Testimony before the 87th Legislature

The Texas Catholic Conference advocates on behalf of the Roman Catholic Bishops of Texas for policies and programs that support the life and dignity of every human person from conception through natural death.

Our Legislative Agenda and positions on current bills are the result of a rigorous process of reflection and consultation.

Support Family Educational Relief Program, SB 1968

May 6, 2021

My name is Jennifer Allmon, and I am the Executive Director of the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops testifying in support of SB 1968. The Texas bishops believe parents are…

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Keep Religious Liberty: Oppose SB 1669

May 6, 2021

My name is Lisette Allen and I am the Director of Education at the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops testifying in opposition to SB 1669. The Texas bishops support school…

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No Abortions Funded by Taxpayers: Support HB 1173

April 8, 2021

My name is Shannon Jaquette and I am the Policy Analyst at the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops testifying in support of HB 1173. Last session the legislature had the…

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Promote Criminal Justice Reform: Support HB 1340

April 6, 2021

My name is Rachana Chhin, and I am the Legislative Counsel of the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops testifying in support of HB 1340. The TCCB support criminal justice reform…

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Chemical Abortion Safety Protocol: Support HB 2337

April 6, 2021

My name is Shannon Jaquette and I am the Policy Analyst at the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops testifying in support of HB 2337, the Chemical Abortion Safety Protocol. I…

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Support Life: HB 1280

April 6, 2021

My name is Shannon Jaquette and I am the Policy Analyst at the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops testifying in support of HB 1280. Supporting pro-life laws is part of…

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Reform the Texas Advance Directives Act: Support SB 1944

April 5, 2021

My name is Bishop Michael Olson and I am testifying on behalf of the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops in support of SB 1944. The Texas Advance Directives Act dispute…

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Oppose SB 917: No Unlimited Intervention

April 5, 2021

My name is Bishop Michael Olson and I am testifying on behalf of the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops in opposition to SB 917. The Catholic voice behind the pro-life…

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Do not weaken consumer protection ordinances: oppose HB610

March 24, 2021

My name is Jennifer Allmon, and I am the Executive Director of the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops testifying in opposition to HB 610. The Texas bishops support prioritizing the…

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Prioritize the poor and vulnerable: Support HB 1916

March 23, 2021

My name is Jennifer Allmon, and I am the Executive Director of the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops testifying in support of HB 1916. The Texas bishops support prioritizing the…

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