supply chain and on-site services to investigate the use of forced labor by the business's suppliers. The TCCB supports this bill to help identify human trafficking victims and punish businesses that enable trafficking.

HB 838 This bill addresses the "law of parties" by making it such that a defendant who is found guilty in a capital felony case only as a party may not be sentenced to death. Furthermore, it prohibits the state from seeking the death penalty in any case in which the defendant's liability is based solely on that section. The TCCB supports this bill to minimize the use of the death penalty.

HB 841 This bill amends the procedures governing Board of Pardon and Paroles clemency hearing requirements by clarifying videoconferencing procedures, including in a capital case, allows the attorney or other person representing the family of the victim to appear in person or be present on the telephone or videoconference call, allows the inmate to appear or be present (unless there is an overriding security issue), and allows the board to deliberate privately after holding a meeting. The TCCB supports this bill to improve transparency and justice in clemency hearings.

HB 859 This bill requires the expunction of all records and files related to a person's custodial or noncustodial arrest for a misdemeanor offense that has been decriminalized subsequent to the date of the commission of the offense. It sets out requirements for the sentence to be discharged, or that the person receive a discharge and dismissal, and procedures to petition the court. The TCCB supports this bill to address overcriminalization and reintegrate offenders into society.

HB 869 This bill prohibits a defendant who is a person with an intellectual disability from being sentenced to death. It provides procedures for a hearing, appointment of disinterested experts, and ties the determination to prevailing medical standards. The TCCB supports this bill to limit the use of the death penalty.

HB 889 This bill allows a representative of a school, place of worship, licensed day-care center, hospital, or medical facility within 440 yards of a proposed concrete plant to request a public hearing with the TCEQ. The TCCB supports to improve public participation in decisions that impact schools, places of worship, daycares, and hospitals.

HB 892 | SB 267 This bill establishes the right of residents in nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, and state supported living centers to essential caregiver visitation. The HHSC shall develop guidelines to assist facilities in establishing essential caregiver visitation policies and procedures including at least two hour daily visits, social distancing, PPE, health screenings, viral testing, and contact tracing. The TCCB supports this bill to promote the health and well-being of the vulnerable and elderly.

HB 945 This bill requires the commission to ensure by rule that an individual whose eligibility for SNAP benefits has been initially established or recertified remains eligible to receive those benefits for a period of 12 months. The TCCB supports this bill to address food insecurity for the poor and vulnerable.

HB 968 This bill requires the TCEQ commission to consider all public comments submitted during the public comment period when deciding on an action related to an application. The TCCB supports this bill to increase public involvement in environmental matters.

HB 967 This bill raises the age of criminal responsibility for various crimes to 18 for by defining child as a person 10-18 and 18-20 who is alleged to have found or engaged in delinquent conduct as a result of acts committed before becoming 18 and under the jurisdiction of a juvenile court. It prohibits the juvenile courts from prosecuting a person for any offense committed before reaching 18 years. It amends the process for expungement and various other procedural elements. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure that minors are not processed through the adult criminal justice system.

HB 975 This bill requires a sign at the site of a facility or proposed facility that an application for a TCEQ permit for a facility has been filed that contains the name and contact information of the applicant, the proposed site use, and the manner which the applicant may be contacted for further information. The TCCB supports this bill to improve transparency and community engagement in the environmental planning process.

HB 985 This bill requires that information on human trafficking be included in driver education and safety courses developed in consultation with the human trafficking prevention coordination council. The TCCB supports this bill to increase awareness of human trafficking.

HB 1015 This bill establishes an education microgrant pilot program for students in Houston schools to provide funding for certain education-related expenses of eligible children. The TCCB supports this bill to increase access to parental choice in education.

HB 1019 This bill requires simplified requirements for SNAP applicants and recipients who are 60 years of age or older who reside in a household in which every individual residing in the household is 60 years of age or older. These requirements include waived recertification interview requirements, simplified verification requirements and recertifying requirements, and 36 months eligibility after recertification. The TCCB supports this bill to address food insecurity for elderly persons.

HB 1051 | HB 788 This bill adds "emergency service dispatchers" to the list of persons who are eligible to participate in a public safety employees treatment court program. The TCCB supports this bill to increase access to treatment and reduce the overincarceration of people with behavioral health issues.

HB 1059 | SB 461 This bill would require the seller of property of less than 15 acres and that does not have a residence located on it to provide to the purchaser a written notice disclosing whether any part of it is located in a floodplain. The TCCB supports this bill to support transparency in disaster impacts.

HB 1074 This bill allows law enforcement to provide a notice of arrest that occurs at property leased to a person operating a massage establishment via certified mail to the property owner of the arrest instead of each person that maintained the property. The TCCB supports this bill to increase enforcement strategy against human trafficking.

HB 1134 This bill would allow a governmental agency, nonprofit private organization, or for-profit private organization to apply for a grant if the agency or organization contracts with an area agency on aging to deliver meals to individuals who are elderly or have a disability. Awarding of grants is prioritized who conduct face-to-face visits, deliver hot meals, and comply with reporting requirements, deliver meals to both rural and urban areas, deliver meals to those on a waiting list, and consider individual dietary needs, and negotiate enhanced meal rates to ensure program efficacy. The bill sets out other meal, packing, and delivery requirements. The TCCB supports this bill to address food insecurity.

HB 1143 This bill requires the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to publish on their internet website data available from monitoring and assessment results related to pathogens and pathogen indicators in lakes, bays, springs, rivers, streams, creeks, inlets, and other bodies of fresh water commonly used for swimming, fishing, or other recreation. The TCCB supports this bill to improve transparency about water pollutants in Texas.

HB 1148 This bill prohibits the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) from charging an inmate a fee for health care provided to the inmate. Previously, the inmate was required to pay fees out of their trust funds. The TCCB supports this bill increase access to healthcare for the incarcerated.

HB 1149 | HB 730 This bill repeals the child welfare conscience protection act. The TCCB opposes this bill because it removes the protections for foster parents and child welfare providers to make decisions based on their conscience and sincerely held religious beliefs.

HB 1164 This bill creates a Center of Excellence for the treatment of Placenta Accreta Spectrum disorder designation for those hospitals best equipped to care for complex pregnancies. The TCCB supports this bill to recognize hospitals that provide comprehensive care to mothers with complex pregnancies so that they can identify where they can receive the high quality care that will keep them alive.

HB 1165 This bill prohibits an abortion if a fetal heartbeat is detected. The TCCB supports this bill to protect unborn children from abortion.

HB 1171 This bill would allow a court to appoint an attorney ad litem to represent an unborn child during a proceeding under judicial bypass procedures for an abortion on a pregnant minor. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure respect for the interests of the unborn child in a bypass proceeding.

HB 1173 This bill prohibits governmental entities from funding any logistical support for assisting a woman with procurement of an abortion. The TCCB supports this bill to prevent taxpayers from funding any aspect of accessing an abortion.

HB 1177 This bill would prohibit the imposition of court costs and filing, reimbursement, or other fees for certain indigent defendants and plaintiffs. To be considered indigent, a person's household income must be at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty guidelines, the individual or their dependent is determined to be financially eligible to receive legal services from a nonprofit organization funded party by the Texas Access to Justice Foundation or the Legal Services Corporation, and they are eligible to receive a benefit from a government program (e.g., SNAP, school lunch program, Medicaid, TANF). The TCCB supports this bill as it increases access to justice for the poor and vulnerable.

HB 1196 This bill would require adoption of a process to verify a person's status as a homeless individual, prescribe the documentation necessary for the issuance of a driver's license or personal ID, and exempt a homeless individual from the payment of fees. The TCCB supports this bill to assist homeless persons in accessing employment and assistance services.

HB 1197 | HB 948 This bill would expand the time period from 6 to 10 years for the property tax exemption for land owned by a religious organization that is contiguous to the tract of land on which the religious organization's place of regular religious worship may be exempted. The TCCB supports this bill to extend tax exemptions for land owned by religious organizations.

HB 1229 This bill requires a physician who performs an abortion or who gives, sells, dispenses, administers, provides, or prescribes an abortion-inducing drug to schedule a follow-up appointment for the woman within 14 days after the abortion to confirm that the pregnancy is completely terminated and assess any continued blood loss. It allows the Texas Medical Board to take disciplinary action against a physician who violates the subchapter. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure that women are not left without follow-up care after an abortion.

HB 1230 This bill requires that the value of motor vehicles not be considered as a resource of value in determining the eligibility of an applicant for or recertifying the eligibility of a recipient of SNAP. The TCCB supports this bill to improve food security without penalizing reliable transportation.

HB 1236 | SB 92 This bill would repeal 85 RS SB 4, passed in 2017, which was an "anti-sanctuary cities" law that required compliance with ICE detainers, preempted local law enforcement policies, and denied state grant funds to cities who prohibit local law enforcement from cooperating with federal agencies. The TCCB supports this bill to end the practice of local enforcement of federal immigration law.

HB 1239 | SB 251 This bill would prohibit a government agency or public official from issuing an order that closes or has the effect of closing places of worship in the state or in a geographic area of the state. "Place of worship" is defined to mean a building or grounds where religious activities are conducted. The TCCB supports this bill to protect religious liberty rights.

HB 1247 This bill requires the Texas Workforce Commission, TEA, and the TX Higher Ed Coordinating Board to develop a strategic framework to encourage work-based learning by partnering with schools, higher ed, businesses, etc. to implement high-quality project-based learning in middle school and work-based learning in high school and postsecondary education with a particular focus on high-demand, high-growth industries. The TCCB supports this bill as it expands educational choice and opportunities for families.

HB 1280 This "trigger ban" bill would allow Texas to prohibit abortion in the event that the United States Supreme Court overrules, in whole or in part, Roe v. Wade, or issues any other decision that recognizes the authority of the states to prohibit abortion, or in the event that the United States adopts a Constitutional amendment restoring to states the authority to prohibit abortion. The TCCB supports this bill to allow Texas to prohibit abortion to the extent allowed under US Supreme Court precedent.

HB 1289 This bill requires the commissioner of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to notify appropriate local government officials of discharge or spill after receiving notice. The TCCB supports this bill to improve transparency regarding local pollution.

HB 1291 This bill would require a hospital or healthcare facility to provide written notice to each physician, nurse, staff member, or employee that the individual has the right to object to directly or indirectly perform an abortion, the hospital or facility is prohibited from discriminating against the individual, and that the individual may be entitled to remedies for a violation. The TCCB supports this bill to protect the conscience rights of healthcare workers.

HB 1293 This bill allows for a new trial on motion if the parties agree (written consent of the district attorney or criminal district attorney and defendant). The court is allowed to grant the defendant a new trial after a hearing “in the interests of justice.” The attorney representing the state may condition the attorney’s consent by requiring the defendant to plead guilty and accept a specified punishment, waive parole eligibility, or waive their right to appeal. The TCCB supports this bill to provide review of sentences and to address overincarceration and overcriminalization.

HB 1307 | SB 806 This bill requires the Texas Department of Criminal Justice to ensure that an appropriate health care professional promptly orders appropriate health and mental health care services after for an inmate after a report of miscarriage or sexual assault. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure appropriate health and mental healthcare are provided to women after miscarriage or sexual assault.

HB 1319 | HB 576 | SB 185 This bill requires a final order to be rendered within 90 days after the trial commences. The TCCB supports this bill to help families to finalize guardianship issues.

HB 1328 This bill requires the board of pardons and paroles to include at least one physician, a former offender, and a member of the clergy. The TCCB supports this bill to provide greater balance for clemency cases.

HB 1334 This bill allows increases the age from two months to three months for infants that emergency infant care providers may take possession of an infant voluntarily delivered to the provider without a court order when the parent does not express an intent to return for the child. The TCCB supports this bill to allow protection for infants.

HB 1340 This bill eliminates the law of parties for the death penalty, preventing the execution of a person who did not personally commit a murder. The TCCB supports this bill to limit the use of the death penalty.

