The Texas Catholic Voice

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A publication of the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops

Cardinal Daniel DiNardo statement on Hurricane Harvey

August 26, 2017

  Hurricane Harvey made landfall on the Texas Gulf Coast this weekend. The powerful winds and considerable rainfall from this storm are impacting many lives and homes throughout the region. The southern counties of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston have already suffered substantial property damage and losses. Numerous homes in these communities are currently without power.…

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Job opening: Public Policy Outreach Coordinator

August 23, 2017

The Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops is seeking applications for the position of Public Policy Outreach Coordinator. Inquiries should email resumes to The Public Policy Outreach Coordinator assists the Executive Director and Associate Director of Public Policy in the public policy analysis and outreach of the TCCB. This is a full-time position located in Austin…

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Establishing education opportunity through SB 2 / HB 253

July 26, 2017

The TCCB supports parental choice and we applaud Senator Taylor and Representative Simmons for honoring a parents’ right to choose the best education for their children. Their bills, SB 2 and HB 253, both recognize that parents are the primary educators of a child, and provide opportunities for special education children who have the greatest…

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Bishops express sympathy for trafficking victims found in San Antonio

July 23, 2017

The Catholic Bishops of Texas join Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller, MSpS, in offering their sincerest condolences to the families of the migrants who were tragically killed as human smuggling or trafficking victims from heat exhaustion and suffocation in San Antonio overnight. In addition to prayers for the repose of those souls, the bishops also offer prayers for healing for…

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Texas bishops disappointed by Texas attorney general’s request to terminate DACA

July 20, 2017

DACA termination would punish young adults brought to the U.S. as children AUSTIN — The Catholic bishops of Texas expressed disappointment in Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s movement to terminate the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, forcing 117,000 young people to be deported from the United States. “These individuals contribute to the economy,…

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Texas Faith Leaders for Fair Lending Coalition calls for adherence to 180-day limit for payday loans

June 14, 2017

In comments filed with the Texas Attorney General, the Texas Faith Leaders for Fair Lending Coalition describes the effects of payday and auto title lending practices and regulations on the consumers of those products. “These lenders trap Texans in a cycle of debt which leaves borrowers worse off than before they applied for the loan,”…

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TCCB priorities included in special session agenda for Texas Legislature

June 6, 2017

Gov. Abbott’s agenda addresses 20 items, including pro-life issues and parental choice AUSTIN — Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s issues to be addressed in the one-month special session include many of the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops’ priorities, especially pro-life legislation and parental choice for special needs students. The Governor mandated the special session’s first priority…

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Holy Cross Father Wack appointed bishop of Pensacola-Tallahassee

May 30, 2017

Holy Cross Father William Wack, currently pastor of St. Ignatius Parish in Austin, has been tapped by Pope Francis to serve as the sixth bishop of Pensacola-Tallahassee, Florida. The announcement was made Monday, May 29, by the apostolic nuncio for the United States. MORE

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Texas bishops affirm opportunity for Catholics to engage in foster care system

May 22, 2017

Passage of House bill 3859, authored by Rep. James Frank and Sen. Charles Perry, provides conscience protection for organizations and individuals wishing to serve in Texas’ foster care system AUSTIN — The Texas Legislature has passed a bill providing people motivated by their religious beliefs the freedom to serve children in Texas’ foster care system.…

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Catholic Charities welcome passage of House bill 3859

May 10, 2017

  Bill authored by Rep. James Frank provides conscience protection for organizations and individuals wishing to serve in Texas’ foster care system AUSTIN — Catholic organizations in Texas welcomed the progress of a bill providing people motivated by their religious beliefs the freedom to serve children in Texas’ foster care system. House bill 3859, authored…

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