86th Legislature Bill Positions

The TCCB does not take positions on all bills in any legislative session, and the analysis of the bills provided below were made at various phases of the legislative process. The analysis may not accurately reflect the final status of the bill. The full TCCB legislative agenda may be found here.

All bills reviewed by TCCB

HB 3
This comprehensive bill affects school finance is numerous ways. Importantly, it provides increased funding for PK, low-income students, English language learners, and disabled students. It also provides funding for educators who help students succeed, as well as phases out several system-centered funding elements. The TCCB supports this bill to expand educational opportunities for all Texas children through student-centered school funding that is responsive to demographics.

HB 6
This bill establishes a disaster recovery task force for long-term recovery after disasters. The TCCB supports this bill to improve coordination after disasters.

HB 15
The TCCB supports this bill because it strengthens anti-trafficking laws by adding language on coercion and rehabilitation programs, protects victims of trafficking in trials and investigations, tightens regulations on massage establishments and schools and masseuses, and discourages unlawful activities on commercial properties.

HB 16
This bill creates penalties for physicians who fail to render aid, allowing a baby to die after a being born alive after a failed abortion. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure that babies are given medical care to preserve their lives.

HB 17
Under current law, the Texas School Safety Center (TSSC) at Texas State University provides public schools research, training, and technical assistance to help prevent school violence. Under this bill, public schools must submit to TSSC a "multihazard emergency operations plan" designed to ensure effective response in an emergency.

HB 19
This bill requires that a local mental health authority employ a non-physician mental health professional to serve as a mental health and substance use resource for school districts located in a region served by a regional health service center. The TCCB supports this bill to increase access to health and healthcare, including mental health.

HB 34 | SB 2352
This bill creates a statewide disaster alert system that allows residents to register to receive texts, emails, and reverse 9-1-1 calls in addition to traditional TV, radio, and dynamic message signs when there is a disaster in any part of the state. The TCCB supports this bill because it will enable resident to prepare locally as well as triggering notification to coordinate support from unaffected areas of the state.

HB 40 | SB 360
This bill would publish a study about temporary migrant labor housing facilities, which was last studied in 2006. The TCCB supports this bill because it would help ensure quality housing for migrant and seasonal farm-workers and their families.

HB 53
This bill adds instruction on filing taxes, obtaining insurance, and civic engagement to transitional living service programs for youth aging out of foster care. The TCCB supports this bill to increase support and education for youth aging out of foster care.

HB 62
This bill allows county commissioners to meet via phone in open or closed meetings when there is a declared disaster for the purpose of disaster response and emergency conditions. The TCCB supports bill to improve communications and planning for disaster response.

HB 67
This bill requires the state to collect data about unaccompanied migrant children who reside in a facility licensed by the state. The TCCB supports this bill to provide an increased understanding of minors in the state's care.

HB 72
This bill allows children who have been adopted from foster care to maintain their enrollment in Medicaid managed care after adoption. The TCCB supports this bill which ensures continuity of healthcare for children adopted from foster care.

HB 99 | SB 331
This bill establishes a college liaison and priority access to student housing assistance for college students who were at some point homeless youth or in the foster care system. The TCCB supports this bill to assist young people who have aged out of foster car and are seeking higher education.

HB 100
This bill requires the state climatologist to publish a biennial study on changes in the weather and water availability in Texas. The TCCB supports this bill to provide an increased understanding of Texas' water availability.

HB 111
This bill would increase training for public school employees reading sexual abuse, trafficking, and maltreatment of disabled children. The TCCB supports this bill because it improves the safety of school environments.

HB 123
This bill waives parental consent for personal IDs for children in foster care, homeless children, or unaccompanied minors. The TCCB supports this bill which will assist children aging out of foster care and helps prevent human trafficking.

HB 189 | SB 36
This bill would establish full-day pre-Kindergarten for all four-year old children and three-year-old children who are vulnerable or are the child of certain public servants. The TCCB supports this bill to increase access to pre-Kindergarten programs.

HB 190
This bill requires that payday and auto-title lenders verify that a borrower can repay a loan. The TCCB supports this bill because it reduces predatory lending by ensuring borrower's ability to repay.

HB 193
This bill requires that payday and auto-title lending loan disclosure be provided in English and Spanish. The TCCB supports this bill as it allows for greater transparency in loan disclosure.

HB 206
This bill increases the penalty for violating standards that apply to migrant labor housing facilities, and allows individual workers to bring legal action against such violations. The TCCB supports this bill which would increase legal protections for migrant farmers.

HB 241 | HB 411 | HB 610 | HB 744 | SB 147
This bill would extend the medical assistance coverage of women receiving Medicaid for at least one year following a miscarriage. The TCCB supports this bill because it supports maternal health.

HB 242 | HB 1258
This bill adopts statewide the payday and auto-title lending regulations passed in more than 40 cities throughout the state along with strong provisions to limit fees through their inclusion in borrowing limits. The TCCB supports this bill as a positive step forward in reforming predatory lending practices.

HB 246 | SB 294
This bill repeals the use of the death penalty in Texas while still allowing life without parole. The TCCB supports this bill to end the use of the death penalty.

HB 248
This bill changes unborn child to embryo or fetus in educational language. The TCCB opposes this bill which seeks to dehumanize unborn children.

HB 249
This bill removes the waiting time between the sonogram and abortion. The TCCB opposes this bill because it reduces the time period for women to reflect on their unborn child.

HB 256
This bill allows for parole after serving 20 actual calendar years for offenders who were under 18 at the time of their offense if they pass a comprehensive mental health evaluation. The TCCB supports this bill which allows for mercy for individuals who were minors at the time of their crime.