HB 1343 This bill allows a parent to request a certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth for a baby that has died prior to 20 weeks. The TCCB supports this bill to acknowledge early life in the womb.

HB 1345 | SB 44 This bill allows a state employee who is a volunteer of an organization that is a member of the Texas Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster to be granted leave to participate in disaster relief services. The TCCB supports this bill to promote recovery efforts in the aftermath of a disaster.

HB 1354 | SB 572 This bill requires the Texas Department of State Health Services to provide patients with access to clergy when they are patients or residents in a health facility during a public health emergency. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure religious freedom for patients and residents of health care facilities in Texas.

HB 1355 This bill restores the long-standing practice of allowing an inmate facing execution to have a spiritual leader of their faith present in the death chamber during the execution. The TCCB supports this bill to improve pastoral support and allow religious liberty for condemned prisoners.

HB 1362 | SB 448 This bill mandates that Medicaid cover abortion and removes a variety of prohibitions on public funding for abortion. The TCCB opposes this bill because it would lead to direct attacks on human life with taxpayer funding.

HB 1367 This bill would allow a vehicle used by a nonprofit disaster relief organization exclusively for emergencies, training, equipment maintenance, transportation of disaster relief supplies, or other activities related to disaster relief from being exempt from registration fees. The TCCB supports this bill to support disaster relief efforts.

HB 1404   This bill allows for the cremation of human remains using alkaline hydrolysis. The TCCB opposes this bill because the dehydration of human remains in a vat of chemicals is disrespectful of the human body and does not allow for burial of the body.

HB 1430 This bill amends the age at which a juvenile court may exercise jurisdiction over a child from 10 to 12 and from 17 to 18 in various sections of state statute. It also amends various provisions of statute to conform them to that age change, including by raising the upper limit in various areas (e.g., transfer to adult prison, expungement of criminal records, jurisdictional limitations). The TCCB supports this bill to raise the age of criminal responsibility.

HB 1432 This bill prohibits a physician from performing, inducing, or recommending an abortion on a pregnant woman based on the race, ethnicity, or national origin of the unborn child. The TCCB supports this bill to limit abortion.

HB 1449 This bill would require the exclusion from the calculation of a SNAP applicant's available resources each motor vehicle in which the applicant or recipient or member of the applicant or recipient's household has an ownership interest for the purposes of determining benefit eligibility. The TCCB supports this bill to increase access to SNAP without reliable transportation options.

HB 1515 This bill prohibits a physician from performing an abortion on a pregnant woman if the physician detects a fetal heartbeat. The TCCB supports this bill to protect human life.

HB 1569 This bill amends the statute governing the ability of property owners' associations to regulate religious displays. It prohibits them from adopting or enforcing a provision in a dedicatory instrument that prohibits the display or affixing of a religious item on the owner or resident's property which is motivated by the owner or resident's sincere religious belief. The TCCB supports this bill to protect religious liberty.

HB 1579 | SB 654 This bill would require the adoption of a policy that protects the free exercise of religious rights of inmates by ensuring access to volunteer and faith-based chaplains and chaplaincy services. The TCCB supports this bill to support religious freedom for the incarcerated.

HB 1619 This bill would require the state registrar, local registrar, or a county clerk to issue to a human trafficking victim a birth record without fee. It would also exempt a person who is a victim of human trafficking from fees for the issuance of a driver's license or personal identification certificate. The TCCB supports this bill to support restoration of trafficking victims.

HB 1621 This bill requires a district to offer full day pre-K to any child at least four years of age if 15 or more children are identified as non-English speaking, have active duty military parents, are homeless or in the conservatorship of DFPS. The TCCB supports this bill as it increases access to pre-Kindergarten.

HB 1641 This bill creates a foster parents' bill of rights that recognizes and protects the important and significant role that foster parents play in the lives of foster children, including preventing discrimination against foster parents on the basis of religion. The TCCB supports this bill to improve the recruitment, training, and retention of foster parents in Texas.

HB 1655 This bill would prohibit an individual younger than 18 years of age from being on the premises covered by a permit or license if a sexually oriented business operates on the premises. Violations would result in the cancellation or suspension of the license or permit. The TCCB supports this bill to protect minors from sexual exploitation and reduce incidents of human trafficking.

HB 1664 This bill requires in the reinstatement of eligibility for medical assistance if, during the period a child is placed in a juvenile facility, the child is hospitalized or becomes an inpatient in another type of medical facility. The commissioner must adopt rules to implement the governing procedures for reinstatement of eligibility. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure the healthcare needs of minors in juvenile facilities are met.

HB 1691 This bill prohibits the governor or presiding officer of a governing body of a political subdivision from issuing an executive order, proclamation, or regulation related to a state of disaster that restricts the free exercise of religion, prohibits or limits a religious service, or limits the operation or operational hours of a religious organization. The TCCB supports this bill to protect religious liberty in times of disaster.

HB 1730 This bill expands Medicaid eligibility to all persons who apply and for whom federal matching money is available. The TCCB supports this bill as it increases access to healthcare.

HB 1741 This bill expands Medicaid eligibility to all persons who apply for that assistance and for whom federal matching money is available. The TCCB supports this bill as it increase access to healthcare.

HB 1765 | HB 52 | HB 245 | HB 760 This bill makes it an offense for a person to sell a firearm at a gun show without conducting a criminal background check and/or maintaining a record of sale. A gun show promoter commits a Class A misdemeanor, if with criminal negligence, the promoter permits the sale of a firearm without a criminal background check; failing to give 30 days notice of gun show to local law enforcement; failing to prominently post notice regarding criminal background checks; failing to arrange for a dealer at gun show to conduct a criminal background check. It is an exception if the person to whom the firearm is sold is a peace officer or is licensed to carry. The TCCB supports this bill to require criminal background checks for at gun shows.

HB 1783 This bill would raise the age from 10 years to 13 years for which a juvenile court may exercise jurisdiction over a child and the minimum age of criminal responsibility. The TCCB supports this bill to raise the age of criminal responsibility.

HB 1791 | SB 770 This bill allows individuals who are low-income or at risk of becoming dependent on public assistance benefits to be eligible for job-training programs under the self-sufficiency fund. The TCCB supports this bill to provide greater opportunities for the poor to access job training to achieve self sufficiency.

HB 1843 | SB 443  This bill improves the "Baby Moses" law to allow additional ways to for parents to place their infant with an emergency infant care provider. The TCCB supports this bill to improve protections for vulnerable infants.

HB 1854 This bill requires benefit plans that provide a death benefit and health benefit plans to cover the cost of disposition of embryonic and fetal tissue remains with a post-fertilization age of 20 weeks or more. The TCCB supports this bill to provide insurance coverage for proper burial of preborn or stillborn children.

HB 1894 This bill requires the Board of Pardons and Paroles to review of certain felony offenders to identify appropriate persons to recommend to the governor for the purposes of granting clemency. This person is entitled to review if they were convicted of or placed on deferred adjudication community supervision for a state jail felony or a felony of the third degree, a period of not less than 20 years has elapsed from the date, and during that period the person has not been convicted of any offense other than an offense punishable by a fine only. Ineligible offenses for review would be sexual offenses, family violence offenses, or offenses involving a child victim. The TCCB supports this bill to support criminal justice reform that promotes forgiveness for those reentering society.

HB 1909 This bill would classify a pregnancy resource center as an "essential business" in the state, including during a declared state of disaster or public health disaster. The TCCB supports this bill to protect the ability of pregnancy resource centers to serve vulnerable moms, children, and families during a disaster.

HB 1911 This bill allows a person to carry a handgun without a license if the person is not otherwise prohibited by state or federal law from carrying a handgun. The TCCB opposes this bill because permitless carry and lack of training hampers law enforcement's ability to protect the safety and wellbeing of all persons in our community.

HB 1916 This bill prohibits payday and auto-title lenders from using telemarketing calls to solicit consumers whose name and telephone number are on the Texas no-call list. Exceptions are for if the consumer is a party to a contract with the business or was a party to a contract if the call is made before the first anniversary on the date the contract was terminated. The TCCB supports this bill to reduce predatory lending practices.

HB 1927  This bill adds "younger than 21 years of age" to intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly carrying a firearm in public or in a motor vehicle or watercraft. It deletes house of worship from the list of places that weapons are prohibited. It also repeals sections of the alcohol beverage code, government code, and penal code. The TCCB opposes this bill because permitless carry and lack of training hampers law enforcement's ability to protect the safety and well being of all persons in our community.

HB 1937 This bill sets the maximum interest rate or amount of interest that may be contracted for, charged, or received from a borrower for a deferred presentment transaction to be 36% a year. The calculation of the APR includes the total charges to the consumer (e.g., interest, lender charges, fees). The TCCB supports this bill to prohibit usurious rates in payday and auto-title lending.

HB 2003 This bill requires instruction on fetal development be included in the health curriculum for seventh and eighth graders. The information must include information on the human reproductive process, pregnancy, infertility, establishing healthy life skills, and preventing birth defects including the effect of drugs, alcohol, environmental hazards, and the description and growth and development of an unborn child during each trimester. The TCCB supports this bill to better educate children about the development of the human person.

HB 2121 This bill would increase the personal needs allowance for certain Medicaid recipients who are residents of long-term care facilities from $60 to $100. The TCCB supports this bill to allow nursing home residents to increase their personal needs allowance.

HB 2126 | SB 869 This bill requires the Health and Human Services Commission to contract with one or more third-party service providers to provide Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) employment and training services. Furthermore, it would provide for SNAP eligibility of certain students enrolled in postsecondary education programs, including an institution of higher education or a private or independent institute of higher education and a career school or college. Rules adopted must ensure that a student remains eligible for SNAP during a break in the semester or academic term. The TCCB supports this bill to address food insecurity.

HB 2148 This bill requires the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to give notice of the contamination to the owner or operator of each public water supply system that may be affected as soon as possible after the commission detects or becomes aware of contamination of water that is a source for a public water supply. The TCCB supports this bill to increase transparency and community engagement with respect to environmental incidents.

HB 2190 This bill requires a defendant, upon request, to be placed on deferred adjudication community supervision for certain state jail felonies if they did not participate in or complete a state jail felony pretrial intervention program, and if they have not been previously convicted of or placed on deferred adjudication community supervision for a state jail felony. Furthermore, the court in which a criminal case is pending must dismiss the case against the defendant if the defendant successfully completes a state jail felony pretrial intervention program. Notice must be given to the attorney representing the state, followed by a hearing. The court must determine that dismissal is "in the best interests of justice." The TCCB supports this bill to address overincarceration and overcriminalization and to promote diversion and rehabilitation for offenders.

HB 2211 This bill prohibits a hospital from denying in-person visitation during a period of disaster unless federal law or a federal agency requires the hospital to do so. The law allows a hospital to restrict in-person visitation to no fewer than one during a disaster and may require visitors to wear PPE and complete a health screening. The TCCB supports this bill to support families in the hospital.

HB 2231 | SB 37 This bill provides free full day pre-kindergarten to all four-year-olds and vulnerable three-year-olds. The TCCB supports this bill to provide access to pre-kindergarten.

HB 2285 This bill prohibits minors from being on the premises of a sexually oriented business. It designates "general residential operation operating as a residential treatment center" a child safety zone. with increased criminal penalties. It also raises the age of employment of a sexually oriented business to 21. The TCCB supports this bill to prevent trafficking of vulnerable children.

HB 2324 This bill would require long-term care facilities to develop and implement policies and procedures for residents to designate an essential caregiver and to ensure that during a public health emergency the facility provides an essential caregiver with meaningful access to the resident.

HB 2332 This bill would require DFPS and HHSC to coordinate to promote the referral to a partnership program of pregnant women receiving services through a public benefits program. The coordination may include encouraging and supporting agreements between local organizations providing services. The TCCB supports this bill to promote maternal healthcare outcomes.

