Contact your representative on parental choice

We need 75 votes in the Texas House to ensure parental choice. Contact your state representative and ask for more educational options for families who need it most.

Please consider one of the following methods to contact your Texas House representative:

1. Customized contact by email or phone

While this requires a few more minutes, we know legislators give greater consideration to a customized email or phone call.

First, locate your Texas House Representative using the link below.

Contact your legislator using this form and let them know where you stand on parental choice.

Then, use the sample scripts for a phone call and an email to your Texas House representative.

Sample Phone Script

“Hello, my name is _____. I live in the representative’s district in [CITY OR NEIGHBORHOOD] and belong to _______ parish and my children attend ______Catholic School. I am calling to ask [Representative] to support parental choice in education and help pass a bill in the special session that allows families to have more options. If funding is limited, as a Catholic/Christian, I believe those who need it most should be first in line. Does the representative have a position on the issue?”

If the response is supportive, say “Thank you!”

If the response is negative, say “As your constituent I would ask the representative to reconsider her position for the sake of parents and children in our community.”

Close by expressing gratitude for the representative’s service.

Sample Email

Dear [Representative],

I live in your district in [CITY OR NEIGHBORHOOD] and belong to _____ parish and my children attend _______Catholic School. I am writing to ask you to support parental choice in education and help pass a bill in the special session that allows families to have more options. If funding is limited, as a Catholic/Christian, I believe those who need it most should be first in line.


[Full Name]

2. Automated email

Visit Texans for Parental Choice in Education at to send an automatic message to your state representative.