Texas Catholic Voice March 25, 2025
In this issue of the Texas Catholic Voice:
- Congratulations to the new archbishop of Galveston-Houston!
- Catholics rallying at the Capitol next Tuesday!
- This week's bill hearings
- And more!
A Message from Jennifer Allmon, Executive Director
We extend our sincerest congratulations to the new Archbishop of Galveston Houston, Archbishop Joe Vásquez! Prior to this position, Archbishop Vásquez served as the bishop of the Diocese of Austin. While we know the Diocese of Austin will miss him dearly, we are praying for Archbishop Vásquez as he enters this wonderful new chapter.
We look forward to welcoming Catholics from across the state at the 2025 Catholic Advocacy Day on April 1 at the state Capitol. Catholic Advocacy Day will include a full day of meetings with state legislators, a rally, and witnessing to what our faith can offer in building a more just and vibrant Texas. Nineteen of the Texas bishops will join in advocating for important legislation covering a broad swath of issues impacting the common good. Everyone is invited to join the bishops at a prayerful rally beginning at 11:30 a.m. on the south steps of the Capitol. The TCCB will provide lunch during this time, and we hope to see you there.
Below is a preview of some of the bills, categorized by subject matter, that the Catholic Advocacy Day participants will focus on in their meetings with their legislators. You can find the full list of the TCCB’s bill positions for the 89th Texas Legislature on our website along with the bishops’ public policy agenda. We welcome and appreciate your prayers as we move toward this exciting day of action.
HB 2 (Rep. Brad Buckley) provides teacher pay raises, increased public school funding targeted towards teachers & students and incorporates the special education commission recommendations to greater serve special needs students. The TCCB supports this bill to increase funding and support for public school teachers and students.
SB 2 and HB 3 (Sen. Brandon Creighton and Rep. Brad Buckley) establishes a universal education savings account that prioritizes access for the poor and students with disabilities while protecting the religious liberty of participants. The TCCB supports this bill to provide a parental choice program which prioritizes the poor and vulnerable and has strong accountability through accreditation requirements for private schools.
Social Concerns
The following bills are some of the Housing Affordability Package items:
HB 3172 & SB 854 “Yes in God’s Backyard Bills” (Rep. Gary Gates and Sen. Mayes Middleton) improve permitting processes for affordable housing for religious entities who build affordable housing on their property. The TCCB supports this legislation to more efficiently convert property owned by churches and other faith-based entities to affordable housing.
HB 5187 & SB 2477 (Rep. Jared Patterson and Sen. Paul Bettencourt) streamline the conversion of empty or underutilized commercial properties into residential or mixed-use development including allowing residential in office zones without zoning changes. The TCCB supports this legislation to increase housing affordability.
Life & Family
SB 571 (Sen. Paul Bettencourt) closes the loophole in the Do Not Hire Registry that allows contracts to evade placement on the registry. The TCCB supports this bill to expand child protection in schools.
“The Life of the Mother” bill HB 44 & SB 31 (Rep. Charlie Geren and Sen. Bryan Hughes) clarifies the civil liability statues to ensure medical professionals are not hesitant to provide appropriate care for mothers with pregnancy complications. The TCCB supports this bill, so women receive the necessary care when facing life-threatening pregnancy compilations.
Restorative Justice
“Second Look” HB 200 (Rep. Brad Buckley) requires inmates serving a sentence for a felony offense committed when they were younger than 18 become eligible for parole the earlier of the date the inmate's actual calendar time equals 20 years or the date the inmate would otherwise be eligible for parole. It also requires additional parole considerations for inmates who were younger than 18 years old at the time of the offense including the diminished culpability of juveniles, the hallmark features of youth, and the greater capacity of juveniles for change. The TCCB supports this bill to allow inmates a second look at long sentences for offenses committed in their youth.
HB 371 and HB 4707 (Reps. Ben Bumgarner and Andy Hopper) prohibit undocumented immigrants from enrolling in Texas public K-12 schools unless the school board has an agreement for the US government to pay the state for the cost of educating the students. The TCCB opposes this bill which would remove access to education from children in Texas.
HB 1499 & SB 718 (Rep. Cody Harris and Sen. Lois Kolkhorst) creates a new funding mechanism for groundwater districts to better analyze their quality and quantity. The TCCB supports this legislation to improve water quality in Texas.
Religious Liberty
HB 2816 & SB 618 (Rep. Tom Oliverson and Sen. Kevin Sparks) allows medical professionals to decline to participate in a healthcare service for reasons of conscience. The TCCB supports this bill for the protection of health care professionals' conscience.
Bills in Committee March 24-28
House Public Health, Monday, 8 a.m.
