88th Legislature Parental Choice Bills The bishops’ criteria for supporting parental choice legislation includes the following: a preferential option for the poor and vulnerable, ensuring students with the greatest academic and financial need are first in line; academic accountability which requires accreditation and the administration of a norm- or criterion-referenced assessment each year (current practice…
Read MoreMy name is Jennifer Allmon, and I am the Executive Director of the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops testifying in support of SB 1968. The Texas bishops believe parents are the primary and principal educators of their children and therefore must be free to determine the best educational environment for their children. To ensure quality…
Read MoreMy name is Lisette Allen and I am the Director of Education at the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops testifying in opposition to SB 1669. The Texas bishops support school choice and religious liberty that respects the independence and autonomy of private and religious schools, while also fostering strong public-school options. We are concerned with…
Read MoreThe bishops seek to promote strong, stable, and healthy families, and oppose direct threats to innocent life, from conception to natural death. Our opposition to hormonal therapies and surgeries that aim at cross-sex transitioning or gender reassignment comes from this concern for the health of children and their families. For these reasons we support SB…
Read MoreAll human life, no matter how disabled or critically ill, is of inherent dignity and incomparable worth; all are entitled to adequate healthcare. A balanced approach to end-of-life care equally respects the rights of patients in the natural process of dying and the conscience of healthcare professionals providing their care. The Texas Advance Directives Act…
Read MoreMy name is Shannon Jaquette and I am the Policy Analyst at the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops testifying in support of HB 1173. Last session the legislature had the wisdom and foresight to pass legislation to protect taxpayers from subsidizing abortion through preferential contracts and property deals. Despite the fact that time and time…
Read MoreMy name is Rachana Chhin, and I am the Legislative Counsel of the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops testifying in support of HB 1340. The TCCB support criminal justice reform that provides for compassionate treatment of prisoners, responds to the needs of victims of crime, and encourages rehabilitation and forgiveness for those re-entering society. HB…
Read MoreMy name is Shannon Jaquette and I am the Policy Analyst at the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops testifying in support of HB 2337, the Chemical Abortion Safety Protocol. I want to be clear from the outset that no abortion is safe; every abortion is the intentional killing of an innocent human person. Until the…
Read MoreMy name is Shannon Jaquette and I am the Policy Analyst at the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops testifying in support of HB 1280. Supporting pro-life laws is part of our history and heritage as Texans. The state of Texas has repeatedly passed legislation to recognize and respect the dignity of unborn human life. Our…
Read MoreMy name is Bishop Michael Olson and I am testifying on behalf of the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops in support of SB 1944. The Texas Advance Directives Act dispute resolution process protects patients and physicians by providing a fair and reasonable process to resolve disagreements regarding end of life care decisions. While this law…
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