Contact your representative on parental choice

We need 75 votes in the Texas House to ensure parental choice. Contact your state representative and ask for more educational options for families who need it most. Please consider one of the following methods to contact your Texas House representative: 1. Customized contact by email or phone While this requires a few more minutes,…

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SB 2: Fails to recognize years-long asylum process and due justice

Jennifer Carr Allmon, executive director of the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops, delivered the following testimony in the first special session of the 88th Texas Legislature. The Catholic Church has a long history of involvement in the immigration issue. Our experience in working with immigrants throughout the years compels us to speak out on the…

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Bishop Olson testifies in support of SB8, parental choice

My name is Bishop Michael Olson and I serve as the bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth that covers 28 counties in North Texas. I am here to testify on behalf of the Diocese of Fort Worth and the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops. We register initial support for the committee substitute for…

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SUPPORT HB 3162: Texas Advance Directives Act Reform

Download this content This bill was developed after months of extensive negotiation. HB 3162 represents a substantially improved cooperative effort to comprehensively address this sensitive issue. Thank you, Chair Stephanie Klick, Sen. Drew Springer, Rep. James Frank and to the following stakeholder organizations who are supporting this bill: Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops Texans for…

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88th Legislature Immigration Bills

88th Legislature Immigration Bills For years, burdens of an unworkable system of immigration have fallen heavily on states and communities along the US-Mexico border. The human and moral cost of ongoing federal inaction to create an effective set of policies to ensure safe and orderly migration is tragically reflected both in an unprecedented number of persons…

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Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops supports parental choice in education bills

AUSTIN — Recognizing education is one of the best means to escape poverty and that parents are best suited to determine the right educational choice for their children, the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops (TCCB) supports a set of bills increasing parental choice in education. The bills have been filed by Sen. Paul Bettencourt, Sen.…

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Letter to Attorney General Paxton about Blaine amendments

The anti-Catholic history of Blaine amendments Today we submitted a letter to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton outlining the anti-Catholic history of Blaine amendments and the constitutionality of  parental choice Education Savings Accounts in Texas. Thank you to Nicole Garnett and  the Notre Dame Law School Religious Liberty Initiative for assistance. Read the letter here

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88th Legislature Parental Choice Bills

88th Legislature Parental Choice Bills The bishops’ criteria for supporting parental choice legislation includes the following:    a preferential option for the poor and vulnerable, ensuring students with the greatest academic and financial need are first in line;   academic accountability which requires accreditation and the administration of a norm- or criterion-referenced assessment each year (current practice…

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Support Family Educational Relief Program, SB 1968

My name is Jennifer Allmon, and I am the Executive Director of the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops testifying in support of SB 1968. The Texas bishops believe parents are the primary and principal educators of their children and therefore must be free to determine the best educational environment for their children. To ensure quality…

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Keep Religious Liberty: Oppose SB 1669

My name is Lisette Allen and I am the Director of Education at the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops testifying in opposition to SB 1669. The Texas bishops support school choice and religious liberty that respects the independence and autonomy of private and religious schools, while also fostering strong public-school options. We are concerned with…

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