HB 2333 | SB 1520 This bill establishes a competitive grant program to award grants to eligible services providers to provide or expand home nursing visitation services for newborn caregivers. The TCCB supports this bill to improve child and maternal health and the welfare of families.

HB 2337 | SB 394 This bill aligns Texas statutes with the current FDA prescribing rules on chemical abortion to carefully evaluate and mitigate potential risk to women. The TCCB supports this bill to enhance the safety of medical abortion for women and prevent remote prescribing or over-the-counter use without a physical examination, ultrasound, or labs.

HB 2352 This bill would allow a parole panel to release on parole an eligible inmate (department must identify "not fewer than 100 inmates") and require as a condition of that release that the inmate participate in an educational and vocational training pilot program. The TCCB supports this bill to encourage the reentry of formerly incarcerated persons into society.

HB 2386 This bill would make it such that the name, address, and other identifying information of any entity that manufacturers, transports, tests, procures, compounds, prescribes, dispenses, or provides a substance or supplies used in an execution is not confidential and excepted from disclosure under open government, public information provisions. However, the name of any person who participates in an execution procedure is confidential and excepted. The TCCB supports this bill to limit the prevalence and availability of drugs used for the death penalty.

HB 2401 This bill would prohibit any state officer or employee from enforcing the Blaine Amendments unless and until the Supreme Court of the United States overrules Espinoza v. Montana Dept. of Revenue, 140 S. Ct. 2246 (2020), enforcing the separation of Church and state doctrine against any person or entity in the state, or enforcing the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment against any person or entity other than the federal government, its officers, or instrumentalities. Exceptions exist where necessary to comply with a judgment or decree by a court against that specific officer or employee, his superiors, or any entity for whom he works, or a directly-on-point ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court or the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. The bill also provides for church free speech protections and remedies via a civil action for violations of this chapter, including the awarding of attorney's fees. The TCCB supports this bill to protect religious liberty.

HB 2405 | SB 46 This bill prohibits a municipal zoning or land use ordinance from prohibiting a religious organization from using their facilities or housing for homeless individuals or having housing units on the organization's property for homeless individuals. It allows, however, for reasonable health and safety regulations. The TCCB supports this bill protect the religious liberty of churches to serve the poor.

HB 2432 | SB 1089 This bill increases the maximum reference base amount for certain consumer loans from $200 to $300. The TCCB opposes this bill because it would broaden the number of loans subject to the acquisition charge and installment account handling charge in cash advances.

HB 2591 This bill would allow an owner of real property to petition to remove from a recorded instrument affecting or conveying an interest in the property a provision that violates the U.S. Constitution, is unenforceable under law, and is unambiguously discriminatory. The TCCB supports this bill to remove discriminatory restrictions.

HB 2609 | SB 917 This bill requires health care providers to provide medical treatment they view to be inappropriate indefinitely at the demand of a surrogate. The TCCB opposes this bill as it imposes indefinite treatment on dying patients, and ignores the reasonable medical and ethical judgment of professionals. Requiring physicians and hospitals to continue to provide non-beneficial treatment that they rightly believe is unethical and inappropriate violates their freedom of conscience and harms patients.

HB 2624 This bill would prevent annual percentage rates for payday and auto title loans for residents residing in a disaster area from exceeding 30% during a designated disaster period and the two-year period immediately following. APR is calculated including the total charges charged, including interest, lender charges, and any fees. The TCCB supports this bill to limit usurious payday and auto-title loans during a disaster.

HB 2632 | SB 1084 This bill requires addressing the unique challenges facing foster children in conservatorship who must transition living by addressing barriers to participation in the Preparation for Adult Living Program for a youth who has a disability by making appropriate accommodations that allow the youth to meaningfully participate in the program and documenting in the youth's case file any accommodations made. The TCCB supports this bill to improve supports for foster children with disabilities.

HB 2676  This bill allows an unborn child's parent to request a life certificate for the unborn child before birth. The life certificate must be filed with the local registrar by a physician or nurse practitioner accompanied by a signed affidavit attesting to the life of the unborn child based on a sonogram or other appropriate physical exam of the mother. The life certificate may be used for the same purposes as a birth certificate. The TCCB supports this bill to allow the state to acknowledge the life of unborn children.

HB 2679  This bill requires affirmation of gender identities and sexual orientation as well as consent to be included in the Health TEKS, and allows the distribution of condoms. The TCCB opposes this bill as it undermines the rights of parents as the primary educators of their children with regard to human sexuality.

HB 2685 This bill establishes a pilot program to provide doula services to Medicaid recipients to reduce maternal mortality rates and racial disparities in health outcomes. The TCCB supports this bill to improve maternal health outcomes.

HB 2727 This bill requires that voluntary and informed consent prior to an abortion must include the information that a person commits a criminal offense if the person causes or threatens bodily injury to a pregnant woman to force the woman to have an abortion. The TCCB supports this bill to protect women from coercion to abortion.

HB 2729 This bill prohibits a hospital from prohibiting in-person visitation, including visitation during a declared state of disaster of an immediate family member or religious counsel with a patient at a hospital who is seriously ill or dying. A hospital may require the immediate family member or religious counsel to submit to a health screening and wear personal protective equipment. The TCCB supports this bill to protect the right of individuals in hospitals and other facilities to be visited by their immediate family and religious clergy during their end of life care.

HB 2742  This bill requires that reentry and reintegration plans to provide for programs that address the assessed needs of offenders and require the program to begin as soon as practicable after the offender is taken into the custody, provide for a comprehensive network of transition programs, including following the completion of a period of parole or mandatory supervision. Programs must provide offenders with the development of prosocial behavior and positive relationships, assistance in obtaining housing, and spiritual guidance, if requested by the offender. The TCCB supports this bill to promote reentry and reintegration of formerly incarcerated persons into society.

HB 2758 This bill requires a licensed physician who applies for renewal and who designates direct patient care to complete not less than one hour of continuing medical education regarding identification and assistance of victims of human trafficking. The TCCB supports this bill to combat human trafficking.

HB 2813  This bill would limit the annual percentage rate of an extension of consumer credit that a credit services organization obtains for a consumer or assists them in obtaining to not exceed 36%. The rate would be calculated inclusive of the total charges in connection with the extension of credit (e.g., interest, lender charges, any fees). The TCCB supports this bill to limit usurious practices of payday and auto-title lenders.

HB 2814 This bill would prohibit the granting of an application for a permit to drill a new oil or gas well if the proposed well site is located within 1,500 feet of the property line of a public or private school or childcare facility. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure that Texas children have the benefit of a safe school environment.

HB 2855  This bill would add criminal penalties to the prohibitions on abortion in the third trimester of a viable unborn baby, if a person violates the requirement to determine post-fertilization age, commits an abortion on a child 20 weeks or more, commits a partial-birth abortion, or commits a dismemberment abortion. An offense would be a 2nd degree felony, except that it is a 1st degree felony if the person has been previously convicted. The TCCB supports this bill to strengthen laws that protect unborn life.

HB 2878 | SB 1742 This bill allows for certain persons to obtain an extreme risk protective order if a court finds that there is reasonable cause to believe that an individual poses an "immediate and present danger of causing bodily injury, serious bodily injury, or death" to any person because of access to firearms. The TCCB supports this bill to prevent gun violence.

HB 2891 This bill would establish the Texas Emergency Alert Management System (TEAMS) with cooperation of various state agencies to alert Texans to an imminent threat to public health or safety. This bill sets out the administration and activation of TEAMS and sets out a duty to recruit public and commercial television and radio broadcasters, mobile telephone service providers, private commercial entities, state or local government entities, the public, and other appropriate persons to assist in developing and implement the alert management system. The TCCB supports this bill to reduce harm to the public from gun violence and other safety threats.

HB 2892 This bill would establish the Texas Emergency Alert Management System (TEAMS) with cooperation of various state agencies to alert Texans to an imminent threat to public health or safety. On request of a state elected official and a state agency official or law enforcement agency, the chief of the Texas Division of Emergency Management is required to immediately investigate the need to activate the statewide or regional alert and notify appropriate participants in the alert system. The TCCB supports this bill to reduce harm to the public from gun violence and other safety threats.

HB 2897 | HB 892 | SB 25 | SB 267 This bill would allow a resident of nursing facility, assisted living facility, or state supported living center to designate at least one essential caregiver (e.g., family member, friend, or other individual selected by a resident) with whom the facility may not prohibit in-person visitation. It requires the development of rules to assist facilities in establishing essential caregiver visitation policies and procedures. The TCCB supports this bill to promote the health and well-being of the vulnerable and elderly.

HB 2943 This bill ensures that a patient's surrogate decision maker can only authorize the revocation of a DNR order that the surrogate initially authorized. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure that patient wishes for end of life care are respected.

HB 2949 This bill prohibits a health care facility or educational institutional from scheduling or assigning duties involving abortion without the affirmative consent of a health care professional or student. The TCCB supports this bill to improve conscience protections for healthcare professionals and students.

HB 2963 | SB 1059 This bill requires the design and implementation of a streamlined process for determining a former foster youth's eligibility for Medicaid. The process must provide for automatic enrollment, prevent unnecessary interruption of benefits, and simplify the application and recertification process. The TCCB supports this bill to help former foster children to transition to adulthood by connecting them with health benefits.

HB 2990 | HB 348 This bill requires the TCEQ to make environmental and water use permit applications available online. The TCCB supports this bill to enhance transparency in water use.

HB 3041 | SB 1576 This bill requires the establishment of a pilot program for family preservation services via a rural and an urban pilot program. The program would allow DFPS to dispose of an investigation of a child who is a candidate for foster care by referring the child's family for family preservation services and allowing the child to return home instead of entering foster care. The TCCB supports this bill to improve subsidiarity the foster care system and provide effective family strengthening programs.

HB 3083 This bill would prohibit the reduction, withholding, exclusion, termination, or denial or a registration, accreditation, grant, contract, or agreement with a pharmacy, pharmacist, or pharmacy technician for not dispending or selling a specific drug or product in accordance with the person's sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction. The Attorney General may bring an action for injunctive or declaratory relief. The TCCB supports this bill to protect the religious liberty rights of medical professionals.

HB 3088 This bill lowers the match requirements for a community to receive a county mental health services grant. It also removes the condition that a mental health collaborative must be self-sustaining after seven years in order to continue to receive grant money. The TCCB supports this bill to facilitate greater access to mental health grants which increases the availability of mental health services.

HB 3089 This bill would require all meetings of local school health advisory councils to comply with the open government requirements in Chapter 551, Government Code e.g., open to the public, accessible communications, minutes or recordings required. The TCCB supports this bill as it improves transparency for parents regarding their children's education, particularly in the area of human sexuality.

HB 3099 This bill amends the Texas Advance Directives Act to increase to 21 the total the number of days families have to transfer a patient to another facility, establishes ethics committee composition and decision criteria while providing protection against disability-based discrimination. The TCCB supports this bill as it improves the balance of protections for the rights of patients and families with the conscience rights of healthcare providers.

HB 3101 This bill prohibits a social media company from allowing a person to use the company's social media website for engaging in prostitution and trafficking of person that constitutes prostitution or that constitutes public indecency. Social media companies must remove the content, suspend the account, or issue a warning. The TCCB supports this bill to protect children from harmful pornographic content online and to limit the incidence of human trafficking.

HB 3111 This bill would make it an offense to knowingly solicit a person over the internet, email, text message, or other electronic message service with the intent that the solicitation will cause a minor to meet another person, including the actor, to engage in sexual contact, intercourse, or deviate sexual intercourse. The TCCB supports this bill to protect children from abuse and exploitation and prevent human trafficking.

HB 3157 This bill would make it a third degree felony if any official of a correctional facility "denies or impedes a person in custody in the exercise or enjoyment of any right, privilege, or immunity." Furthermore, it would make it a second degree felony to engage in sexual contact, intercourse, or deviate sexual intercourse with an individual in custody, or a first degree felony if the person was in the custody of the Texas Juvenile Justice Department. The TCCB supports this bill to promote compassionate treatment and rehabilitation of the incarcerated.

