Testimony: Support SJR 12 so parents can engage in public school curriculum review and governance processes
Jennifer Allmon Executive Director of the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops I am testifying in support of SJR 12. As the primary educators of their children, parents have the right and responsibility to direct their children’s education. Most Texas parents, whether by choice or because a private or homeschool alternative is financially impossible, will enroll…
Read MoreTestimony: SB 504 transparency good but current text too broad in scope
Jennifer Allmon Executive Director of the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops I am testifying on SB 504. We thank Senator Kolkhorst for her commitment to transparency for tax funds distributed to non-profit entities in Texas. We believe that there should be transparency and accountability for the stewardship of tax dollars whether these dollars are spent…
Read MoreReview of HB3 on parental choice
HB3 meets all the requirements of the bishops’ criteria for supporting parental choice legislation because it includes 1) accountability through accreditation and the administration of a norm-referenced assessments, 2) strong religious liberty and private school autonomy protections, and 3) prioritization of the poor and vulnerable.
Read MoreTestimony: SB2 meets minimum of bishops’ criteria for parental choice in education
Jan. 28, 2025 Testimony by Jennifer Allmon, Executive Director of the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops I am testifying in support of SB 2. SB 2 meets the minimum requirements of the bishops’ criteria for supporting parental choice legislation because it includes: Accountability through accreditation and the administration of norm-referenced assessments. Strong religious liberty and…
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