El Paso job opening for high school principal

If you are an experienced educator who would like to work at an all boys high school, we would like to hear from you.  Cathedral High School is a Catholic Lasallian college preparatory conducted in the three-century old Lasallian tradition begun by Saint John Baptist De Lasalle to give a human and Christian education to the young by observing the five core principles:

  • Faith in the presence of God
  • Concern for the poor and social justice
  • Respect for all persons
  • Quality education
  • Inclusive community

Cathedral High School is a private, Catholic high school for young men, located in downtown El Paso, Texas. It is part of  the Roman Catholic Diocese of El Paso which owns and administers the school.

The school serves close to 500 students and draws students from El Paso County, Ciudad Juárez and New Mexico. College courses, taught at Cathedral High School in conjunction with the El Paso Community College, afford junior and senior students the opportunity to complete their first year of college while still at Cathedral. The school has a 100% graduation rate and over 90% of the school's graduates continue their education at university level.

The school considers its programs in Campus ministry, community service and religious education to be central to the incorporation of Catholic Christian spirituality into the daily lives of students.

We are seeking an individual who has a proven record of achievement, an understanding and appreciation of enrollment and development activities, with accomplished communication skills.

The person selected will have a Master’s degree in Education or Educational Administration with a minimum of 18 hours in administration and supervision.

Application Process for the Principal of Cathedral High School

Please print the application, reference form, criteria form and the request for transcript form, from our website www.elpasodiocese.org, under the Employment tab.  Once completing the application and criteria form, mail it to the Human Resources Office at 499 St. Matthews Street, El Paso, TX  79907, for processing.  Mail the transcript form to all institutions you have attended and they will mail it directly to our office.  Complete your portion of the reference forms and send them to the individuals.  They will return them directly to us.  Upon submitting the application form please request the materials for completing the Criminal Background Check and return them to the Human Resources Office.  Once everything is in, we will notify the Chair of the Search committee of your status.