Legislative testimony – current and past
Review Sentencing of Juveniles: Testimony in Support of HB 686
My name is Rachana Chhin, and I am the Legislative Counsel of the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops testifying in support of HB 686. The Texas bishops support criminal justice reform that provides for compassionate treatment of prisoners, responds to the needs of victims of crime, and encourages rehabilitation and forgiveness for those re-entering society.…
Read MoreCriminal Justice Reform: Testimony in Support of HB 252
My name is Jennifer Allmon, and I am the Executive Director of the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops testifying in support of HB 252. The Texas bishops support criminal justice reform that provides for compassionate treatment of prisoners, responds to the needs of victims of crime, and encourages rehabilitation and forgiveness for those re-entering society.…
Read MoreCapital Jury Instructions HB 252 (Moody) | SB 189 (Lucio)
Capital Jury instructions should be truthful The current criminal justice system has both the tools for life imprisonment without execution and has significant flaws in sentencing practices that undermine the ability for the public to trust that every convicted person on death row in Texas is actually guilty. A capitol jury has a tremendous burden…
Read MoreConscience Protection for Healthcare Professionals HB 1291 (Bell) | SB 573 (Springer)
In 1973, the same year the Supreme Court changed abortion law in the U.S., Congress passed provisions collectively known as the Church Amendments to protect the conscience rights of workers and institutions in the healthcare industry (Federal Health Care Conscience Protection Statutes, 1973). In 1977, Texas followed suit with its own conscience protections of health…
Read MoreChaplain Access to Prisoners HB 1579 (White) | SB 654 (Bettencourt/Lucio/Springer)
The TCCB supports criminal justice reform that provides for compassionate treatment of prisoners, responds to the needs of victims of crime, and encourages rehabilitation and forgiveness for those re-entering society. Bills filed this session address both the overall need for prisoners to have access to spiritual support and the specific concerns of those awaiting capital…
Read MoreAlternative to Abortion Program
Human life is intrinsically valuable and should be protected by law from conception, which happens at fertilization, to natural death. The family is the sanctuary where parents teach children how they ought to live. The TCCB opposes direct threats to innocent human life, from conception to natural death, and promotes strong, stable, and healthy families.…
Read MoreHuman Life Protection Act or Trigger Ban SB 9 (Paxton) | HB 1280 (Capriglione)
The goal of the Human Life Protection Act, or Trigger Ban (SB 9/HB 1280) by Sen. Angela Paxton and Rep. Giovanni Capriglione, is to enact a complete ban on abortion that will go into effect when and to the extent that Supreme Court reverses its precedent preventing states from banning abortion – Roe v. Wade…
Read MoreChemical Abortion Regulation SB 394 (Lucio) | HB 2337 (Klick)
No abortion is safe; we mourn for each child who is killed in the womb. While abortion continues to be legal in the United States, we support efforts to mititgate its effects on mothers. We support the regulation of chemical (drug-induced) abortion to protect the health and safety of every woman considering a drug-induced abortion.…
Read MoreTwelve Month Continuous Medicaid for Children
Data shows that thousands of eligible children are being removed from the Medicaid program due to an inefficient, rushed process. Keeping a child enrolled for 12 months would allow parents peace of mind and ensure a child receives the continuous healthcare so necessary to keep a child healthy and out of the emergency room. …
Read MoreSB 2089: Complex bill still needs agreement
The Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops (TCCB) applauds Sen. Bryan Hughes’ wise acceptance of Sen. Eddie Lucio’s amendment to SB 2089. As Sen. Hughes said with this amendment, SB 2089 is now a better piece of legislation and will ensure appropriate care for Texans facing important end-of-life decisions. The improved engrossed SB 2089 now protects…
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