Texas Catholic Voice Jan. 20, 2025
In this issue of the Texas Catholic Voice:
- Cardinal DiNardo retires, Bishop Vásquez appointed to Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
- New legislature, new speaker
- Join rallies for life and against human trafficking
- How to stay up-to-date on legislative activity
- Pope's video for January: the right to an education
- And more!
A Message from Jennifer Allmon, Executive Director
Happy New Year, TCV readers! Today we woke up to the wonderful news of Bishop Joe S. Vásquez' appointment to succeed Cardinal Daniel DiNardo as the archbishop of the Galveston-Houston Archdiocese. We are so very thankful for the leadership of Cardinal DiNardo and wish him many years of a blessed retirement. And congratulations to Bishop Vásquez and the people of Galveston-Houston!
This issue of the TCV kicks off our weekly updates for the 89th legislative session which opened on Tuesday, Jan. 14. It was an exciting day for legislators and their families, especially for new members. TCCB policy analyst Jenny Andrews likens it to the first day of school when everyone, armed with sharpened #2 pencils, is imbued with hope. In this Jubilee Year of Hope, we pray that all our elected officials will work together for the advancement of the common good.
Last week Rep. Dustin Burrows (R-Lubbock) was elected as speaker of the House. He is now consulting with House members about their preferences for committee appointments. These are generally announced by the end of this month. Because committee chairs wield great power in moving legislation, many members wait for committee assignments to be announced before bill filing. We anticipate an increase in filed legislation after that. We will continue to read and analyze bills and publicize the bishops’ positions on our website after we inform the bill authors.
When hearings commence, each week the TCV will include the bills being heard that week in committee that we support or oppose. We will also keep you apprised of the bills gaining traction. We anticipate parental choice will be the number one priority at the outset as the lieutenant governor has publicly stated the Senate’s school choice legislation will be SB 2 (SB 1 and HB 1 are always the budget). It is likely the governor names it an emergency item, to bypass the constitutional prohibition on passing legislation within the first 60 days of session.
Helpful links
To understand better and follow more closely the workings of the Legislature, the following websites are teeming with information, including legislators’ bios, committee members, rules, procedures, and links to live broadcasts of hearings and floor debate as well as archives from previous sessions. We recommend bookmarking them for quick access:
https://capitol.texas.gov/ - includes the feature MyTLO which offers personalized viewing of legislative content
Catholics at the Capitol
Finally, every week we will share a brief video called “Catholics at the Capitol” to highlight important developments, provide an update of our work for the week, and note upcoming events. Enjoy the first installment, embedded below, and please share on social media! And don’t forget to tell your fellow Catholics to sign up for the Texas Catholic Advocacy Network!
Happy Martin Luther King Day!
The legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, one of our greatest American heroes, cannot be forgotten. The civil rights movement he led proved that violence is not necessary to achieve justice, and that moral courage and human solidarity are the keys to lasting reform.
Capitol rallies!
Texas Alliance for Life’s annual Rally for Life will be Saturday, Jan. 25, beginning at 1 p.m., as we march to the Capitol. TCCB is on the host committee and several bishops will be in attendance. Please join us as we continue to build a culture of life in Texas!
Please also join us for Children at Risk’s Anti-Human Trafficking Rally Day on Thursday, Jan. 30, noon to 1 p.m., at the south steps of the Capitol. This is a powerful opportunity to stand united against human trafficking and advocate for justice and reform. Let’s join forces to show lawmakers that human trafficking reform has strong statewide support!

Pope Francis' prayer intention for January: for the right to an education
Let us pray for migrants, refugees and those affected by war, that their right to an education, which is necessary to build a better world, might always be respected.
For more information, visit the Pope's Video website.
Upcoming executions
- Steven Nelson – Feb. 5, 2025
- Richard Tabler – Feb. 13, 2025
- David Wood – March 13, 2025
- Moises Mendoza – April 23, 2025
We remain hopeful for Robert Roberson, as no new date has been set for his execution.
We pray for the victims of violence and their loved ones, for those on death row and for an end to the death penalty.