Alternative to Abortion Program

Human life is intrinsically valuable and should be protected by law from conception, which happens at fertilization, to natural death. The family is the sanctuary where parents teach children how they ought to live. The TCCB opposes direct threats to innocent human life, from conception to natural death, and promotes strong, stable, and healthy families.…

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Chemical Abortion Regulation SB 394 (Lucio) | HB 2337 (Klick)

No abortion is safe; we mourn for each child who is killed in the womb. While abortion continues to be legal in the United States, we support efforts to mititgate its effects on mothers. We support the regulation of chemical (drug-induced) abortion to protect the health and safety of every woman considering a drug-induced abortion.…

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Twelve Month Continuous Medicaid for Children

Data shows that thousands of eligible children are being removed from the Medicaid program due to an inefficient, rushed process. Keeping a child enrolled for 12 months would allow parents peace of mind and ensure a child receives the continuous healthcare so necessary to keep a child healthy and out of the emergency room.  …

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Bishops speak on winter storm repercussions

The bishops of Texas issued the following statement regarding the situation in Texas predicated by winter storms: We are grateful for the outpouring of concern from around the world for all who have been affected by the severe weather conditions in Texas. The generosity of Texans who are reaching out to help their neighbors, even…

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Texas Catholic Voice February 12

In this issue of the Texas Catholic Voice: Executive Director Jennifer Carr Allmon highlights chaplain access bill package… A Message from Jennifer Allmon, Executive Director This week we highlight a bill package we are supporting to ensure Texans who are patients in healthcare facilities or are incarcerated have access to chaplain services. There are several…

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Texas Catholic Voice February 5

In this issue of the Texas Catholic Voice: Executive Director Jennifer Carr Allmon discusses advocacy during the pandemic… Education Department announces Teachers of the Year…. A Message from Jennifer Allmon, Executive Director So far, this legislative session feels more like the interim but with bills to review and analyze. House committee assignments just came out…

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Teachers of the Year recognized for work inside and outside classrooms

Victoria, Dallas dioceses’ teachers honored as Teachers of the Year Dr. Diana Torres Rivera, who teaches at Bishop Dunne Catholic School in Dallas, and Donna Kunz, a faculty member at St. Rose of Lima Catholic School in Schulenburg, have been tapped by the Texas Catholic Conference Bishops as the 2021 High School Teacher of the…

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Texas Catholic Voice January 29

In this issue of the Texas Catholic Voice: Executive Director Jennifer Carr Allmon discusses the upcoming Catholic Social Ministry Gathering… A Message from Jennifer Allmon, Executive Director The pandemic has dramatically affected the pace of the legislative cycle this year. We are seeing fewer bills filed and a near empty Capitol, as people take necessary…

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Texas Catholic Voice January 22

In this issue of the Texas Catholic Voice: Executive Director Jennifer Carr Allmon discusses 87th Legislative Session updates… Pro-Life Legislation filed today! A Message from Jennifer Allmon, Executive Director Now that the 87th Session of the Texas Legislature has officially begun we will shift from our monthly Texas Catholic Voice to a weekly version that…

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