HB 257
This bill requires all schools with a school marshal, including private schools, to send a list of their marshals to local law enforcement. The TCCB supports this bill to inform local police to know when are marshals present to improve safety.

HB 264
This bill would establish an annual study on the rate of crime along the Texas-Mexico border. The TCCB supports this bill to increase transparency about issues unique to local border communities.

HB 265
This bill requires that an inquiry into an individual's lawful status during a traffic stop is recorded. The TCCB supports this bill which would provide data showing whether such inquiries are targeted or indiscriminate.

HB 282
This bill allows for an expansion of Medicaid in certain border counties. The TCCB supports this bill to provide access to healthcare for low income families.

HB 283
This bill requires commercial and residential property insurance policies to include a statement of declaration that the policy does not cover damage by flooding. The TCCB supports this bill to encourage transparency for informed decisions by consumers of insurance.

HB 288
This bill increases the personal need allowance for nursing home residents on Medicaid to $75 per month. The TCCB supports this bill to allow nursing home residents to increase their personal needs allowance.

HB 292 | HB 3527
This bill would include curriculum on human trafficking as part of the training for officers. The TCCB supports this bill because it increases awareness among officers who can rescue and restore victims of human trafficking.

HB 314 | SB 2391
Currently, additional funds are provided for students in public schools who are pregnant. This bill would allow those funds to be used for child-care services and life-skills programs. The TCCB supports this bill to help teenage mothers earn a high school diploma.

HB 323
This bill waives fees for personal IDs for foster youth. The TCCB supports this bill to assist youth in the foster care system with obtaining ID.

HB 336
This bill repeals the use of the death penalty in Texas while still allowing life without parole. The TCCB supports this bill to end the use of the death penalty.

HB 342 | SB 53 | HB 829 | SB 637
This bill extends eligibility for the Children's Health Insurance Program from six months to one year. The TCCB supports this bill to increase healthcare coverage for children.

HB 344
This bill would raise the age of adult criminal responsibility from 17 to 18 years old. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure that minors are not punished under the adult justice system.

HB 382 | SB 257
This bill allows local utilities to create a payment plan program for low income customers who have exhausted public and non-profit assistance and have received a disconnection notice. The TCCB supports this bill to provide assistance to poor and vulnerable Texans.

HB 396
This bill allows public schools to use instructional material funds to pay for shipping from other states and for software which allows schools to track their inventory. The TCCB supports this bill because it helps schools more effectively meet student needs.

HB 397
This bill allows public schools to use instructional material funds to pay for software that helps schools track their inventory. The TCCB supports this bill because it helps schools more effectively meet student needs.

HB 413
This bill eliminates the Texas DREAM Act which allows resident tuition for undocumented immigrants who completed high school in Texas. The TCCB opposes this bill which reduces access to education for immigrants.

HB 429 | SB 2244
This bill would provide increased access by Texas students to online classes offered by the Texas virtual school network. The TCCB supports this bill as part of our support for increasing parental choice in education.

HB 447
This bill prohibits payday and auto-title lenders from using telemarketing calls to solicit consumers. The TCCB supports this bill to reduce predatory lending practices.

HB 465
Under current law, low-income people who cannot afford to pay citations may lose their driver’s license and eventually receive jail time, causing them to lose jobs and housing, thereby driving them deeper into poverty. The TCCB supports this bill, which would promote alternative sentencing, provide safe haven in courts, and help people reclaim their drivers' licenses.

HB 472
This bill eliminates the law of parties for capital murder so that an one individual in a group of offenders cannot be charged with murder committed by another member of the group. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure that individuals are held accountable and make restitution for their own actions.

HB 507
This bill would establish a state task force to study best practices for increasing the effectiveness of state programs designed to improve parents' engagement as their children's first educators. The TCCB supports this bill, which would help the state implement best practices to support families.

HB 513 | HB 1132
This bill creates a pilot program to provide long-acting contraceptives in public school districts. The TCCB opposes this bill because it distributes contraceptives to minors in a school setting.

HB 573
Currently, Texas law allows a person who committed a federal felony to apply to the governor for the restoration of civil rights after they serve their sentence. This bill would allow a person convicted of no more than one state felony to apply to the governor for a restoration of their civil rights, including the ability to serve in public office, on a jury, and as an estate's executor. The TCCB supports this bill which would achieve restitution and deter future offenses.

HB 590 | HB 840 | SB 524
This bill requires HHSC to provide Medicaid eligibility to anyone who is qualified for federal matching funds under the Affordable Care Act. The TCCB supports this bill to provide Medicaid expansion and increased access to healthcare services.

HB 595
This bill would increase a criminal penalty in the trial of a person if they committed an offense for the purpose of causing law enforcement to take action against another person and intentionally selected that person based on bias or prejudice, including by race, color, disability, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, gender, sexual preference or by status as a peace officer or judge. The TCCB opposes this bill because it does not accord with our restorative justice agenda, which seeks restitution and rehabilitation, and because it makes sexual preference a protected class.

HB 601
This bill increases the accuracy of information collected about mentally ill persons who are accused of a crime. This will allow courts to make more informed decisions about release on personal bond and the recommended services provided to the person after such release. The TCCB supports this bill as an improvement to the state's bail system.

HB 609
This bill creates an opt-out system for organ donation for most adults in the state. The TCCB opposes this bill which lacks proper informed consent processes for organ donation.