HB 742 by Rep. Senfronia Thompson requires human trafficking training for first responders to identify, assist and report victims of human trafficking. The TCCB supports this bill to combat human trafficking.
HB 754 by Rep. Senfronia Thompson requires human trafficking training for medical assistants to identify, assist and report victims of human trafficking. The TCCB supports this bill to combat human trafficking.
HB 37 by Rep. Mihaela Plesa creates a grant program for perinatal palliative care services after a perinatal death or stillbirth. The TCCB supports this bill to provide families with greater support after a loss.
HB 1700 by Rep. Caroline Farris requires standardized formats for and retention of records related to patient consent in a telehealth setting and requires an in-person exam before any irreversible medical procedure is initiated. The TCCB supports this bill to strengthen informed consent for telehealth services.
HB 2735 by Rep. Charles Cunningham This bill prohibits advertisements for e-cigarettes within 1000 feet of a church or school. The TCCB supports this bill to limit exposure to e-cigarette advertising.
Senate State Affairs, Monday, 9 a.m.
SB 1999 by Sen. Bryan Hughes states that a school district or other school employee may not discipline, retaliate against or otherwise discriminate against a district or school employee or student who addresses a student or employee in terms consistent with the biological sex of the student or employee. The TCCB supports this bill to protect individuals from retaliation for addressing others according to their biological sex.
House Pensions, Investments & Finances, Monday, 10 a.m.
HB 2043 by Rep. Stan Lambert codifies earned wage access services in the Finance Code. It contains some consumer protections but there are concerns that bad actors could exploit loopholes. The TCCB remains neutral.
Senate Economic Development, Monday 10 a.m.
SB 1728 by Sen. Charles Perry adds Texas Juvenile Justice Department, juvenile boards, and juvenile probation departments the list of eligible grant recipients in the Jobs and Education for Texans (JET) Grant Program. The TCCB supports this bill to provide job related resources to youth in the care of the TJJD.
House Ways & Means, Monday, 2 p.m.
HB 2525 by Rep. Drew Darby establishes enhanced guidelines for the exemption from ad valorem taxation for certain properties owned by charitable organizations that cater to elderly individuals, specifically those 62 years of age or older. The TCCB supports this bill to protect senior housing nonprofits from burdensome tax bills.
HJR 88 by Rep. Erin Zweiner proposes a constitutional amendment to allow for exemption from taxation of the portion of the appraised value of a person's property that is attributable to the installation in or on the property of a rainwater harvesting or graywater system. The TCCB supports this bill to alleviate the tax burden on property owners who invest in sustainable water systems.
HB 1256 by Rep. Erin Zweiner allows for exemption from taxation of the portion of the appraised value of a person's property that is attributable to the installation in or on the property of a rainwater harvesting or graywater system. The TCCB supports this bill to alleviate the tax burden on property owners who invest in sustainable water systems.
House Public Education, Tuesday, 8 a.m.
HB 7 by Rep. Jeff Leach requires TEA to create a document regarding a parent's rights including the right to choose the educational setting for the parent's child. It requires the instructional plan or course syllabus for each class be posted on the district website. It requires written consent from a parent to conduct a psychological or psychiatric exam or test including a method presented as a survey, check-in, or screening embedded in an academic lesson. It requires school boards to develop grievance policies providing for levels of review and timelines for filing and appeal. It requires employees under investigation for alleged misconduct be placed on the registry but must be immediately removed if determined the educator did not engage in misconduct. The TCCB supports this bill to improve parental rights and reporting requirements related to educator misconduct.
House Intergovernmental Affairs, Tuesday, 8 a.m.
HB 1816 by Rep. John Lujan allows local governments to prohibit e-cigarette retailers within 1,000 feet of a public primary or secondary school. The TCCB supports this bill to limit students’ exposure to e-cigarettes.
House Subcommittee on Workforce, Tuesday, 8 a.m.
HB 322 by Rep. Ryan Guillen expands the allowable use of grant funds under the Jobs and Education for Texans (JET) program to pay for costs for the acquisition, implementation, and ongoing maintenance of technology solutions necessary to support CTE programs. The TCCB supports this bill to increase support for job training.
Senate Criminal Justice, Tuesday, 8 a.m.
SB 836 by Sen. Angela Paxton prohibits public dissemination of property related to evidence (including visual images) from victim forensic medical examinations. This property or material would be placed under seal by the court, but an order may be granted lifting the seal on a finding that is in the best interest of the public. The TCCB supports this bill to protect the privacy of victims of sex trafficking.
House Criminal Justice, Tuesday, 10:30 a.m.
HB 207 by Re. Ryan Guillen allows prosecution for the use of sexually explicit visual materials involving anatomically correct dolls, robots or mannequins that have the feature of a child for sexual stimulation or gratification purposes. The TCCB supports this bill to combat child pornography.
