The Texas Catholic Voice

We come to your inbox with news you can use, putting your faith into action locally, in our state Legislature and for issues important to our Church.

A publication of the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops

Texas Catholic Voice May 13, 2023

May 13, 2023

In this issue of the Texas Catholic Voice: Early TCV with a call to action… Immigration carries blessings and challenges… And more! A Message from Jennifer Allmon, Executive Director This issue of Texas Catholic Voice is arriving in your inbox early because we need you to take action on parental choice.    You may have seen…

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Texas Catholic Voice May 8, 2023

May 7, 2023

In this issue of the Texas Catholic Voice: Only 22 days remaining for the 88th Legislature … We’re hiring! Learn more … Bills in hearing, and much more! A Message from Jennifer Allmon, Executive Director Tragedies in Allen and Brownsville After such a deadly weekend in Texas, it is hard to publish our regular weekly…

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SUPPORT HB 3162: Texas Advance Directives Act Reform

May 6, 2023

This bill was developed after months of extensive negotiation. HB 3162 represents a substantially improved cooperative effort to comprehensively address this sensitive issue. Thank you, Chair Stephanie Klick, Sen. Drew Springer, Rep. James Frank and to the following stakeholder organizations who are supporting this bill: Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops Texans for Life Committee Texas…

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Response Video Regarding Provision of so called “Gender Affirming Care”

May 5, 2023

The TCCB has been made aware of an undercover video showing a social worker employed by Dell Children’s Medical Group, a part of Ascension Seton, allegedly discussing the provision of so-called “gender affirming” care. Catholic hospitals do not discriminate against anyone and provide authentic healthcare to anyone who walks through their doors. We believe in…

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88th Legislature Immigration Bills

May 2, 2023

88th Legislature Immigration Bills For years, burdens of an unworkable system of immigration have fallen heavily on states and communities along the US-Mexico border. The human and moral cost of ongoing federal inaction to create an effective set of policies to ensure safe and orderly migration is tragically reflected both in an unprecedented number of persons…

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Texas Catholic Voice May 1, 2023

April 30, 2023

In this issue of the Texas Catholic Voice: Help stop bad bills about immigration and payday lending … We’re hiring! Learn more … Bills in hearing, and much more! A Message from Jennifer Allmon, Executive Director Only 29 days to go in the 88th Legislature and the deadline for House bills to be reported from…

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Texas Catholic Voice April 24, 2023

April 23, 2023

In this issue of the Texas Catholic Voice: Divine Mercy … Common sense … And other unexpected activities this past week! A Message from Jennifer Allmon, Executive Director Last Sunday was the feast of Divine Mercy and we are grateful this week a judge has shown mercy to Ivan Cantu by withdrawing his April 26…

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Texas Catholic Voice April 17, 2023

April 16, 2023

In this issue of the Texas Catholic Voice: Air conditioning and parental choice … Dangerous immigration bills … Payday lending bills … And more! A Message from Jennifer Allmon, Executive Director Last Thursday St. Mary Magdalen Catholic School in San Antonio hosted Governor Greg Abbott for a parental choice in education event. About 300 parents…

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Texas Catholic Voice April 10, 2023

April 9, 2023

In this issue of the Texas Catholic Voice: Parental choice in education moving forward … Support bills in hearing on parental choice this week … El Paso has a new bishop … And more! A Message from Jennifer Allmon, Executive Director Happy Easter! There are 48 more days until Pentecost Sunday and the following day…

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Texas Catholic Voice April 3, 2023

April 2, 2023

In this issue of the Texas Catholic Voice: Bills making progress… Bills in committee this week … And more! A Message from Jennifer Allmon, Executive Director Thank you to everyone who participated in Catholic Advocacy Day on Tuesday. We had a fantastic turnout at the rally, and the Catholic school students did a phenomenal job…

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