HB 610 | HB 2599 | HB 241 | HB 411 | HB 744 | SB 147
This bill would extend the medical assistance coverage of women receiving Medicaid for at least one year following a miscarriage. The TCCB supports this bill because it supports maternal health.

HB 612 | HB 710 | HB 752
This bill would expand half-day PK to full-day PK for children 3 years old and above if they are vulnerable or are the child of certain public servants. The TCCB supports this bill to increase access to PK programs.

HB 650
This bill establishes excellent rehabilitative care for incarcerated mothers by, among other things: providing parenting classes, prohibiting restraint while pregnant, allowing postpartum contact between a mother and her infant, and facilitating twice-weekly visits between a mother and her children. Care is subject to maintaining security. The TCCB supports this bill because it improves the rehabilitation of offenders.

HB 664
This bill would allow property-wealthy school districts to keep local tax revenue that would otherwise be subject to recapture. The TCCB opposes this bill because it would make school funding less equitable for students and less responsive to student demographics.

HB 665
The amount of state aid given to an ISD and recapture taken from an ISD depend upon the district's property wealth per student, which is measured by dividing the ISD's prior year property values by the number of weighted students. This bill would change the calculation so that the numerator would be current property values. The TCCB supports this bill because it would make the school finance system more responsive to changes in student demographics.

HB 680 | SB 1002
This bill would improve the Texas Workforce Commission's child care program by strengthening the evaluation process and information collected. Furthermore, it would also measure and evaluate the program on coordination with the TEA and other various educational entities. The TCCB supports this bill to increase educational outcomes for Texas students and improve the quality of child care programs.

HB 723
This bill requires the TECQ to update its water availability models for seven of Texas' 15 major river basins. The TCCB supports this bill to provide an improved understanding of water availability in Texas.

HB 744 | HB 2599 | HB 241 | HB 411 | HB 610 | SB 147
This bill would extend the medical assistance coverage of women receiving Medicaid for at least one year following a miscarriage. The TCCB supports this bill because it supports maternal health.

HB 752 | HB 612
This bill would expand half-day pre-Kindergarten to full-day PK for children 3 years old and above if they are vulnerable or are the child of certain public servants. The TCCB supports this bill to increase access to PK programs.

HB 773
This bill allows for the cremation of human remains using alkaline hydrolysis. The TCCB opposes this bill because the dehydration of human remains in a vat of chemicals is disrespectful of the human body and does not allow for burial of the body.

HB 788
This bill would result in the publication of a study on Texas' use of parole. The TCCB supports this bill as part of an effort to understand how to effectively decrease over-incarceration while maintaining the common good.

HB 800
This bill requires the Children's Health Insurance Plan to include contraceptive coverage. The TCCB opposes this bill to require access to contraception for children.

HB 807
This bill modifies the State Water Planning (SWP) process by establishing a board of regional water planning groups to increase communication among them and decrease discrepancies in drought planning. The bill also adds a study of aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) and water use goals (measured as gallons used per person per day, or GPCD) to the SWP. This bill is supported by the TCCB as an effort to improve understanding of water availability.

HB 816 | SB 327
This bill allows counties to seek a federal waiver to provide Medicaid eligibility to anyone who is qualified for federal matching funds under the Affordable Care Act. The TCCB supports this bill to provide Medicaid expansion and increased access to healthcare services.

HB 829 | HB 1408HB 342 | SB 637
This bill extends eligibility for the Children's Health Insurance Program from six months to one year. The TCCB supports this bill to increase healthcare coverage for children.

HB 840 | HB 590 | SB 524
This bill requires HHSC to provide Medicaid eligibility to anyone who is qualified for federal matching funds under the Affordable Care Act. The TCCB supports this bill to provide Medicaid expansion and increased access to healthcare services.

HB 855
This bill requires a committee to review, analyze, and help improve licensing standards at facilities which house unaccompanied immigrant minors. The TCCB supports this bill because it would ensure adequate care for unaccompanied minors.

HB 874 | SB 182
This bill prevents criminal changes or threats of criminal charges for payday or auto-title loan defaults. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure that consumers who default on usurious loans are not faced with criminal charges.

HB 888
This bill would make it a misdemeanor offense to knowingly misrepresent a child as a family member at a designated port of entry. The TCCB supports this bill as a targeted enforcement of the law which will also help combat human trafficking

HB 895
This bill repeals the prohibition of funding abortion under Medicaid and requires HHSC to provide abortion services under Medicaid regardless of federal matching funds. The TCCB opposes this bill to expand tax funded abortion in Texas.

HB 902
This bill increases the penalty for assaulting a woman from Class A misdemeanor to a 3rd degree felony if she is pregnant and the assailant knows or should have known she is pregnant. The TCCB supports this bill as it recognizes the dignity and worth of unborn children.

HB 918 | SB 461
This bill would require Texas Department of Criminal Justice to provide an inmate who is released from prison with documents that would help the former inmate obtain employment, such as personal ID, a Social Security card, or a resume showing proficiency in a trade. The TCCB supports this bill which seeks to complete the rehabilitation of offenders.

HB 922
This bill requires that both parties to marriage agree to insupportability of the marriage in order to grant a no-fault divorce. The TCCB supports this bill as an incremental improvement that promotes the sacredness, fidelity, and permanency of marriage by reducing the use of no-fault divorce against the objections of a spouse.

HB 926
This bill establishes a six-month waiting period for no-fault divorce in marriages with minor or school age children or disabled adult children. The TCCB supports this bill which is an incremental improvement in protecting the permanency of marriage in families with children.

HB 928
This bill establishes a Texas Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Commission to publish policy recommendations to implement the Paris Agreement in Texas. The TCCB supports this bill which would provide information about how to mitigate pollution now and in the future.

