TCCB Comments to Article II Subcommittee on Alternatives to Abortion (A2A) Program

The Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops (“TCCB”) recently submitted comments to the Texas Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Article II in support of the Alternatives to Abortion (“A2A”) program and provided suggestions on how best to utilize increased funding provided by the Legislature during the 86th Session.

The A2A program exists to support mothers and fathers facing an unplanned or overwhelming pregnancy. A2A services include counseling and mentoring, care coordination for perinatal services, educational materials, referrals to county and social service programs, life skills classes, material items, and support groups. They are delivered through contracted providers and are available to any pregnant woman or adoptive parent seeking services. This program gives parents the support needed to give every baby the welcome that a human person deserves.

As Archbishop Joseph Naumann of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Committee on Pro-Life Activities recently stated, “[Pope Francis] challenges us to assess our efforts in assisting pregnant moms in need and to improve our responses, where needed, especially at the local level. In short, to truly accompany each pregnant woman in need.” You can read the TCCB comments at this link.