Week of Prayer to End Human Trafficking

In 2019, Texas First Lady Cecilia Abbott announced an initiative to end child exploitation and sex trafficking in Texas. The Governor’s Response Against Child Exploitation (GRACE) Initiative intends to empower and mobilize communities of faith in the fight against child sex trafficking.

This toolkit offers resources intended for Catholics to use during a Week of Prayer to End Human Trafficking, Jan. 10-16, 2022. You can download a pdf of the resources or scroll below for social media graphics and texts which you can copy and download.

Through prayer, we not only reflect on the experiences of those that have suffered through this affront to human dignity but also comfort, strengthen and empower survivors.

Catholic Toolkit - Week of Prayer to End Human Trafficking

This toolkit offers resources intended for Catholics to use during a Week of Prayer to End Human Trafficking, Jan. 10-16, 2022. January is designated as National Human Trafficking Awareness Month.

For each day, we offer an intercessory prayer, reflection points, and a call to action. Graphics can be used in social media or print - each graphic's caption includes text which can be used on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Individual Catholics, families, small faith groups, and parishes are encouraged to use material they deem appropriate. The US Conference of Catholic Bishops also provides a more robust toolkit for National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month.

Please click on each day below for texts and graphics of an intercessory prayer, reflection points, and a call to action. We also offer a Facebook-sized cover/banner graphic, and you can download the image above to promote the week in general.


Jan. 10 Pray for an end to human trafficking

Intercessory Prayer As we begin a week of Prayer to End Human Trafficking, may we be inspired to act in our local communities to support and protect survivors of human…

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Jan. 11 Pray for prevention efforts and those who are vulnerable

Intercessory Prayer For the innocents who suffer under the sinful abuse of slavery and for conversion of the utterly lost souls who hold them captive and exploit them, we pray…

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Jan. 12 Pray for all those working on the front line to support survivors

Intercessory Prayer For children, especially those in our own community, who are vulnerable to human trafficking and slavery, that loving and caring adults may help them find safety and healing,…

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Jan. 13 Pray for survivors to find healing

Intercessory Prayer For survivors of human trafficking, that they might find the support they need to start a new life, we pray to the Lord. For reflection Helping someone escape…

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Jan. 14 Pray for all those working to bring traffickers and exploiters to justice

Intercessory Prayer For law enforcement, that God grant them the wisdom to recognize situations of forced labor and sexual slavery, while working to protect its victims and punish its perpetrators,…

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Feb. 8 World Day of Prayer, Reflection and Action against Human Trafficking

Feb. 8 has been designated by the Vatican and the International Union of Superiors General as a World Day of Prayer, Reflection and Action against Human Trafficking. Feb. 8 is…

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Jan. 15 Pray for an end to demand and societal factors that lead to exploitation

Intercessory Prayer For courage to initiate change in our hypersexualized and consumer-driven culture, to end exploitation of others, we pray to the Lord. For reflection Sex trafficking would simply not…

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Jan. 16 Pray for discernment on the actions you can personally take to address human trafficking

Every Texas has an opportunity to join the fight against human trafficking, whether by educating friends, mentoring vulnerable youth, being a conscious consumer, financially supporting trusted organizations, or reporting suspicious…

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Created by the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops for use by individuals and parishes in Texas. All rights reserved. With gratitude to the Migration and Refugee Services of United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC, for permission to use material.

For questions about this toolkit, please contact news@txcatholic.org.