HB 938
This bill allows unmarried minors who are mothers to consent to medical treatment related to contraception. The TCCB opposes this bill because it interferes in parental rights.

HB 941
This bill requires HHSC to develop a searchable database of child care providers that includes access to facility inspection reports, surveillance cameras, care ratios, insurance coverage, and her facility information. The TCCB supports this bill because it assists parents in making informed decisions about child care.

HB 969
This bill effectively allows Texans to remove noxious plants which consume water to a degree that is detrimental to water conservation. The TCCB supports this water conservation effort to help maintain future availability for irrigation and drinking.

HB 970 | SB 640
This bill requires that landlords provide information to renters about whether their commercial property is located in a floodplain or floodway. If no notice is given prior to signing, renters may terminate the lease without penalty and if they incur flooding damages, the landlord must pay a tenant's damages, a penalty, and attorney's fees. The TCCB supports this bill to increase transparency related to protection against disaster.

HB 973
Under current law, the Texas School Safety Center (TSSC) serves as a central location for school safety and security information in order to prevent youth violence and promote safety. This bill requires TSSC to report ISDs to the state if they do not follow certain statutory safety measures. The state may then impose a financial penalty upon the ISD. The TCCB supports this bill as a measure which would improve school safety for Texas children.

HB 976
This bill enacts several measures which would improve school safety, such as ensuring that school administrators receive proper training and that public schools maintain threat assessment teams and updated multihazard emergency operations plans. TCCB supports this bill which would help ensure that all public school children have the benefit of a safe school environment.

HB 978SB 153
This bill would amend current state laws referring to man and woman and husbands and wives to gender-neutral terminology in marriage documents. The TCCB opposes this bill because it would further erode the sacredness, fidelity, and permanence of marriage.

HB 1012
This bill requires the School Health Advisory Committee to be appointed by the school board trustees; the council's quarterly meeting notes must be made public; and the content of proposed sex-ed must be communicated to parents. TCCB supports this bill because it recognizes that the state's proper role in education is one of support for parents.

HB 1017
This bill would require school districts or charter schools where 50% of the students or more attending are eligible for free and reduced lunch programs to donate food to nonprofit organizations to distribute foot to students at their campuses. The TCCB supports this bill to alleviate food insecurity and hunger.

HB 1026
This bill directs public school districts to adopt character trait education programs. The TCCB supports this bill to create public school programs that focus on character and virtues.

HB 1030
This bill would allow a judge to explain to a capital sentencing jury that unanimity is required and that every juror - acting alone - has the power to sentence a capital offender to life without parole rather than death. The TCCB supports this bill to improve transparency in capital sentencing proceedings.  The TCCB supports this bill to improve transparency in capital sentencing proceedings.

HB 1034 | HB 712 | HB 4100 | SB 689
This bill would allow property-wealthy school districts to keep local tax revenue that would otherwise be subject to recapture. The TCCB opposes this bill because it would make school funding less equitable for students and less responsive to student demographics.

HB 1035
The bill would prohibit government discrimination against religious organizations and their personnel for holding sincerely held religious beliefs on marriage and sex in contexts such as employment, hiring, and education. It also provides a remedy for persons whose conscience rights are not respected. The TCCB supports this bill because it promotes respects religious liberty.

HB 1071
This bill removes the protection for unborn children that ensures that life sustaining treatment is provided to pregnant women. The TCCB opposes this bill which reduces the protections for unborn children in end of life care decisions.

HB 1110
This bill would extend the medical assistance coverage of women receiving Medicaid for at least one year following delivery. The TCCB supports this bill because it supports maternal health.

HB 1139 | SB 418
In accord with U.S. Supreme Court rulings, this bill prohibits the use of the death penalty on people who have an intellectual disability. The TCCB supports this bill which reduces the use of the death penalty in Texas.

HB 1153
Texas requires occupational licenses for more than 25 percent of professions, which creates especially difficult barriers to employment for the 40 percent of Texans who have an arrest or conviction record. This bill clarifies the licensing process and ensures that Texans with non-violent convictions have an opportunity to earn a professional license. The TCCB supports this bill because it helps former offenders contribute to the common good and deters future offenses.

HB 1158
This bill allows schools districts (ISDs) to count full-day PK students in a way that allows ISDs to receive state funding for those students. The TCCB supports this bill to increase access to PK programs.

HB 1161
This bill would allow the state to offer grant funding to school districts who enroll special education students in the Residential Care and Treatment program. Through this program, school districts educate special needs students if (1) their parents do not live in the district, and (2) the student attends school at a district campus, and (3) the student lives in a special care facility. The TCCB supports this bill to provide increased educational opportunities to high needs students.

HB 1202
This bill prevents theft of service criminal changes for rent-to-own agreements. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure that consumers who default on rent-to-own agreements are not faced with criminal charges.

HB 1217 | SB 166
Currently, local law enforcement can inquire into a person's lawful immigration status while investigating a crime, such as during traffic stops. This bill would allow such an inquiry only after a person has been arrested. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure that immigration enforcement is targeted and not indiscriminate.

HB 1258
This bill adopts statewide the payday and auto-title lending regulations passed in more than 40 cities throughout the state along with strong provisions to limit fees through their inclusion in borrowing limits. The TCCB supports this bill as a positive step forward in reforming predatory lending practices.

