Prohibit Abortion: Testimony in Support of SB9

My name is Jennifer Allmon and I am the Executive Director of the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops. I’m testifying in support of SB 9. Supporting pro-life laws is part of our history and heritage as Texans. The State of Texas has repeatedly and throughout our history passed legislation to recognize and respect the dignity…

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Strengthen Freedom of Conscience: Testimony in Support of SB 247

My name is Rachana Chhin, and I am a licensed Texas attorney and Legislative Counsel of the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops testifying in support of SB 247. The Texas bishops support religious liberty especially as it pertains to human life, marriage, and the family, as well as supporting conscience protection for individuals and organizations.…

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Conscience Protection for Healthcare Professionals HB 1291 (Bell) | SB 573 (Springer)

In 1973, the same year the Supreme Court changed abortion law in the U.S., Congress passed provisions collectively known as the Church Amendments to protect the conscience rights of workers and institutions in the healthcare industry (Federal Health Care Conscience Protection Statutes, 1973). In 1977, Texas followed suit with its own conscience protections of health…

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Alternative to Abortion Program

Human life is intrinsically valuable and should be protected by law from conception, which happens at fertilization, to natural death. The family is the sanctuary where parents teach children how they ought to live. The TCCB opposes direct threats to innocent human life, from conception to natural death, and promotes strong, stable, and healthy families.…

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Chemical Abortion Regulation SB 394 (Lucio) | HB 2337 (Klick)

No abortion is safe; we mourn for each child who is killed in the womb. While abortion continues to be legal in the United States, we support efforts to mititgate its effects on mothers. We support the regulation of chemical (drug-induced) abortion to protect the health and safety of every woman considering a drug-induced abortion.…

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Twelve Month Continuous Medicaid for Children

Data shows that thousands of eligible children are being removed from the Medicaid program due to an inefficient, rushed process. Keeping a child enrolled for 12 months would allow parents peace of mind and ensure a child receives the continuous healthcare so necessary to keep a child healthy and out of the emergency room.  …

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TCCB Comments to Article II Subcommittee on Alternatives to Abortion (A2A) Program

The Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops (“TCCB”) recently submitted comments to the Texas Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Article II in support of the Alternatives to Abortion (“A2A”) program and provided suggestions on how best to utilize increased funding provided by the Legislature during the 86th Session. The A2A program exists to support mothers and…

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Gratitude to Sanofi Pasteur on Ethical Polio Vaccines

Sanofi Pasteur, one of the leading providers of polio vaccines, recently announced it will only use an ethical animal cell line to produce its stand-along polio vaccines Pentacel and Quadracel. The Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops thanked Sanofi Pasteur. You can also, by writing them here.

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Let doctors practice medicine, not abortion!

From USCCB Pro-Life Action Alerts:  Do you think that doctors should be forced to perform abortions or “gender transition” procedures against their beliefs? Or that taxpayers should be forced to pay for them? If the answer is NO, please send a comment to the Department of Health and Human Services today! A little background: In…

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