SUPPORT HB 3162: Texas Advance Directives Act Reform
This bill was developed after months of extensive negotiation. HB 3162 represents a substantially improved cooperative effort to comprehensively address this sensitive issue. Thank you, Chair Stephanie Klick, Sen. Drew Springer, Rep. James Frank and to the following stakeholder organizations who are supporting this bill:
- Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops
- Texans for Life Committee
- Texas Alliance for Life
- Texas Right to Life
- Texas Hospital Association
- Texas Medical Association
- Texas Nurses Association
- Catholic Hospital Association of Texas
- Protect Fragile Texas Kids
- Coalition for Texans with Disabilities
- Texas-New Mexico Hospice Organization
- Family Freedom Project
This bill provides greater protection of the rights of both the patient and the healthcare provider. This bill corrects deficiencies in several areas, including increased transparency regarding the ethics committee meeting, timely communication between healthcare providers and patients’ families, and the circumstances under which interventions may be withheld or withdrawn.
Key Reform Components of HB 3162