HB 1292 | SB 436
This bill would create a Opioid Use Disorder Maternal and Newborn Health taskforce to improve screening procedures, continuity of care, health care, access to medication, and prevention of opioid use disorder. It allows for the creation of a pilot program before implementation statewide. However, there is no additional funding for the taskforce as the bill requires the program to use "existing resources." The TCCB supports this bill because it would address addiction and opioid abuse to help mothers and their children.

HB 1293 | SB 435
This bill allows local school health advisory boards to recommend appropriate grade levels and curriculum for instruction regarding opioid addiction and abuse. The TCCB supports this bill to increases education on opioid abuse and addiction.

HB 1323 | SB 628
Under current law, when a person is arrested he may be held in prison until his trial if he does not pay bail, and the amount of bail does not depend upon the arrested person's danger to society. As a result, many poor defendants who cannot afford bail are incarcerated before they ever receive a trial. This bill reforms the bail system to ensure the amount of bail depends on whether an arrested person is dangerous to the community or a flight risk. The TCCB supports this bill, which corrects an injustice under which the poor suffer.

HB 1342 | SB 523
Texas requires occupational licenses for more than 25 percent of professions, which creates especially difficult barriers to employment for the 40 percent of Texans who have an arrest or conviction record. Under this bill, a person may be disqualified from licensure only if they’ve been convicted of a violent offence or an offense that directly relates to the duties of the licensed occupation (e.g. theft & a locksmith license). The TCCB supports this bill because it helps former offenders contribute to the common good and deters future offenses.

HB 1372 | SB 2189
Under current law, low-income people who cannot afford to pay citations may lose their driver’s license and eventually receive jail time, causing them to lose jobs and housing, thereby driving them deeper into poverty. This bill reforms laws about suspension and revocation of a driver's license so that indigent offenders have a path to keep or earn back their license. The TCCB supports this bill to help rehabilitate offenders.

HB 1389
This bill would allow courts to provide deferred adjudication to parents who are the primary caretaker of children, and counseling, therapy, education, and parenting classes may be required as a condition of deferment. The TCCB supports this bill to help restore family bonds where parents would otherwise be incarcerated.

HB 1483 | SB 643
This bill creates a pilot program that tests whether a slow reduction of benefits, paired with wrap-around case management aimed at securing a living wage job, emergency savings, and debt management plan, will help clients reach long-term self-sufficiency independent of public benefits. The TCCB supports this bill to incentivize self-sufficiency in anti-poverty programs.

HB 1598 | SB 633
This bill would require the Health and Human Service Commission to identify local mental health authorities in rural counties and develop a mental health services plan. The TCCB supports this bill to increase access to health and healthcare, including mental health services.

HB 1626
This bill creates an emergency services coordinator in the Department of Family and Protective Services that will assist with preparation and coordination of state agencies and non-profits serving children in the DFPS system during disasters or emergencies. The TCCB supports this bill to improve state and non-profit coordination during disasters.

HB 1651
This bill requires the Commission on Jail Standards to adopt rules governing the restraint of inmates who are pregnant or have given birth within the previous 12 weeks, and requires annual reports on the use of restraints. The TCCB supports this bill to provide incarcerated mothers a path to rehabilitation by strengthening the bond they develop with their children.

HB 1653
This bill would provide grant funding to non-profits that partner with the state to offer reentry & reintegration programs to defendants released from a state jail. It would also provide formula funding for county’s' pretrial diversion programs that help minimize pretrial detention for defendants charged with a state jail felony. The TCCB supports this bill to rehabilitate offenders who commit non-violent state jail felonies.

HB 1669
This bill requires the Health and Human Resources Commission to develop a comprehensive plan, including monitoring and evaluation, to increase and improve the workforce in this state to serve persons with mental illness and substance use issues. The TCCB supports this bill to increase the workforce which will increase access to treatment for addiction.

HB 1685
This "trigger ban" bill would allow Texas to prohibit abortion in the event that the United States Supreme Court overrules, in whole or in part, Roe v. Wade, or issues any other decision that recognizes the authority of the states to prohibit abortion, or in the event that the United States adopts a Constitutional amendment restoring to states the authority to prohibit abortion. The TCCB supports this bill to allow Texas to prohibit abortion to the extent allowed under US Supreme Court precedent.

HB 1753
Under current law, an offender on parole may be released early if their time in prison plus their time on probation equals half of their original sentence in prison. Under this bill, offenders would also be eligible for early release if they complete 10 years on probation. In either case, the person must: have no parole violations in the past 2 years, not had their parole revoked, and have made a good faith effort to comply with all court-ordered restitution efforts. The TCCB supports this bill to help former offenders achieve restitution and contribute to the common good.

HB 1754 | SB 994
This bill provides public schools with an annual allotment of $50 per student in attendance to invest in school safety and security, such as through infrastructure projects and collaboration with local law enforcement. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure that public school children are provided with a safe school environment.

HB 1765
Under this bill, the commissioner of the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) must establish regulations that allow unaccompanied immigrant children (UAC) regularly contact and visit with their adult family members. The TCCB supports this bill to provide care for unaccompanied minors and unify immigrant families.

HB 1787
Under current law, theft of property worth up to $2,500 is a State Jail Felony if a person has been convicted of theft twice in the past. Under this bill, theft of property worth less than $100 is a Class A misdemeanor if a person has been convicted of theft twice in the past. The TCCB supports this bill to provide non-violent recurring offenders an opportunity to receive rehabilitation.

HB 1797
This bill prevents theft of service criminal changes for rent-to-own agreements. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure that consumers who default on rent-to-own agreements are not faced with criminal charges.

HB 1849 | SB 1735
This bill allows doctors to prescribe Epi-pens to day care centers rather than specific persons. The TCCB supports this bill to improve access to Epi-pens for children with severe allergies.