HB 3185 | SB 957 This bill would allow a victim of stalking, family violence, or trafficking, or a dependent of any victim, an immediate family member, or household member to receive a one-time assistance payment for relocation and housing rental expenses that are necessary to protect their health and safety. Payments may not exceed $2,000 for relocation expenses or $1800 for housing rental expenses. The TCCB supports this bill to respond to the needs of crime victims.

HB 3190 This bill establishes a six month waiting period for no-fault divorce in marriages with minor or school age children or disabled adult children. The TCCB supports this bill which is an incremental improvement in protecting the permanency of marriage in families with children.

HB 3218 | SB 1173 This bill requires the development of and provision to a pregnant women of informational materials and a list of perinatal palliative care providers. A health care provider who diagnoses a pregnant woman's preborn child as having a life-threatening disability must provider her a copy of those materials and list and obtain from her the signed certification form and place it in her medical records. It also prohibits discriminatory abortions based on race, ethnicity, sex, or disability. The TCCB supports this bill to improve informed consent and protect the lives of preborn children.

HB 3227 This bill would require the content of driver's license to include space for the applicant to identify the applicant's gender as female, male, or nonbinary/gender diverse. The TCCB opposes this bill because it would promote gender ideology.

HB 3315 This bill requires the creation of a pretrial intervention program for certain youth offenders arrested for or charged with an offense that is punishable as a Class B misdemeanor or any higher category of offense, except for certain crimes (e.g., murder, aggravated murder, aggravated kidnapping). A youth pretrial intervention court to provide to the court in which a criminal case is pending information about a determination that dismissal is in the best interests of justice if a defendant successfully completes a youth pretrial intervention program. The case must be dismissed in the court in which the criminal case is pending, with the consent of the attorney representing the state, and an order of expunction entered. The TCCB supports this bill to promote diversion and rehabilitation for non-violent juvenile offenders.

HB 3369 This bill allows minors to consent to contraception-related examination or medical treatment, other than abortion. The TCCB opposes this bill which undermines parental rights.

HB 3391 This bill would prohibit third-party fees to arrange or guarantee certain extensions of consumer credit if the extension of credit is secured by a non-purchase money security interest in personal property or is unsecured and the proceeds of the extension of credit are used for personal, family, or household purposes. The TCCB supports this bill to limit the prevalence of usurious payday and auto-title lending.

HB 3455 This bill prohibits a school district or open-enrollment charter school from allowing a student to participate in an athletic activity sponsored or authorized by the district or school that is designated for the gender opposite to the student's gender. It would also prohibit a school district or open-enrollment charter school from discriminating on the basis of disability, race, color, national origin, gender, or religion in holding tryouts for or selecting students to participate on the team. The TCCB supports this bill which rejects gender ideology and encourages that school sports activities to be in accord with fairness, safety, and the dignity of the human person.

HB 3466 | HB 39 | HB 453 | SB 47 This bill allows certain persons (e.g., victim of trafficking or indecency, adult acting on behalf of victim) to file an application for a protective order. Under certain circumstances, it allows an attorney representing the state to file an application with respect to each victim if the offender is placed on deferred adjudication or community supervision. The TCCB supports this bill to protect formerly trafficked persons and to care for victims of trafficking.

HB 3520 | SB 315 This bill prohibits an individual younger than 18 years of age from being on the premises of sexually oriented businesses. Furthermore, it prohibits sexually oriented businesses from employing or entering into a contract for the performance of work with persons younger than 21 years of age. It is criminal offense (Class A misdemeanor) for businesses to violate these provisions. The TCCB supports this bill to limit the prevalence of human trafficking for young people.

HB 3596 | SB 1681 This bill would allow a person to assert an actual or threatened violation of the religious freedom section of the Texas constitution as a claim or defense in a judicial or administrative proceeding and obtain injunctive relief, declaratory relief, and court costs and reasonable attorney's fees. It would allow waiver of sovereign or governmental immunity, thereby allowing someone to sue for a violation. Furthermore, the attorney general would be able to bring an action for injunctive or declaratory relief against a governmental entity to enforce compliance. The TCCB supports this bill to strengthen protections for religious freedom in Texas.

HB 3604 | HB 56 | SB 953 This bill prohibits operation of concrete plants and crushing facilities from 440 yards to 880 yards within a residence, school, or place of worship. The TCCB supports this bill to mitigate pollution around schools and churches.

HB 3606 This bill would require the Texas Department of Criminal Justice to adopt a policy under which a representative of a public or private entity, including a public or private institution of higher education, to provide vocational training on a voluntary basis to inmates confined in a transfer facility. The TCCB supports this bill to provide education to ex-offenders to assist them with re-entry into society.

HB 3616 This bill would make a person ineligible for a massage therapy license if they have been convicted of, entered a plea of no contest or guilty, or received deferred adjudication for a prostitution-related or public indecency offense. A person would be subject for an administrative penalty if they obtain or attempt to obtain a license by fraud. The bill provides for revocation of a massage license if a person is convicted of, enters a no contest or guilty plea, or receive deferred adjudication for similar offenses or if a covered offense occurred on the premises of a massage school or establishment. The TCCB supports this bill to limit the incidence of human trafficking.

HB 3659 | SB 6 This bill would provide a physician, health care provider, or first responder protection from liability from injury arising from care, treatment or failure to provide care or treatment related to or impacted by a pandemic disaster or disaster declaration related to a pandemic disease. Exceptions are made for the case of reckless conduct or intentional, willful, or wanton misconduct. The bill would also provide a person who designs, manufacturers, sells, or donates a product during a pandemic emergency to not be liable for injury, death, or property damage, as well as a provide liability protection for a person who caused exposure to pandemic disease, or for an educational institution for damages arising from cancellation or modification of a course, program, or activity.

HB 3660 | SB 512 This bill would require that a child be diverted from formal criminal prosecution who are accused of certain fine-only offenses (e.g., Class C misdemeanor other than a traffic offense) through a youth diversion plan. The TCCB supports this bill to promote rehabilitation of youth offenders who commit non-violent state jail felonies.

HB 3691 This bill requires the implementation of community-based foster care via services provided by community-based nonprofits or local governmental entities under a contract that includes direct case management to prevent entry into foster care, reunifying and preserving families, ensuring child safety, permanency, and well-being, and reducing future referrals of children or parents in accordance with state and federal child welfare goals. The TCCB supports this bill to improve the state's foster care system which respects subsidiarity through a community-based model.

HB 3718 This bill would require a cosmetology facility, hospital, hotel, massage establishment, sexually oriented business, and a transportation hub to post human trafficking signs that contain information regarding services and assistance available to victims. The sign must be bilingual or other language as appropriate, and be posted in a public restroom or conspicuous place. The TCCB supports this bill to raise awareness of human trafficking and to assist in rescuing victims.

HB 3721 This bill requires the posting of notices for a holder of a food and beverage certificate, a hotel, motel, or similar establishment that rents overnight lodging to the public, at a transportation hub, by a cosmetologist, a massage therapist, and an abortion facility to include contact information for reporting suspicious activity to the Department of Public Safety. The TCCB supports this bill to raise awareness of human trafficking and to assist in rescuing victims.

HB 3752 This bill establishes the Texas Mutual Health Coverage Plan to offer health coverage to individual residents and small employers outside the workers' compensation marketplace. The TCCB supports this bill to expand access to healthcare.

HB 3767 | SB 1622 This bill would create the Tri-Agency Workforce Initiative to coordinate and optimize information and other resources necessary to align career education and training programs to workforce demands, provide residents of the state with information to plan education and workforce pathways, and enable local and state policymakers to evaluate the effectiveness of career and education training programs. The TCCB supports this bill to support workforce training initiatives and encourage self-sufficiency.

HB 3815 This bill requires addressing the unique challenges facing foster children in conservatorship by extending transition services for youth up to age 21, or age 23, and developing a policy to permit eligible youth who have exited foster care to continue to participate in the Transitional Living Services Program. The TCCB supports this bill to promote continued improvements to the foster care system and to help youth transition to adulthood.

HB 3872 | SB 442 This bill makes several transparency improvements in the local school health advisory council process as well as in the notification to parents regarding instruction and accessibility to the curriculum to engage parents in human sexuality education curricula development and to know their right to control what their child learns in this area. The TCCB supports this bill to increase the respect for parental rights in sexuality education.

HB 3901 This bill would prohibit a government agency or public official from issuing an order that restricts the occupancy capacity for a place of worship in this state or in a geographic area of this state. The TCCB supports this bill to promote the religious liberty during a disaster period.

HB 3905 This bill establishes a program to support vulnerable families with direct aide. The TCCB supports this bill to assist families with seeking self-sufficiency.

HB 3940 | SB 247 This bill prohibits any rule or policy adopted, or penalty imposed, from: limiting an applicant's ability to obtain a license to practice law, or a state bar member's ability to maintain or renew a license, based on a sincerely held religious belief, burdening their free exercise of religion, freedom of speech regarding a sincerely held religious belief, membership in a religious organization, or freedom of association. The TCCB supports this bill to the protect the religious liberty rights of professionals.

HB 4014 | SB 1646 This bill would add to the definition of child abuse conduct that includes administering or supplying of a puberty suppression prescription drug or cross-sex hormone to a child, other than an inter-sex child, for the purpose of gender transitioning or gender reassignment or performance or consenting to performance of a surgery or another medical procedure for the purpose of gender transitioning or gender reassignment. The bill does not prevent access to mental health treatment which is an important aspect of authentic healthcare to treat gender dysphoria. The TCCB supports this bill to oppose the advancement of gender ideology, especially in places where young people are affected.

HB 4042 This bill would require interscholastic athletic participation to be based on biological sex by prohibiting a school district or open-enrollment charter school from allowing a student to participate in an interscholastic athletic activity sponsored or authorized by the district or school that is designated for the biological sex opposite to the student's biological sex as determined at the student's birth and correctly stated on the student's official birth certificate. The TCCB supports this bill to promote fair competition and protect against the encroachment of gender ideology in sport.

HB 4043 This bill would require interscholastic athletic participation to be based on biological sex by prohibiting a student from participating in an athletic activity sponsored or authorized by the school that is designated for the biological sex opposite to the student's biological sex as determined at the student's birth and correctly stated on the student's official birth certificate. The TCCB supports this bill to promote fair competition and protect against the encroachment of gender ideology in sport.

HB 4053 This bill expands Medicaid eligibility to persons who are diagnosed with bipolar disorder, dysthymia, schizophrenia, or severe chronic depression; who have a family income that does not exceed 133 percent of the applicable federal poverty level and for whom federal matching money is available. The TCCB supports this bill to increase access to mental health treatment for low income families.

HB 4055 This bill does not require a report by a healthcare professional of a pregnant woman who voluntarily discloses illegal use of a controlled substance if the woman successfully completes a substance abuse treatment program or the professional does not determine immediate risk of harm to the child. It also prohibits DFPS from investigating a report of child abuse allegedly committed by a woman based on the woman's illegal use of a controlled substance during pregnancy if the woman successfully completes a substance abuse treatment program. The TCCB supports this bill as it promotes rehabilitation and family preservation.

HB 4088 This bill mandates that schools teach human sexuality education, allows for condom distribution in schools and repeals the emphasis on abstinence in human sexuality education. The TCCB opposes this bill as it undermines the rights of parents as the primary educators of their children and the rights of communities to determine whether human sexuality is taught and the content of that education.

HB 4105 This bill would allow the child of a person who is employed by a state or local government entity in a position determined to be essential to the response to or recovery from a disaster event to eligible for enrollment in free pre-k programs in public schools. The TCCB supports this bill to expand access to pre-kindergarten.

HB 4116 This bill would prohibit a credit services organization from obtaining an extension of consumer credit for a consumer or assisting them in obtaining an extension of credit unless they are licensed. The TCCB supports this bill to limit payday and auto-title loans that harm poor and vulnerable Texans.

