Texas Catholic Voice March 3, 2025

In this issue of the Texas Catholic Voice:

  • Please post your comments on bills related to education
  • Other bills in committee hearings this week
  • Ash Wednesday
  • Prayers for Pope Francis
  • Upcoming executions
  • And more!

A Message from Jennifer Allmon, Executive Director

The Legislature continues to move on legislation that will improve all educational options for Texas children.

We support HB 2, an $8 billion public school funding increase to raise teacher pay and the basic allotment, and to bolster special education services. It will be heard on Tuesday, March 4, with invited testimony only. Public testimony on HB 2 is scheduled for Thursday, March 6.

HB 3, the House parental choice bill which we also support, is scheduled for a hearing on Tuesday, March 11. HB 3 prioritizes the poor and vulnerable, has strong religious liberty language, and ensures accountability by requiring accreditation for private schools and the administration of a norm-referenced test. Parents interested in coming to the Capitol to testify can contact Shannon Jaquette.

For those who cannot travel to Austin to testify in person for HB 2 and HB 3, you can submit public comments to the Texas House electronically until a hearing is adjourned by visiting the comments page for the Texas House. You will need to provide the bill number on which you are registering your comments.

Last week in the Senate Education hearing we registered in support of and testified on several bills which focused on recognizing parental rights and the role of parents as the primary educators of their children.

SJR 12 is a proposed constitutional amendment that enshrines the right of parents to direct their children’s education, including making reasonable choices within the public school system and choosing an alternative to public school.

Senator Campbell has again filed a bill (SB 371) to make human sexuality instruction in public schools opt-in. This was passed last legislative session but unfortunately an expiration date was added. The Texas Education Agency has encouraged districts to remain “opt-in,” but a legislative mandate is necessary to protect the rights of all parents. We greatly appreciate Senator Campbell’s commitment to this important legislation.

HB 2, HB 3 and the parental rights bills complement one another and foster a cooperative education system. When the government supports parents in making the best decisions for their children, all students benefit.

Bills in Committee March 3-7

Senate State Affairs, Monday, 9 a.m.

SB 810 by Sen. Bryan Hughes prohibits public schools from disciplining, retaliating against or discriminating against an employee who addresses a student or another employee in terms consistent with the biological sex of the student or employee. The TCCB supports this bill which discourages gender ideology in public schools.

SB 1073 by Sen. Bryan Hughes prohibits the state bar from discriminating against an applicant's ability to obtain or renew a law license based on a sincerely held religious belief or burden an applicant's free exercise of religion or freedom of expression by a rule or policy unless there is a compelling government purpose, narrowly tailored to accomplish that purpose or restricts expressions of bias or prejudice in connection to an a judicatory proceeding. The TCCB supports this bill to protect religious freedom of attorneys.

Senate Business & Commerce, Tuesday, 8 a.m.

SB 20 by Sen. Flores makes it a criminal offense to knowingly possess, access with the intent to view, or promote obscene visual material containing a depiction that appears to be of a child younger than 18 years of age (regardless of whether the child is real, cartoon or depicted through AI). This would be a state jail felony, but it will be a third degree felony if the person was previously convicted of a sexual offense against a child once. It would be a second degree felony if the actor was previously convicted two or more times of a sexual offense against a child. The TCCB supports this bill.

SB 1006 by Sen. Middleton bill allows the insurance commissioner to make rules regarding the declination of insurance policies. It would have the commissioner require property liability insurance and commercial property insurance insurers that decline, cancel or refuse to renew an insurance policy to provide the policy holder a written notice statement of the reasons why the declination, cancellation or nonrenewal occurred. The TCCB supports this bill.

Senate Criminal Justice, Tuesday, 8 a.m.

SB 412 amends the affirmative defense to prosecution for offenses involving material or conduct that is obscene or otherwise harmful to children if it had a bona fide judicial, law enforcement, or legislative justification. However, it would remove "scientific, educational, governmental, or other similar" justification. The TCCB supports this bill to limit the sale, distribution, or exhibition of harmful materials to children.

Senate Health & Human Services, Wednesday, 8 a.m.

SB 513 establishes a rural community-based care pilot program to implement a community-based model of child welfare services and increase community engagement in the child welfare system to improve outcomes for children and families. The TCCB supports this bill to address the critical gaps in child welfare services in rural areas.

House Public Education, Thursday, March 6, 8 a.m.

HB 2 by Rep. Brad Buckley provides teacher pay raises, increases public school funding targeted toward teachers and students and incorporates the special education commission recommendations to better serve special needs students. The TCCB supports this bill to increase funding and support for public school teachers and students.

Bills in Committee March 10-14

House Public Education, Tuesday, March 11, 8 a.m.

HB 3 by Rep. Brad Buckley establishes a universal education savings account that prioritizes access for the poor and students with disabilities while protecting the religious liberty of participants. The TCCB supports this bill to provide a parental choice program which prioritizes the poor and vulnerable and has strong accountability through accreditation requirements for private schools.

TCCB - Ash Wednesday flyer

Ash Wednesday
Liturgy of the Word and Distribution of Ashes

We are honored to provide the opportunity for all of the Capitol community to join us for a Liturgy of the Word Service including distribution of ashes in the Capitol Auditorium on Ash Wednesday.

Please note that the time has changed from the original published time; the service will begin at 9:30 a.m.

Prayer of Healing for Pope Francis
Contact your (arch)diocesan advocacy day coordinator to learn more about participating in visits with legislators and student participation in mock hearings. Click here to learn more.

Pope Francis' prayer intention for March: For families in crisis

Let us pray that broken families might discover the cure for their wounds through forgiveness, rediscovering each other's gifts, even in their differences.

For more information, visit the Pope's Video website.

Upcoming executions

  • David Wood – March 13, 2025
  • Moises Mendoza – April 23, 2025
  • Matthew Johnson – May 20, 2025

We pray for the victims of violence and their loved ones, for those on death row and for an end to the death penalty.