HB 1911
This will would require the Texas Workforce Commission to establish and administer a low-interest loan program to support entrepreneurship among persons with disabilities. This bill allows the TWC to accept public and private gifts, grants, and donations for the program. The TCCB supports this bill to assist in the care and support of persons with disabilities.

HB 1913 | HB 2308
This bill would require the executive commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission to adopt rules and expand Medicaid eligibility to everyone who applies for medical assistance and for whom federal matching funds are available. The TCCB supports this bill to increase access to health insurance and healthcare.

HB 1929
This bill prohibits state and local governments from entering into contracts with abortion providers or affiliates. The TCCB supports this bill to stop local governments from subsidizing abortion providers and affiliates with tax payer supported buildings and programs.

HB 1936
This bill prohibits the use of the death penalty on people who were severely mentally ill at the time of their crime. The TCCB supports this bill which reduces the use of the death penalty in Texas.

HB 1959
This bill prohibits private schools, including parochial schools, from prohibiting persons, including employees, from storing or transporting a firearm in their locked car on the school parking lot. The TCCB opposes this bill as an infringement on the religious liberty of private schools.

HB 1966 | SB 873
This bill allows a child care facility to post notice of the vaccination rates of the children in care. The TCCB supports this bill to increase transparency and informed consent regarding the basic public health protections of immunization.

HB 2001
This bill allows state employees to take leave in order to volunteer with a member of Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster. The TCCB supports this bill which will enable improved coordination among non-profits who are active in disaster recovery.

HB 2030
This bill would open full-day pre-Kindergarten to all four-year-old children if they were enrolled in pre-Kindergarten at age three. Under current law, three-year-olds who are vulnerable or are the child of certain public servants are eligible to pre-Kindergarten. The TCCB supports this bill to increase access to pre-Kindergarten programs.

HB 2031
Under current law, Texas' water conservation public awareness campaign cannot operate unless it receives appropriations from the legislature. This bill allows the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) to accept donations and use available federal funds to maintain the program. The TCCB supports this bill to improve public awareness of water conservation.

HB 2057
This bill defines supportive palliative care and excludes supportive palliative care from the definition of hospice services. The TCCB supports this bill to clarify that supportive palliative care is not "end of life" care but patient and family centered care regardless of the patient's terminal prognosis.

HB 2081 | SB 287
This bill would open full-day pre-Kindergarten to all four-year-old children and three-year-olds who are vulnerable or are the child of certain public servants. The TCCB supports this bill to increase access to pre-Kindergarten programs.

HB 2100
This bill requires the commission, a state agency, or institution of higher education to ensure that common outdoor areas are deemed traditional public forms and to permit persons lawfully present to engage in expressive activities therein. Reasonable restrictions on the time, place, and manner may be enforced though. This policy must be applied equally and must be adopted formally by the institution. Injunctive relief is available for those whose rights are violated. The TCCB supports this bill as an extension of free speech rights, including for religious persons and organizations.

HB 2109
This bill extends that conscience protection and would apply to anyone authorized to conduct marriage ceremonies, including judges and magistrates, allowing them to recuse themselves. This bill provides a defense to such persons in administrative, criminal, or civil actions. The TCCB supports this bill to protect religious liberty, especially as it pertains to human life, marriage, and the family.

HB 2158
This bill establishes a work release program to allow Texas inmates who are less than two years away from parole or release to receive gainful employment and save earnings in an account that would be made available to the individual upon release. The TCCB supports this bill because it would help rehabilitate offenders who commit non-violent state jail felonies.

HB 2224
Under this bill, the state would promote public awareness of utility bill payment assistance available during a disaster, and provide the public with information about proper billing practices and their rights during a disaster. The TCCB supports this bill to improve efficiency in disaster recovery coordination.

HB 2233 | SB 1531
This bill removes requirements pertaining to moral character for applications to receive occupational licenses for podiatrists, midwifes, animal breeders, electricians, and auctioneers. The effect of these requirements is that individuals with prior convictions are often barred from earning occupational licenses and receiving gainful employment. The TCCB supports this bill to help former offenders achieve restitution and contribute to the common good.

HB 2239
This bill prohibits minors from being on the premises of a sexually oriented business. The TCCB supports this bill to reduce children's vulnerability to human trafficking.

HB 2266 | SB 672
This bill would repeal 85 RS SB 4, passed in 2017, which was an "anti-sanctuary cities" law that required compliance with ICE detainers, preempted local law enforcement policies, and denied state grant funds to cities who prohibit local law enforcement from cooperating with federal agencies. The TCCB supports this bill to end the practice of local enforcement of federal immigration law.

HB 2271
This bill allows the Attorney General to use no more than 2% of the Choose Life License Plate Fund to advertise the Choose Life license plate. The TCCB supports this bill to increase awareness of the plate which raises funds for adoption programs and encourages alternatives to abortion.

HB 2302 | SB 227
This bill expands the religious expression protection to a property owners' property rather than just the dwelling and entry. The TCCB supports this bill to protect religious liberty.

HB 2308 | HB 1913
This bill would require the executive commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission to adopt rules and expand Medicaid eligibility to everyone who applies for medical assistance and for whom federal matching funds are available. The TCCB supports this bill to increase access to health insurance and healthcare.

HB 2314
This bill raises the age of criminal responsibility except that 17-year-olds who commit severe or violent offenses are automatically placed into adult criminal court proceedings. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure minors are not punished under the adult justice system.