HB 4144 | SB 218 This bill requires the CHIP perinatal program and Medicaid to include screening and treatment for postpartum depression for the 12-month period after a woman gives birth. The TCCB supports this bill to strengthen maternal health after birth by addressing postpartum depression.

HB 4255 This bill would allow an owner of real property to request that a county clerk remove from a recorded instrument a provision that violates the US Constitution, is unenforceable, and is unambiguously discriminatory. The TCCB supports this bill to remove discriminatory restrictions from real estate documents.

HB 4259 This bill requires DPS to post on its website a printable brochure developed in cooperation with HHSC that includes info on firearm violence and suicide prevention and requires a licensed firearms dealer to provide a copy of the brochure to a person whom a firearm is being sold or transferred unless the transferee has a license to carry a handgun. The TCCB supports this bill to raise awareness of gun violence and suicide prevention.

HB 4281 This bill would prohibit a prisoner from being required to deposit money with the court or provide financial security for the purposes of being released on bail. It requires an officer charging a person with a misdemeanor offense to issue a citation instead of taking that person before a magistrate, except if they have reasonable cause to believe that conditions of release are necessary to ensure the person's appearance in court or to ensure the safety of an identifiable person. The bill also sets out a process for a person to be released on personal bond and limitations on how magistrates may impose conditions of release. The TCCB supports this bill to end discriminatory money bail systems to ensure that release on bail is not dependent on wealth.

HB 4304 This bill requires the development and posting on a website of perinatal palliative care information that includes a description of health care and other services available and information about medical assistance benefits. Upon diagnosing a pregnant woman's unborn child as having a life threatening disability, a health care provider must provide the pregnant woman with a copy of the perinatal palliative care information materials and certification form. An abortion provider must also provide the information orally an in person inform the woman of the availability of perinatal palliative care. The TCCB supports this bill to support mothers and families facing challenging pregnancies.

HB 4308 | SB 2034 This bill requires a convicting court to hold a hearing on the claim if a defendant who is raising a habeas corpus claim involving racial or ethnic bias or discrimination or other impermissible use of race or ethnicity presents evidence in support of the claim. The bill would prohibit the use of the death penalty or execution of any judgment on the basis of race or ethnicity. The TCCB supports this bill to address racial disparity in death penalty sentencing.

HB 4310 This bill would require the development and implementation of a grant program to provide financial assistance to families of medically fragile children who have been diagnoses with a rare or unique disease or medical condition for the purpose of assisting families in paying the costs associated with providing specialized nutritional support for that child. The TCCB supports this bill to address nutritional needs of medically fragile children.

HB 4324   This bill would prohibit the commission, department, a single source continuum contractor, and any other person from discriminating or taking any adverse action against a person on the basis of the person's sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression relating to child welfare services, including licensure or verification of a foster home or placement of a child. The TCCB opposes this bill because it would promote gender ideology in the child-care context and fails to account for sincerely held religious beliefs.

HB 4337 This bill would allow a court to reduce or modify the sentence of a defendant who has served not less than 10 years of imprisonment for an offense (except for certain crimes like murder, capital murder, aggravated kidnapping, trafficking, sexual assault, etc.) if the defendant is not a danger to the community, presents no credible risk of criminal conduct, or demonstrates a readiness for reentry and the interests of justice support modification. The court may hold a hearing, notify the victim(s), and determine whether or not to grant the motion based on various factors (e.g., age, data, maturity and rehabilitation). The TCCB supports this bill to address lengthy sentences and promote re-entry and rehabilitation.

HB 4371 This bill would raise the age to 13 and 18 from 10 and 17, respectively. It would make conforming changes in other parts of the statute that effectuate that change. A county would also be required to establish a community reinvestment fund to provide services as an alternative juvenile detention for youth. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure that minors are not punished under the adult justice system.

HB 4389 This bill, Abortion is Health Care Act, repeals all protections for the unborn that Texas has passed in the last three decades The TCCB opposes this bill as it removes protections for the unborn, harms women's safety, and falsely categorizes abortion as healthcare.

HB 4400 This bill would allow a county commissioners court in a county with a population of 500,000 or more or a county that is adjacent to one and that had a population growth of more than 30% during the preceding decade, to prohibit the construction of expansion of a permanent concrete plant at a location of less than one mile from a residence, school, place of worship, hospital, or land platted for residential development and may establish conditions for construction or expansion of a concrete plant for other locations in the county. The TCCB supports this bill to promote transparency and community engagement in projects with an environmental impact.

HB 4406 | HB 171 | SB 118 This bill requires HHSC to provide Medicaid eligibility to anyone who is qualified for federal matching funds under the Affordable Care Act. The TCCB supports this bill to provide Medicaid expansion and increased access to healthcare services.

HB 4477 This bill would include in the definition of "vulnerable adult" that an individual receive protective services. The bill would also allow a financial institution, dealer, or investment adviser to place a hold on a transaction if it involves a vulnerable adult and the financial institution submitted a report of suspected financial exploitation of a vulnerable adult. The TCCB supports this bill to address predatory financial exploitation of vulnerable people.

HB 4500 | SB 1699 This bill requires that institutions of higher education to permit a student organization formed for the purpose of exercising "expressive rights" to establish and maintain membership and leadership qualifications that further the organization's purpose, including by requiring the organization's leaders or members to adhere to or comply with the organization's sincerely held religious beliefs, or sincere standards of conduct, or be committed to furthering the organization's mission or purpose. The TCCB supports this bill to protect religious liberty in educational settings.

HB 4527 This bill would require the minimum curriculum for training of officers to include information on the laws pertaining to forced abortions via a one-hour course that includes instruction on the circumstances on which forced abortions commonly occur and the rights of pregnant women, including minors. The TCCB supports this bill to promote respect for the dignity of life and women and their unborn children.

HB 4528 This bill would make an offense of trafficking of persons to be a first degree felony if the actor flees from a person the actors knows is a peace officer or federal special investigator attempting lawfully to arrest or detain the actor for conduct constituting trafficking of a person. The TCCB supports this bill to increase penalties for human traffickers.

HB 4549 This bill requires pregnancy resource centers to comply with the informed consent section of Health and Safety Code Chapter 171 Subchapter B; have the minimum standards adopted for ambulatory surgical centers; at least one licensed ob/gyn present when providing services. The TCCB opposes this bill which imposes medical requirements on facilities offering social support for pregnancy.

HCR 2 This resolution recognizes that pornography is a public health hazard; and recognizes the need for education, prevention, research, and policy changes to address the harmful influence and consequences of pornography. The TCCB supports this resolution to encourage action to end pornography.

HJR 9 | HJR 23 | HJR 24 This joint resolution proposes a constitutional amendment to expand Medicaid eligibility to all persons for whom federal matching funds are available under the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The TCCB supports this because it increases access to healthcare coverage.

HJR 51 This bill would amend the Texas Constitution to prohibit slavery or involuntary servitude in the state for any reason, including as punishment for a crime.

HJR 72 | SJR 27 This is a constitutional amendment to prohibit the state or a political subdivision of the state from prohibiting or limiting a religious service conducted by a religious organization, including those conducted in churches, congregations, and places of worship established to support and serve the propagation of a sincerely held religious belief. The TCCB supports this bill to protect religious liberty and freedom to worship.

HJR 46 | SJR 19 This joint resolution proposes a constitutional amendment establishing the right of a resident of a nursing facility, assisted living facility, or state supported living center to designate at least one essential caregiver with whom the facility or center may not prohibit in-person visitation. The TCCB supports this joint resolution as it promotes the health and well-being of the vulnerable and elderly.

HJR 110 This constitutional amendment requires each nursing facility, assisted living facility, intermediate care facility, and state supported living center to develop and implement policies and procedures to allow each resident of the facility or center to designate at least one essential caregiver who is provided meaningful access to the resident, including in-person visitation, during a public health emergency. The TCCB supports this joint resolution as it promotes the health and well-being of the vulnerable and elderly.

HJR 135 This constitutional amendment would allow the legislature to provide for a court to grant a commutation of punishment to certain individuals serving a term of imprisonment. The TCCB supports this bill to address lengthy sentences and promote re-entry and rehabilitation.

HJR 156 This constitutional amendment would authorize the legislature to provide for a district court to reduce or modify a sentence imposing a term of imprisonment for a person who has served not less than 10 years of the term. The TCCB supports this bill to address lengthy sentences and promote re-entry and rehabilitation.

SB 6 | HB 3659 This bill would provide a physician, health care provider, or first responder protection from liability from injury arising from care, treatment or failure to provide care or treatment related to or impacted by a pandemic disaster or disaster declaration related to a pandemic disease. Exceptions are made for the case of reckless conduct or intentional, willful, or wanton misconduct. The bill would also provide a person who designs, manufacturers, sells, or donates a product during a pandemic emergency to not be liable for injury, death, or property damage, as well as a provide liability protection for a person who caused exposure to pandemic disease, or for an educational institution for damages arising from cancellation or modification of a course, program, or activity.

SB 8 This bill prohibits a physician from performing an abortion on a pregnant woman if the physician detects a fetal heartbeat. The TCCB supports this bill to protect human life.

SB 9 | HB 1280 | SB 391  This "trigger ban" bill would allow Texas to prohibit abortion in the event that the United States Supreme Court overrules, in whole or in part, Roe v. Wade, or issues any other decision that recognizes the authority of the states to prohibit abortion, or in the event that the United States adopts a Constitutional amendment restoring to states the authority to prohibit abortion. The TCCB supports this bill to allow Texas to prohibit abortion to the extent allowed under US Supreme Court precedent.

SB 25 | HB 2897 | HB 892 | SB 267 This bill establishes the right of residents in nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, and state supported living centers to essential caregiver visitation. The HHSC shall develop guidelines to assist facilities in establishing essential caregiver visitation policies and procedures including at least two hour daily visits, social distancing, PPE, health screenings, viral testing, and contact tracing. The TCCB supports this bill to promote the health and well-being of the vulnerable and elderly.

SB 26 | HB 1239 This bill would prohibit a government agency or public official from issuing an order that closes or has the effect of closing places of worship in the state or in a geographic area of the state. "Place of worship" is defined to mean a building or grounds where religious activities are conducted. The TCCB supports this bill to protect religious liberty rights.

SB 29 This bill would require interscholastic athletic participation to be based on the biological sex as determined at a student's birth and correctly stated on the student's official birth certificate. The TCCB supports this bill to promote fair competition and protect against the encroachment of gender ideology in sport.

SB 30 | SB 222 This bill would allow an owner of real property or an interest in it to request that the county clerk to remove from a deed an instrument discriminatory restrictions recorded in the property records. The TCCB supports this bill to remove discriminatory restrictions based on race, color, religion, or national origin.

SB 37 | HB 2231 This bill provides free full day pre-kindergarten to all four year olds and vulnerable three year-olds. The TCCB supports this bill to provide access to pre-kindergarten.

SB 38 | HB 389 | HB 398 | SB 119 This bill requires HHSC to provide Medicaid eligibility to anyone who is qualified for federal matching funds under the Affordable Care Act. The TCCB supports this bill to provide Medicaid expansion and increased access to healthcare services.

SB 39 | HB 290 This bill extends eligibility for the Children's Health Insurance Program from six months to one year. The TCCB supports this bill to increase healthcare coverage for children.

SB 44 This bill allows a state employee who is a volunteer of an organization that is a member of the Texas Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster to be granted leave to participate in disaster relief services. The TCCB supports this bill to promote recovery efforts in the aftermath of a disaster.

SB 46 This bill prohibits a municipal zoning or land use ordinance from prohibiting a religious organization from using their facilities or housing for homeless individuals or having housing units on the organization's property for homeless individuals. It allows, however, for reasonable health and safety regulations. The TCCB supports this bill protect the religious liberty of churches to serve the poor.