House Insurance, Wednesday, 8 a.m.
HB 2067 by Rep. Dennis Paul allows the insurance commissioner to make rules regarding the declination of insurance policies. It would have the commissioner require property liability insurance and commercial property insurance insurers that decline, cancels or refuses to renew an insurance policy to provider the policy holder a written notice statement of the reasons why the declination, cancellation or nonrenewal occurred. The TCCB supports this bill as it may protect religious institutions from unfair declination of coverage.
House Subcommittee on Juvenile Justice, Wednesday, 8 a.m.
HB 2234 by Rep. Harold Dutton raises the age of criminal responsibility, from 17 to 18. Specifically, it amends definitions in the Family Code and Penal Code, indicating that a child is now defined as being between 10 and 18 years of age. Additionally, individuals aged 18 or older but under 20, who committed offenses before turning 18, may still fall under juvenile court jurisdiction for specific purposes. The TCCB supports this bill to improve the likelihood of rehabilitating juvenile offenders.
House State Affairs, Wednesday, 8 a.m.
HB 246 by Rep. Ryan Guillen renames a reimbursement program for landowners along the border who have suffered property damage. In addition to money appropriated by the legislature, it allows for gifts, grants or donations to be received. It also allows for the proceeds of the sale of forfeited property to be transferred to the program. And finally, it removes the expiration date that was originally included in the creation of the program. The TCCB supports this bill to provide relief to communities along the border who have experienced property damage.
Senate Health & Human Services, Wednesday, 8 a.m.
SB 397 by Sen. Kevin Sparks requires standardized formats for and retention of records related to patient consent in a telehealth setting and requires an in-person exam before any irreversible medical procedure is initiated. The TCCB supports this bill to strengthen informed consent for telehealth services.
SB 1233 by Sen. Kelly Hancock requires that perinatal palliative care information be provided to a woman whose preborn child is diagnosed with a life-threatening disability. The TCCB supports this bill to provide life-affirming support to pregnant women and their families.
SB 1257 by Sen. Bryan Hughes requires a health benefit plan that provides coverage for gender transition procedures or treatment to also provide coverage for all possible adverse consequences including any procedure or treatment to manage, reverse, reconstruct from, or recover from a gender transition procedure or treatment. The TCCB supports this bill to require coverage for the reversal of gender transition treatments and procedures.
SB 1388 by Sen. Lois Kolkhorst mends the Thriving Texas Families Program by requiring HHSC ensure that service providers are not associated with abortion service providers and do not provide, refer, advocate for, or promote abortion services. It excludes from TTF funding government entities, hospitals, and providers who primarily function as medical, behavioral health, or mental health providers. The TCCB supports this bill to reinforce the Thriving Texas Families Program as a pro-life, pro-woman, pro-family initiative.
SB 1558 by Sen. Charles Perry states that nonprofits contracted with the Department of Family & Protective Service or with a single-source continuum contractor to provide community-based care or child welfare services are immune from civil liability if they conduct timely criminal background checks on staffers and have the required training in child sexual abuse prevention and reporting. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure access to insurance for foster care entities.
House Homeland, Public Safety & Vets, Wednesday, 10:30 a.m.
HB 2318 by Rep. Senfronia Thompson establishes a statewide human trafficking data repository with enhanced reporting under the office of the attorney general. The TCCB supports this bill to improve coordination among law enforcement and social services for human trafficking victims.
House Land & Resource Management, Thursday, 8 a.m.
HB 24 by Rep. Angela Orr This establishes new protest procedures for zoning regulation changes, removing barriers to the production of “Missing Middle” housing units, including charitable initiatives such as Habitat for Humanity homes. Current law allows a small minority of property owners to halt these efforts. The TCCB supports this bill to remove such barriers and increase access to affordable homes.
HB 3172 by Rep. Gary Gates improve permitting processes for affordable housing for religious entities who build affordable housing on their property. The TCCB supports this bill to more efficiently convert property owned by churches and other faith-based entities to affordable housing.
House Subcommittee on Disease & Women’s Health, Thursday, 8 a.m.
HB 321 by Rep. John Bucy requires HHSC to implement an express lane option to determine a child's eligibility for CHIP based on data received from SNAP and enrolling the child upon obtaining consent from the child's parent. The TCCB supports this bill to expedite children's access to healthcare.
Pope Francis' prayer intention for March: For families in crisis
Let us pray that broken families might discover the cure for their wounds through forgiveness, rediscovering each other's gifts, even in their differences.
For more information, visit the Pope's Video website.
Upcoming executions
- Moises Mendoza – April 23, 2025
- Matthew Johnson – May 20, 2025
We pray for the victims of violence and their loved ones, for those on death row and for an end to the death penalty.