HB 2325
This bill requires coordination between state and local government efforts to make 911 emergency service capable of receiving text messages from cellular devices and, in consultation with the Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service, to develop standards for the use of social media as a communication tool during and after a disaster. The TCCB supports this bill to improve coordination among government and non-governmental entities during and after a natural disaster.

HB 2336
This bill prohibits a person under 21 from being on the premises of a sexually oriented business and creates fine for enforcement. The TCCB supports this bill to prevent opportunities for human trafficking.

HB 2340
This bill improves the collaboration between state agencies, local governments, nongovernmental organizations, private entities, and individuals through the adoption of a strategic plan of FEMA. The TCCB supports this bill to provide coordination in preparing for, responding to, and recovering from a disaster.

HB 2350
This bill prohibits abortion, creates a civil penalty offense, and provides a civil cause of action against the abortion physician when the United States Supreme Court overrules, in whole or in part, Roe v. Wade, or issues any other decision that recognizes the authority of the states to prohibit abortion, or if the United States adopts a Constitutional amendment restoring to states the authority to prohibit abortion. The TCCB supports this bill to allow Texas to prohibit abortion to the extent allowed under US Supreme Court precedent.

HB 2416 | SB 1055
This bill would establish, in consultation with the TEA, a workforce diploma pilot program that will assist adult students in obtaining a high school diploma and develop technical career readiness skills and employabilility. The TCCB supports this bill to incentivize self sufficiency in anti-poverty programs, as well as funding for educational programs responsive to student demographics.

HB 2447
This bill prohibits a health insurance plan from requiring an abortion in order to maintain insurance coverage. The TCCB supports this bill which ensures that women are not forced to have an abortion to have health care insurance.

HB 2474
This bill would allow a person to continue to be eligible for medical assistance if they committed a minor technical or clerical error that otherwise would have disqualified them on a renewal application or other document for benefits renewal. The TCCB supports this bill to assist those facing hardship to continue receiving the benefits due to them.

HB 2485
This bill would require Texas HHSC to adopt rules on the investigation of allegations of abuse or neglect in a residential child-care facility that is operated by or under contract with US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and detains children. The TCCB supports this bill to support for the care of unaccompanied children and minors in immigration detention.

HB 2527 | SB 1732
This bill requires that river authorities, groundwater conservation districts, and water control & improvement districts publish recordings of their meetings to the internet if their jurisdiction covers 3 or more counties. The TCCB supports this bill to improve public understanding of water availability and conservation efforts.

HB 2600
This bill would require the covered services in the CHIP perinatal program to include screening and treatment for postpartum depression for the 12-month period after the woman gives birth. The TCCB supports this bill to strengthen maternal health after birth by addressing postpartum depression.

HB 2644 | SB 976
This bill would allow for the registration of a vehicle by an owner that notes that they have a physical health condition or mental health condition that may impede communication with a peace officer. This information would be in the Law Enforcement Telecommunications System for the purpose of alerting officers on a traffic stop. The TCCB supports this bill to enable persons with disabilities to travel and live independently.

HB 2682 | SB 959
This bill requires health insurance coverage of "fertility preservation" services for all policy holders who receive a necessary medical treatment that may directly or indirectly cause impaired fertility. The TCCB opposes this bill which would impose a mandate to fund objectionable services, such as harvesting eggs and freezing eggs for future IVF, and thus violates religious freedom protections for private insurers, including religious insurers.

HB 2727
This bill would establish a Texas Promise Grant Program for students at two-year public institutions of higher education. The purpose of the program is to provide assistance in the payment of tuition and fees. The TCCB supports this bill to expand educational opportunities for Texas students to access higher education.

HB 2731
This bill adds to the crime of trafficking of persons language to the coercion definition to include causing a trafficked person to become intoxicated, or to withhold alcohol or drugs to such a degree as to impair the trafficked person's ability to apprise themselves the nature of the prohibited conduct or resist in engaging in that conduct. The TCCB supports this bill to deter trafficking offenses and strengthen anti-trafficking laws.

HB 2735
This bill would require a physician who regularly performs or induces abortions to maintain professional liability insurance or a bond of at least $1 million payable to a woman who was harmed as a result of an abortion complication. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure that those who are harmed by abortion are not left without a remedy in the case of a complication.

HB 2738 | SB 1256
This bill creates a "do-no-hire" registry which is publicly available to hiring entities to confirm persons who are not eligible for employment in public schools because of their criminal history or a finding of educator misconduct or abuse. The TCCB supports this bill which will assist public and private schools and child care facilities in screening potential employees to prevent child abuse.

HB 2739 | SB 1230
This bill seeks to include reporting of educator misconduct to the State Board of Educator Certification by private school personnel and provides equal access for public and private schools to background check information regarding educator misconduct. The TCCB supports this bill to improve the safe environment for public and private schools.

HB 2740 | SB 1231
This bill would provide private school administrators access to reports involving the abuse or neglect of a child involving an employee of a public or private elementary or secondary school. The TCCB supports this bill to provide a safer school environment for private school students.

HB 2744
Under current law, the Windham School District (WSD) must provide educational programs to Texas inmates who have not completed high school. This bill requires WSD to make educational programs available to female inmates. The TCCB supports this bill because it would help deter future offenses, rehabilitate offenders, and protect the common good.

HB 2749
This bill allows for the awarding of grants to a department, municipality, or county for the development and operation of a pretrial intervention program for defendants who are pregnant at the time of placement. The TCCB supports this program to assist mothers and their children in the criminal justice system.