SB 47 | HB 39 | HB 453 This bill allows certain persons (e.g., victim of trafficking or indecency, adult acting on behalf of victim) to file an application for a protective order. Under certain circumstances, it allows allows an attorney representing the state to file an application with respect to each victim if the offender is placed on deferred adjudication or community supervision. The TCCB supports this bill to protect formerly trafficked persons and to care for victims of trafficking.

SB 49 This bill requires a magistrate to provides copies of a written report regarding a defendant suspected of having a mental illness or an intellectual disability to, among others, the sheriff or another personal responsible for the defendant's medical records while confined in a county jail. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure appropriate mental health care for incarcerated persons.

SB 60 This bill exempts gun cases, gun safes, safety locks, trigger locks, firearm safety training manuals other item designed to ensure the safe handling or storage of a firearm from the sales taxes. The TCCB supports this bill to improve gun safety.

SB 80 This bill prohibits the execution of a person with an intellectual disability. It requires a hearing and determination of intellectual disability. The TCCB supports this bill which reduces the use of the death penalty in Texas.

SB 82 This bill prohibits a parole officer from limiting the number of job interviews that a releasee may attend per day. The TCCB supports this bill to support reentry of the incarcerated into society.

SB 83 This bill requires the completion of a request relating to a releasee's employment within 3 days of receipt of the request. The TCCB supports this bill to expedite and streamline the process for release of the formerly incarcerated into society.

SB 85 | HB 487 This bill changes the age at which a juvenile court may exercise jurisdiction over a child from 10 to 12. A child younger than 12 years of age must be released from custody unless the child poses an immediate threat to public safety or to the child's own safety. It provides for a jurisdictional hearing for a child younger than 12 years of age on the request of a party to determine whether or not to retain jurisdiction. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure that minors are not punished under the adult justice system.

SB 87 This bill requires the consideration of the cumulative effects on the public's health and physical property of expected air contaminant emissions in preconstruction permits before a new facility is built or an existing facility is modified. The TCCB supports this bill as a measure to mitigate the effects of air pollution.

SB 92 This bill would repeal 85 RS SB 4, passed in 2017, which was an "anti-sanctuary cities" law that required compliance with ICE detainers, preempted local law enforcement policies, and denied state grant funds to cities who prohibit local law enforcement from cooperating with federal agencies. The TCCB supports this bill to end the practice of local enforcement of federal immigration law.

SB 94  This bill allows caregivers who do not become licensed as foster care providers to access foster care payments in lieu of other benefits. The TCCB supports this legislation because it assists a broader category of caregivers to support foster children in our state.

SB 116 | HB 727 This bill would establish the childhood obesity prevention program and the chronic disease prevention program to serve border counties. The TCCB supports this bill to increase access to preventive healthcare in Texas.

SB 118 | HB 171 This bill requires HHSC to provide Medicaid eligibility to anyone who is qualified for federal matching funds under the Affordable Care Act. The TCCB supports this bill to provide Medicaid expansion and increased access to healthcare services.

SB 119 | HB 389 | HB 398 | SB 38 This bill requires HHSC to provide Medicaid eligibility to anyone who is qualified for federal matching funds under the Affordable Care Act. The TCCB supports this bill to provide Medicaid expansion and increased access to healthcare services.

SB 121 | HB 98 This bill would extend the medical assistance coverage of women receiving Medicaid for at least one year following a delivery or miscarriage. The TCCB supports this bill because it supports maternal health.

SB 122 | HB 953 86R Description: Under this bill, if a state jail inmate diligently participates in an educational, vocational, treatment, or work program, they can earn good credit time for up to 20% of their sentence. The TCCB supports this bill to rehabilitate offenders who commit non-violent state jail felonies.

SB 139 This bill allows a child care facility to post notice of the vaccination rates of the children in care. The TCCB supports this bill to increase transparency and informed consent regarding the basic public health protections of immunization.

SB 141 | HB 107 Nov 12, 2020 - 12:47
This bill extends eligibility for medical assistance to a pregnant women for a period of not less than 12 months following the last month of the pregnancy. The TCCB supports this bill to improve maternal health.

SB 143 This bill requires the Texas Workforce Commission to provide an individual claimant for unemployment benefits with written notice containing general information about eligibility and enrollment for health care insurance under the ACA. The bill requires the TWC to adopt rules for the form and content of the notice. The TCCB supports this bill to increase access to information about health insurance and healthcare in Texas.

SB 147 This bill establishes a maternal mental health peer support pilot program by the HHSC to reduce the risk of and manage the effects of perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. The pilot program will operate in five counties that either are within an area with a mental health professional shortage or have high rates of maternal mortality and morbidity. The TCCB supports this bill as it supports the mental well being of expectant mothers.

SB 185 | HB 576 This bill requires a final order to be rendered within 90 days after the trial commences. The TCCB supports this bill to help families to finalize guardianship issues.

SB 188 | HB 354 This bill repeals the use of the death penalty in Texas while still allowing life without parole. The TCCB supports this bill to end the use of the death penalty.

SB 189 This bill would allow a judge to explain to a capital sentencing jury that unanimity is required and that every juror - acting alone - has the power to sentence a capital offender to life without parole rather than death. The TCCB supports this bill to improve transparency in capital sentencing proceedings.

SB 192 | HB 569 This bill requires a justice or judge, when imposing a fine and costs in case involving a fine-only misdemeanor, to credit the defendant for any time the defendant was in jail or prison while serving a sentence for another offense. The TCCB supports this bill to prevent offenders from finding themselves in a never-ending cycle of being incarcerated for simple tickets and fines and helps them become reintegrated back into society.

SB 204 | HB 3129 This bill opens the statute on school bus transportation and allows a district to serve students who reside outside of their district without needing to enter a contract with the other school district. The TCCB supports this bill to provide support for parents to exercise their right to choose their children's educational setting.

SB 218 This bill requires the CHIP perinatal program and Medicaid to include screening and treatment for postpartum depression for the 12-month period after a woman gives birth. The TCCB supports this bill to strengthen maternal health after birth by addressing postpartum depression.

SB 222 | SB 30 This bill would allow an owner of real property or an interest in it to request that the county clerk to remove from a deed an instrument discriminatory restrictions recorded in the property records. The TCCB supports this bill to remove discriminatory restrictions based on race, color, religion, or national origin.

SB 224 | HB 701 This bill requires simplified certification and recertification requirements for supplemental nutrition assistance program benefits for an individual who is 60 years of age or older or is a person with a disability and who resides in a household in which every individual residing in the household is 60 years of age or older or is a person with a disability. The TCCB supports this bill to improve access to food assistance to alleviate food insecurity.

SB 239 This bill requires the Department of State Health Services to create and distribute educational materials on immunization to public and private schools and child care centers during public health disasters. The TCCB supports this bill to provide greater education on immunizations to public and private schools.

SB 247 This bill prohibits any rule or policy adopted, or penalty imposed, from: limiting an applicant's ability to obtain a license to practice law, or a state bar member's ability to maintain or renew a license, based on a sincerely held religious belief, burdening their free exercise of religion, freedom of speech regarding a sincerely held religious belief, membership in a religious organization, or freedom of association. The TCCB supports this bill to the protect the religious liberty rights of professionals.

SB 251 This bill prohibits a government agency or public official from issuing an order that closes or has the effect of closing places of worship in the state or in a geographic area of the state. This statue may not be suspended. The TCCB supports this bill to protect religious freedom and access to worship.

SB 267 | HB 892 This bill establishes the right of residents in nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, and state supported living centers to essential caregiver visitation. The HHSC shall develop guidelines to assist facilities in establishing essential caregiver visitation policies and procedures including at least two hour daily visits, social distancing, PPE, health screenings, viral testing, and contact tracing. The TCCB supports this bill to promote the health and well-being of the vulnerable and elderly.

SB 271 This bill prohibits a licensed assisted living facility from employing a applicant who fails to indicate in a written statement that the applicant has not been convicted of an offense barring employment under 250.006 (e.g., criminal homicide, kidnapping, unlawful restraint, smuggling of persons, continuous sexual abuse of children, indecency with a child, sexual assault, aggravated assault, etc.). It requires the facility to conduct a name-based criminal history check in each state where the applicant previously resided if they resided in another state during the five years preceding the date of application. If they employ a person pending an out-of-state criminal history check, the facility has to ensure that the person has no direct contact with a resident until they obtain the person's criminal history record information.

SB 280 This bill would expand the duties of the Office of Capital and Forensic Writs Committee and affect how members are selected. For example, the Committee would now provide oversight and strategic guidance to the OCFW, set policy for the OCFW, and develop a budget proposal. The TCCB supports this bill to promote good governance and accountability in the office representing death-sentenced persons in state post-conviction proceedings.

SB 294 This bill requires that HHSC abortion reporting includes the number of abortions performed in each county during the reporting period. The TCCB supports this bill to improve the data transparency about abortions in Texas.

SB 313 |  HB 524 This bill allows a sales and use tax exemption for firearm safety equipment such as a gun safe, barrel lock, trigger lock, or another item designed to ensure the safe handling or storage of a firearm. The TCCB supports this bill to improve gun safety.

SB 314 This bill requires that landlords provide information to renters about whether their commercial property is located in a flood zone. If no notice is given prior to signing, renters may terminate the lease without penalty and if they incur flooding damages, the landlord must pay a tenant's damages, a penalty, and attorney's fees. The TCCB supports this bill to increase transparency related to protection against disaster.

SB 315 This bill prohibits an individual younger than 18 years of age from being on the premises of sexually oriented businesses. Furthermore, it prohibits sexually oriented businesses from employing or entering into a contract for the performance of work with persons younger than 21 years of age. It is criminal offense (Class A misdemeanor) for businesses to violate these provisions. The TCCB supports this bill to limit the prevalence of human trafficking for young people.

SB 316 | HB 390 This bill requires the operator of a commercial lodging establishment display certain signs and require each employee to complete an annual human trafficking awareness and prevention training program and certify, in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, that all employees have completed the training. This bill provides for civil penalties for failure to cure a violation. The TCCB supports this bill to protecting persons from human trafficking.

SB 330 This bill amends a pre-existing tax exemption for property owned by a charitable organization that provides a meeting space and support services for organizations that provide assistance to persons with substance use disorders and their families by including properties that also provide care for children with disabilities in need of residential care.

SB 339 This bill designates October 10 as Supportive Palliative Care Awareness Day to raise awareness about supportive palliative care optimizing the quality of life for seriously ill patients and their families. The TCCB supports this bill to improve awareness and education about supportive palliative care.

SB 373  This bill requires interscholastic athletic teams to restrict athletic activities and teams to those based on a student's biological sex assigned at birth. The TCCB supports this bill which rejects gender ideology and encourages that school sports activities to be in accord with fairness, safety, and the dignity of the human person.

SB 391 This "trigger ban" bill would allow Texas to prohibit abortion in the event that the United States Supreme Court overrules, in whole or in part, Roe v. Wade, or issues any other decision that recognizes the authority of the states to prohibit abortion, or in the event that the United States adopts a Constitutional amendment restoring to states the authority to prohibit abortion. The TCCB supports this bill to allow Texas to prohibit abortion to the extent allowed under US Supreme Court precedent.

SB 394 | HB 2337 This bill aligns Texas statutes with the current FDA prescribing rules on chemical abortion to carefully evaluate and mitigate potential risk to women. The TCCB supports this bill to enhance the safety of medical abortion for women and prevent remote prescribing or over-the-counter use without a physical examination, ultrasound, or labs.

SB 399 This bill requires the Sunset Advisory Commission to assess the agency’s efforts to reduce racial disparities when under review. The TCCB supports this bill to utilize an existing and long-established process to evaluate how all branches of Texas state government are addressing racial disparities.

SB 442 This bill makes several transparency improvements in the local school health advisory council process as well as in the notification to parents regarding instruction and accessibility to the curriculum to engage parents in human sexuality education curricula development and to know their right to control what their child learns in this area. The TCCB supports this bill to increase the respect for parental rights in sexuality education.

