Catholic Mobilizing Network Rolls Out New Tools For Year Of Mercy

The Catholic Mobilizing Network has developed new educational resources to correspond with the Jubilee Year of Mercy, which will be celebrated by the Catholic Church from December 8, 2015 to November 20, 2016. These tools include updated materials on the death penalty, restorative justice, solitary confinement, and more.
The Catholic Mobilizing Network works in close collaboration with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. All of these new resources are designed to advance the organization’s mission to proclaim the Church’s pro-life teaching, and prepare Catholics for informed involvement in the public debate to end the death penalty and promote restorative justice.
Highlighting this material are two comprehensive workshops, with interactive presentation software, in-depth facilitator guides, prayers, and take-away participant packets. A Journey of Faith: An Introduction to the Death Penalty for Catholics explores the Church’s teaching on the sanctity of all life and the social justice issues that surround the death penalty. The other workshop – Restorative Justice: From Harm to Renewal – provides an overview of the Church’s faithful response to violence and wrongdoing.
The Catholic Mobilizing Network has also developed an innovative web resource, which dramatically captures the impact of solitary confinement and examines the Catholic Church’s teaching on the issue. This online experience can be paired with a solitary confinement cell replica to create a dramatic effect. The cell replica is a life-size model; complete with sound and lights that recreates the experience of being in solitary.
Other tools developed in advance for the Year of Mercy include Msgr. Stewart Swetland’s Mercy and the Dignity of Life podcast, a trio of Spanish language podcasts, and a group reflection for youth ministry called Jesus Remember Me. All of this new material can be easily accessed on the Catholic Mobilizing Network’s website at