Testimony: Support SJR 12 so parents can engage in public school curriculum review and governance processes

Jennifer Allmon

Executive Director of the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops

I am testifying in support of SJR 12.

As the primary educators of their children, parents have the right and responsibility to direct their children’s education. Most Texas parents, whether by choice or because a private or homeschool alternative is financially impossible, will enroll their children in Texas public schools.

Catholic parents of public school children routinely call our office or their diocesan offices to ask about how they can more deeply engage in public school curriculum review and governance processes. With more than 1,200 different school districts in Texas, there is no simple answer to that question, but there are several opportunities for parents to be heard and influence the direction of public education at the campus, district, and state level for parents who have the time and energy to engage – which is a challenge.

Last year we developed a comprehensive guide which is available on our website for parents of public school children who need assistance in navigating how to engage and advocate with their school district. Yet it is still overwhelming for many families to take these steps.

This proposed constitutional amendment establishes a parent's right to direct a child's education, including the right to make reasonable choices within the public school system, choose an alternative to public school, to access and view public school teaching materials and library books, to attend meetings of a governing body of a public school, and to access their child's public school student records, including health records.

The TCCB supports this bill as it respects the rights of parents as the primary educators of their children, and we believe it will improve parental engagement for public school parents – which is an essential component of a child’s success in school.