SB 443This bill improves the "Baby Moses" law to allow additional ways to for parents to place their infant with an emergency infant care provider. The TCCB supports this bill to improve protections for vulnerable infants.

SB 448 | HB 1362 This bill mandates that Medicaid cover abortion and removes a variety of prohibitions on public funding for abortion. The TCCB opposes this bill because it would lead to direct attacks on human life with taxpayer funding.

SB 467This bill allows a licensed dyslexia practitioner to practice outside of educational settings and to use telecommunications technology when in-person sessions are not possible. The TCCB supports this bill to increase access to dyslexia services for students with special needs.

SB 481This bill allows a student to transfer to another public school or ISD if their school is only offering virtual instruction. The TCCB supports this bill to allow parents to access the appropriate educational settings for their children.

SB 491This bill allows home school students to compete in UIL activities. The TCCB supports this bill as it increases educational opportunities for families.

SB 512 This bill would require that a child be diverted from formal criminal prosecution who are accused of certain fine-only offenses (e.g., Class C misdemeanor other than a traffic offense) through a youth diversion plan. The TCCB supports this bill to promote rehabilitation of youth offenders who commit non-violent state jail felonies.

SB 521 | HB 734 This bill allows qualified aliens who have been in the U.S. for a period of five years to be eligible for Medicaid and pregnant women, regardless of the date of entry into the U.S., to be eligible for Medicaid. The TCCB supports this bill to increase access to healthcare for vulnerable people.

SB 533This bill requires a judge or magistrate to enter into the record a written statement confirming that they reviewed and considered the defendant's criminal history before setting the the amount of a defendant's bail or releasing a defendant on personal bond. The TCCB supports this bill as a bail reform improvement.

SB 572 | HB 1354This bill requires the Texas Department of State Health Services to provide patients with access to clergy when they are patients or residents in a health facility during a public health emergency. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure religious freedom for patients and residents of health care facilities in Texas.

SB 573 | HB 1291 This bill requires that a hospital or health care facility provide written notice to each physician, nurse, staff member, or employee that the individual has the right to object to directly or indirectly performing or participating in an abortion procedure and that the hospital or facility is prohibited from discriminating against the individual for refusal to perform or participate in an abortion procedure.

SB 581 This bill expands the religious expression protection to a property owners' property rather than just the dwelling and entry. The TCCB supports this bill to protect religious liberty.

SB 650 | HB 1173 This bill prohibits governmental entities from funding any logistical support for assisting a woman with procurement of an abortion. The TCCB supports this bill to prevent taxpayers from funding any aspect of accessing an abortion.

SB 654 | HB 1579 This bill would require the adoption of a policy that protects the free exercise of religious rights of inmates by ensuring access to volunteer and faith-based chaplains and chaplaincy services. The TCCB supports this bill to support religious freedom for the incarcerated.

SB 663 | HB 1247 This bill requires the Texas Workforce Commission, TEA, and the TX Higher Ed Coordinating Board to develop a strategic framework to encourage work-based learning by partnering with schools, higher education, businesses, etc., to implement high-quality project-based learning in middle school and work-based learning in high school and postsecondary education with a particular focus on high-demand, high-growth industries. The TCCB supports this bill as it expands educational choice and opportunities for families.

SB 685 | HB 841 This bill amends the procedures governing Board of Pardon and Paroles clemency hearing requirements by clarifying videoconferencing procedures, including in a capital case, allows the attorney or other person representing the family of the victim to appear in person or be present on the telephone or videoconference call, allows the inmate to appear or be present (unless there is an overriding security issue), and allows the board to deliberate privately after holding a meeting. The TCCB supports this bill to improve transparency and justice in clemency hearings.

SB 687 | HB 686 This bill changes parole eligibility for inmates convicted of an offense when they were younger than 18 years. It would require the parole board to take into account additional considerations for youth and adopt a review policy to ensure that someone is provided meaningful opportunity to obtain release. The TCCB supports this bill to promote parole board review of lengthy sentences given to juveniles.

SB 698 | HB 1293 This bill allows for a new trial on motion if the parties agree (written consent of the district attorney or criminal district attorney and defendant). The court is allowed to grant the defendant a new trial after a hearing “in the interests of justice.” The attorney representing the state may condition the attorney’s consent by requiring the defendant to plead guilty and accept a specified punishment, waive parole eligibility, or waive their right to appeal. The TCCB supports this bill to provide review of sentences and to address overincarceration and overcriminalization.

SB 732 | HB 1134 This bill would allow a governmental agency, nonprofit private organization, or for-profit private organization to apply for a grant if the agency or organization contracts with an area agency on aging to deliver meals to individuals who are elderly or have a disability. Awarding of grants is prioritized for those who conduct face-to-face visits, deliver hot meals, and comply with reporting requirements, deliver meals to both rural and urban areas, deliver meals to those on a waiting list, and consider individual dietary needs, and negotiate enhanced meal rates to ensure program efficacy. The bill sets out other meal, packing, and delivery requirements. The TCCB supports this bill to address food insecurity.

SB 734 This bill amends the property tax exemption of property owned by a charitable organization that provides services related to the placement of a child in a foster or adoptive home by adding "children with disabilities in need of residential care" or support or relief to "women who are or may be pregnant and who are considering placing their unborn children for adoption" to the list of covered charitable functions. The TCCB supports this bill to promote care for persons with disabilities and mothers facing an unplanned pregnancy.

SB 738 This bill would allow a person authorized to conduct a marriage ceremony to recuse themselves from performing the ceremony based on the person's sincerely held religious belief. The person would may assert that a law, policy, or adverse action of the state that violates that subsection as a defense in an administrative hearing, or a criminal action, or as a claim or defense in a civil action. The TCCB supports this bill to protect the religious liberty in the area of marriage and family.

SB 770 | HB 1791 This bill allows individuals who are low-income or at risk of becoming dependent on public assistance benefits to be eligible for job-training programs under the self-sufficiency fund. The TCCB supports this bill to provide greater opportunities for the poor to access job training to achieve self sufficiency.

SB 806 | HB 1307 This bill requires the Texas Department of Criminal Justice to ensure that an appropriate health care professional promptly orders appropriate health and mental health care services after for an inmate after a report of miscarriage or sexual assault. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure appropriate health and mental healthcare are provided to women after miscarriage or sexual assault.

SB 831  This bill restores the long-standing practice of allowing an inmate facing execution to have a spiritual leader of their faith present in the death chamber during the execution. The TCCB supports this bill to improve pastoral support and allow religious liberty for condemned prisoners.

SB 869 | HB 2126 This bill requires the Health and Human Services Commission to contract with one or more third-party service providers to provide Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) employment and training services. Furthermore, it would provide for SNAP eligibility of certain students enrolled in postsecondary education programs, including an institution of higher education or a private or independent institute of higher education and a career school or college. Rules adopted must ensure that a student remains eligible for SNAP during a break in the semester or academic term. The TCCB supports this bill to address food insecurity.

SB 893 This bill allows a school district, open-enrollment charter school, or private school to verify with DPS that a person holds a valid license to carry a concealed handgun before authorizing a person to carry a concealed handgun on school premises. The TCCB supports this bill to promote safety in schools and reduce gun violence.

SB 910 This bill requires the development of a comprehensive list of options for how to implement coordinated community-based family preservation services. The TCCB supports this bill which makes improvements to the foster care system that respect subsidiarity.

SB 917 | HB 2609 This bill requires health care providers to provide medical treatment they view to be inappropriate indefinitely at the demand of a surrogate. The TCCB opposes this bill as it imposes indefinite treatment on dying patients, and ignores the reasonable medical and ethical judgment of professionals. Requiring physicians and hospitals to continue to provide non-beneficial treatment that they rightly believe is unethical and inappropriate violates their freedom of conscience and harms patients.

SB 953 | HB 56 This bill prohibits operation of concrete plants and crushing facilities from 440 yards to 888 yards within a residence, school, or place of worship. The TCCB supports this bill to mitigate pollution around schools and churches.

SB 957 | HB 3185 This bill would allow a victim of stalking, family violence, or trafficking, or a dependent of any victim, an immediate family member, or household member to receive a one-time assistance payment for relocation and housing rental expenses that are necessary to protect their health and safety. Payments may not exceed $2,000 for relocation expenses or $1800 for housing rental expenses. The TCCB supports this bill to respond to the needs of crime victims.

SB 958 | HB 103 This bill establishes the Texas Active Shooter Alert System by the Department of Public Safety to be activated on report of an active shooter. This Act may be cited as the "Leilah Hernandez Act." The TCCB supports this bill to reduce the impacts of gun violence.

SB 977 This bill would remove the affirmative defense to prosecution for the sale, distribution, or exhibition of material or conduct that may be obscene or otherwise harmful to children, except that it is a defense if the actor at the time of the offense was a law enforcement officer discharging their official duties. The TCCB supports this bill to protect children from obscene and harmful content.

SB 978 | HB 2360 This bill increases the criminal penalty for the possession or promotion of lewd visual material depiction of a child. It is a felony of the second degree if the offenses are based on the promotion of visual material and committed by a corporation, association, LLC, or other entity or organization governed by the Business Organizations Code. It is a first degree felony if it is shown that the defendant was previously convicted. The TCCB supports this bill to protect children from obscene and harmful content.

SB 1004 | HB 225 This bill allows a court to grant a convicted person relief on a an application for a writ of habeas corpus if they file an application based on certain new evidence that was previously unavailable. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure access to justice for potentially innocent persons.

SB 1017 | HB 119 This bill prohibits healthcare providers from making decisions on eligibility, access, and insurance coverage for organ transplants based solely on the disability status of a patient. The TCCB supports this bill to increase access to life saving treatments for patients with disabilities.

SB 1059 | HB 2963 This bill requires the design and implementation of a streamlined process for determining a former foster youth's eligibility for Medicaid. The process must provide for automatic enrollment, prevent unnecessary interruption of benefits, and simplify the application and recertification process. The TCCB supports this bill to help former foster children to transition to adulthood by connecting them with health benefits.

SB 1082  This bill requires that school districts provide parents with curriculum materials used in the district's or school's human sexuality instruction. The TCCB supports this bill to improve parental rights as the primary educators of their children.

SB 1083 This bill requires parents to provide written consent for students to patriciate in school human sexuality education rather than requiring parents to opt-out of it for their children. The TCCB supports this bill to improve parental rights as the primary educators of their children.

SB 1084 | HB 2632 This bill requires addressing the unique challenges facing foster children in conservatorship who must transition living by addressing barriers to participation in the Preparation for Adult Living Program for a youth who has a disability by making appropriate accommodations that allow the youth to meaningfully participate in the program and documenting in the youth's case file any accommodations made. The TCCB supports this bill to improve supports for foster children with disabilities.

SB 1089 | HB 2432 This bill increases the maximum reference base amount for certain consumer loans from $200 to $300. The TCCB opposes this bill because it would broaden the number of loans subject to the acquisition charge and installment account handling charge in cash advances.

SB 1146 This bill establishes monthly reporting requirements for abortions performed outside an abortion facility. The TCCB supports this bill to improve data transparency about abortion in Texas.

SB 1148 This bill requires biological sex to be listed on a birth certificate and prohibits changes of sex on the birth certificate of a minor unless the child has atypical or ambiguous sex organs, chromosomes, endogenous profile. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure that government records conform with biological sex recognized at birth.

SB 1151 This bill requires the adoption of rules to provide transitional supplemental nutrition assistance program benefits to certain households that cease to receive assistance under the financial assistance program or with children that cease to receive cash assistance under a state-funded public assistance program. The TCCB supports this bill to address food insecurity.

SB 1166 | HB 889 This bill allows a representative of a school, place of worship, licensed day-care center, hospital, or medical facility within 440 yards of a proposed concrete plant to request a public hearing with the TCEQ. The TCCB supports to improve public participation in decisions that impact schools, places of worship, daycares, and hospitals.

SB 1173 | HB 3218 This bill requires the development of and provision to pregnant women of informational materials and a list of perinatal palliative care providers. A health care provider who diagnoses a pregnant woman's preborn child as having a life-threatening disability must provider her a copy of those materials and list and obtain from her the signed certification form and place it in her medical records. It also prohibits discriminatory abortions based on race, ethnicity, sex, or disability. The TCCB supports this bill to improve informed consent and protect the lives of preborn children.

SB 1186 This bill requires HHSC to provide Medicaid eligibility to anyone who is qualified for federal matching funds under the Affordable Care Act. The TCCB supports this bill to provide Medicaid expansion and increased access to healthcare services.

SB 1187 This bill extends eligibility for medical assistance to pregnant women for a period of not less than 12 months following the last month of the pregnancy. The TCCB supports this bill to improve maternal health.

SB 1195 This bill would allow a hospital patient the right to designate at least one essential caregiver with whom the hospital may not prohibit in-person visitation. In the case of a patient who is a minor, the hospital must designate any parent that has not had their rights limited by a court and any person with conservatorship over the minor that has not been limited by a court. The TCCB supports this bill to promote the health and well-being of the vulnerable patients.

SB 1200 | HB 2332 This bill would require DFPS and HHSC to coordinate to promote the referral to a partnership program of pregnant women receiving services through a public benefits program. The coordination may include encouraging and supporting agreements between local organizations providing services. The TCCB supports this bill to improve maternal healthcare outcomes.

SB 1201 Under this bill a hospital would not be allowed to prohibit in-person visitation of religious counsel with a patient at the hospital who is seriously ill or dying. However, a hospital could require religious counsel to submit to a health screening or wear personal protective equipment. The TCCB supports this bill to protect the religious liberty rights of terminal patients in hospital settings.

SB 1217 This bill requires that an individual whose eligibility for SNAP benefits has been initially established or recertified remain eligible to receive those benefits for a period of 12 months. The TCCB supports this bill to address food insecurity.

SB 1439 This bill prohibits a physician, intern, or resident at an educational institution from being assigned duties involving directly or indirectly performing or participating in an elective abortion procedure unless the physician, intern, or resident affirmatively consents in writing to perform or participate in the procedure. The TCCB supports this bill to protect the conscience rights of physicians medical students.

SB 1483 This bill requires the Board of Pardons and Paroles to develop a process and form for persons convicted of an offense committed while under force, fraud, duress, or coercion as a result of trafficking or a victim of family violence. The TCCB supports this bill to promote restorative justice and rehabilitation for survivors of human trafficking and family violence.

SB 1520 | HB 2333 This bill establishes a competitive grant program to award grants to eligible services providers to provide or expand home nursing visitation services for newborn caregivers. The TCCB supports this bill to improve child and maternal health and the welfare of families.

SB 1532 | HB 1019 | SB 1795 This bill requires simplified requirements for SNAP applicants and recipients who are 60 years of age or older who reside in a household in which every individual residing in the household is 60 years of age or older. These requirements include waived recertification interview requirements, simplified verification requirements and recertifying requirements, and 36 months eligibility after recertification. The TCCB supports this bill to address food insecurity for elderly persons.

SB 1552 | HB 1430 This bill amends the age at which a juvenile court may exercise jurisdiction over a child from 10 to 12 and from 17 to 18 in various sections of state statute. It also amends various provisions of statute to conform them to that age change, including by raising the upper limit in various areas (e.g., transfer to adult prison, expungement of criminal records, jurisdictional limitations). The TCCB supports this bill to raise the age of criminal responsibility.

SB 1558 | HB 2676 This bill allows an unborn child's parent to request a life certificate for the unborn child before birth. The life certificate must be filed with the local registrar by a physician or nurse practitioner accompanied by a signed affidavit attesting to the life of the unborn child based on a sonogram or other appropriate physical exam of the mother. The life certificate may be used for the same purposes as a birth certificate. The TCCB supports this bill to allow the state to acknowledge the life of unborn children.

SB 1576 | HB 3041 This bill requires the establishment of a pilot program for family preservation services via a rural and an urban pilot program. The program would allow DFPS to dispose of a an investigation of a child who is a candidate for foster care by referring the child's family for family preservation services and allowing the child to return home instead of entering foster care. The TCCB supports this bill to improve subsidiarity the foster care system and provide effective family strengthening programs.

SB 1622 | HB 3767 This bill would create the Tri-Agency Workforce Initiative to coordinate and optimize information and other resources necessary to align career education and training programs to workforce demands, provide residents of the state with information to plan education and workforce pathways, and enable local and state policymakers to evaluate the effectiveness of career and education training programs. The TCCB supports this bill to support workforce training initiatives and encourage self-sufficiency.

SB 1646 | HB 4014 This bill would add to the definition of child abuse conduct that includes administering or supplying of a puberty suppression prescription drug or cross-sex hormone to a child, other than an inter-sex child, for the purpose of gender transitioning or gender reassignment or performance or consenting to performance of a surgery or another medical procedure for the purpose of gender transitioning or gender reassignment. The bill does not prevent access to mental health treatment which is an important aspect of authentic healthcare to treat gender dysphoria. The TCCB supports this bill to oppose the advancement of gender ideology, especially in places where young people are affected.

SB 1681 | HB 3596 This bill would allow a person to assert an actual or threatened violation of the religious freedom section of the Texas constitution as a claim or defense in a judicial or administrative proceeding and obtain injunctive relief, declaratory relief, and court costs and reasonable attorney's fees. It would allow waiver of sovereign or governmental immunity, thereby allowing someone to sue for a violation. Furthermore, the attorney general would be able to bring an action for injunctive or declaratory relief against a governmental entity to enforce compliance. The TCCB supports this bill to strengthen protections for religious freedom in Texas.

SB 1698 This bill would allow for tax credit scholarships to pay for educational expenses for eligible students in public and nonpublic elementary and secondary schools in Texas. Among other provisions, the bill sets out eligibility requirements for educational assistance organizations to provide scholarships, subject to oversight of the comptroller, eligibility requirements of students, and how a taxable entity may apply for an insurance premium tax credit for contributions made to support the program. Priority is given to students who demonstrate the greatest financial and academic need. The TCCB supports this bill to empower Texas families to choose the best educational options for their children.

SB 1699 This bill requires that institutions of higher education to permit a student organization formed for the purpose of exercising "expressive rights" to establish and maintain membership and leadership qualifications that further the organization's purpose, including by requiring the organization's leaders or members to adhere to or comply with the organization's sincerely held religious beliefs, or sincere standards of conduct, or be committed to furthering the organization's mission or purpose. The TCCB supports this bill to protect religious liberty in educational settings.

SB 1716 This bill establishes a program for eligible students to receive a credit of not more than $1500 to purchase supplemental special education services and instructional materials. The TCCB supports this program to assist parents in providing additional services to students with disabilities.

SB 1742 | HB 2878 This bill allows for certain persons to obtain an extreme risk protective order if a court finds that there is reasonable cause to believe that an individual poses an "immediate and present danger of causing bodily injury, serious bodily injury, or death" to any person as a result of access to firearms. The TCCB supports this bill to prevent gun violence.

SB 1833 This bill requires the implementation of a post-release housing planning procedure for releasees that includes the early identification and assessment of inmates who do not have an established plan for housing following release on parole or to mandatory supervision. The TCCB supports this bill to promotion rehabilitation and reentry for former offenders.

SB 1849 This bill requires HHSC to develop and publish a model suicide prevention policy to be implemented by agencies, community coalitions and other public or private institutions that serve populations at higher risk for suicide. It also requires the HHSC to collaborate with the Disaster Behavioral Health Consortium to incorporate suicide prevention into crisis and disaster plans. The TCCB supports this bill to address suicide prevention.

SB 1866 | HB 187 This bill allows courts to reconsider the merits or grant relief on a motion for habeas corpus on subsequent application if certain conditions are met, including when the attorney representing the state consents in writing. The TCCB supports this bill to promote reentry of the incarcerated in our society by allowing review of sentences.

SB 1872 This bill would allow a person who is convicted of a misdemeanor or felony and who has not previously received an order of nondisclosure, who also completes the person's sentence, including any term of confinement or period of community supervision and has paid all fines, costs, and restitution imposed, to petition a court that imposed the sentence for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. The TCCB supports this bill to rehabilitate former offenders and help them transition into society.

SB 1884 | HB 217 This bill strengthens the procedures around a postconviction motion for forensic DNA testing. It adds to the definition of "exculpatory results" DNA test results showing unidentified DNA and another individual's DNA profile in a DNA database. The TCCB supports this bill as a measure to ensure innocent persons have access to justice.

SB 1914 | HB 1230 This bill would requires that the value of motor vehicles not be considered as a resource of value in determining the eligibility of an applicant for or recertifying the eligibility of a recipient of SNAP. The TCCB supports this bill to improve food security without penalizing reliable transportation.

SB 1944 This bill amends the Texas Advance Directives Act to increase to 21 the total the number of days families have to transfer a patient to another facility, establishes ethics committee composition and decision criteria while providing protection against disability-based discrimination. The TCCB supports this bill as it improves the balance of protections for the rights of patients and families with the conscience rights of healthcare providers.

SB 1960 This bill allows a child enrolled in a classroom partnership between a school district and a community-based child care program and is eligible for financial assistance through the state's child care services program to be eligible for free prekindergarten. The TCCB supports this bill to improve access to pre-kindergarten.

SB 2009 | HB 1164 This bill creates a Center of Excellence for the treatment of Placenta Accreta Spectrum disorder designation for those hospitals best equipped to care for complex pregnancies. The TCCB supports this bill to recognize hospitals that provide comprehensive care to mothers with complex pregnancies so that they can identify where they can receive the high-quality care that will keep them alive.

SB 2034 | HB 4308 This bill requires a convicting court to hold a hearing on the claim if a defendant who is raising a habeas corpus claim involving racial or ethnic bias or discrimination or other impermissible use of race or ethnicity presents evidence in support of the claim. The bill would prohibit the use of the death penalty or execution of any judgment on the basis of race or ethnicity. The TCCB supports this bill to address racial disparity in death penalty sentencing.

SJR 11 | HJR 9 | HJR 23 This joint resolution proposes a constitutional amendment to expand Medicaid eligibility to all persons for whom federal matching funds are available under the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The TCCB supports this because it increases access to healthcare coverage.

SJR 14HJR 9 | HJR 23 This joint resolution proposes a constitutional amendment to expand Medicaid eligibility to all persons for whom federal matching funds are available under the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The TCCB supports this because it increases access to healthcare coverage.

SJR 15 | SJR 11 This joint resolution proposes a constitutional amendment to expand Medicaid eligibility to all persons for whom federal matching funds are available under the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The TCCB supports this because it increases access to healthcare coverage.

SJR 19 | HJR 46 This joint resolution proposes a constitutional amendment establishing the right of a resident of a nursing facility, assisted living facility, or state supported living center to designate at least one essential caregiver with whom the facility or center may not prohibit in-person visitation. The TCCB supports this joint resolution as it promotes the health and well-being of the vulnerable and elderly.

SJR 27 | HJR 72 This is a constitutional amendment to prohibit the state or a political subdivision of the state from prohibiting or limiting a religious service conducted by a religious organization, including those conducted in churches, congregations, and places of worship established to support and serve the propagation of a sincerely held religious belief. The TCCB supports this bill to protect religious liberty and freedom to worship.

SJR 48 This is a constitutional amendment to allow a patient of a hospital to have the right to designate at least one essential caregiver with whom the hospital may not prohibit in-person visitation. The TCCB supports this bill to promote the health and well-being of the vulnerable and elderly.

SJR 66 | HJR 51 This bill would amend the Texas Constitution to prohibit slavery or involuntary servitude in the state for any reason, including as punishment for a crime.

Life and Family Life
Restorative Justice
Social Concerns
Religious Liberty