HB 2827 | SB 444
This bill would prohibit a state agency that issues a license or otherwise regulates a business, occupation, or profession from adopting any rule, regulation, or policy that would limit an applicant's ability to obtain, maintain, or renew that license based on a sincerely held religious belief, or burden a license holder's free exercise of religion, free speech, or membership in an organized religion. The TCCB supports this bill to promote religious liberty and promote conscience protection.

HB 2832
This bill would require DFPS and HHSC to coordinate to promote the referral to a partnership program of pregnant women receiving services through a public benefits program. The coordination may include encouraging and supporting agreements between local organizations providing services. The TCCB supports this bill to promote maternal healthcare outcomes.

HB 2906
This bill amends the procedures for allowing victims of human trafficking to petition the court for an order of nondisclosure if the individuals, among other requirements, establishes that they committed certain offenses solely as a victim of trafficking. The TCCB supports this bill to support victims of human trafficking in the criminal justice system.

HB 2920 | SB 1156
Under this bill, the state may not grant a permit to drill a new oil or gas well if the proposed site is located within 1,500 feet of the property line of a public or private school or childcare facility. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure that Texas children have the benefit of a safe school environment.

HB 2954
This bill would amend the requirement for public schools to adopt a policy regarding meals that allows for a grace period of at least two weeks by also requiring the district to privately reach out to parents or other persons and make arrangements for the payment of unpaid balances. The TCCB supports this bill to address hunger and food insecurity for Texas students.

HB 2961
This bill would establish a 10% weight for dyslexic students and those with related disorders in order to provide them with the services necessary to meet their needs. The TCCB supports this effort to assist in the care and support of persons with disabilities.

HB 2964
This bill prohibits charter schools from hiring personnel due to their criminal history or a finding of educator misconduct or abuse. The TCCB supports this bill which will assist schools in screening potential employees to prevent child abuse.

HB 3062
Under current law, the parents of a majority of students at a campus which has been failing for two years may petition the TEA to (1) appoint of a board of managers to govern the school district, or (2) close the campus, and the TEA shall do so. Under this bill, the majority of parents at a campus may petition the TEA to (1) appoint of a board of managers to govern the school district, (2) establish an alternative manager; or (3) close the campus, and the TEA shall consider their petition. In other words, this bill would effectively remove the right of parents to trigger a campus turn-around. The TCCB opposes this bill because it removes parental choice in education.

HB 3071
This bill ensures that reports on abortion complications. facility license requests, and abortion facility inspection reports are considered public information. The TCCB supports this bill to provide the public with data on abortion complications, licenses, and inspections.

HB 3078 | SB 2148
This bill would require the appointment of a panel of experts to review applications for clemency from persons who were victims of trafficking and convicted of certain crimes. The TCCB supports this bill to rehabilitate victims of human trafficking who committed crimes under duress or coercion.

HB 3091
This bill would make it such that information relating to the location or physical layout of a family violence center or victims of trafficking shelter center is confidential. The TCCB supports this bill to combat human trafficking, care for victims, and reunify families.

HB 3107
This bill would require a hospital or healthcare facility to provide written notice to each physician, nurse, staff member, or employee that the individual has the right to object to directly or indirectly perform an abortion, that the hospital or facility is prohibited from discriminating against the individual, and that the individual may be entitled to remedies for a violation. The TCCB supports this bill to protect the conscience rights of healthcare workers.

HB 3145
This bill would give a parent appointed as a conservator of a child to have the right to attend school activities, including school lunches, performances, and field trips. The TCCB supports this bill to strengthening the right of foster parents to participate in the education of their children.

HB 3158 | SB 208
This bill requires health care providers to provide medical treatment they view to be inappropriate indefinitely at the demand of a surrogate. The TCCB opposes this bill it imposes indefinite treatment on dying patients, and ignores the reasonable medical and ethical judgment of professionals. Requiring physicians and hospitals to continue to provide non-beneficial treatment that they rightly believe is unethical and inappropriate violates their freedom of conscience and harms patients.

HB 3170 | SB 1677
This bill would require the establishment of an interim registry of employees against whom a determination or finding of reportable conduct of someone employed by a facility that provides care to individuals with an intellectual disability. The TCCB supports this bill.

HB 3172 | SB 1978
This bill would prohibit a governmental entity from taking an adverse action based wholly or in part on a person's belief or action in accordance with their sincerely held religious beliefs or moral conviction. It provides various forms of relief to such persons. The TCCB supports this legislation to promote and protect the conscience and religious liberty rights of Texans.

HB 3205
This bill would make it a crime for a person to knowingly deliver or attempt to deliver a drug or device intended for an unlawful abortion. There is an exception if the actor is a pregnant woman on whom the drug or device was intended to be used. The TCCB supports this bill to reduce illicit deliveries of abortion-inducing drugs.

HB 3292
This bill opens up a predatory lending loophole that was closed in 2001 during the last OCCC sunset process which would allow uncapped lending that would subvert the Military Lending Act. The TCCB opposes this bill because it expands usurious lending in Texas.

HB 3321
This bill would require a physician who diagnoses or treats at a public health clinic, hospital, or other health care facility to report an abortion complication that the physician knows or reasonably believes is the result of an abortion performed by another physician. The TCCB supports this bill to strengthen abortion complication data collection.

HB 3331 | SB 2091
This bill amends the procedures and grounds for terminating the parent-child relationship balanced manner to account for maturity of the child and immediate danger. The TCCB supports this bill because it seeks greater permanency and family continuity for children in CPS cases.

HB 3332
This bill ensures that a patient's surrogate decision maker can only authorize the revocation of a DNR order that the surrogate initially authorized. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure that patient wishes for end of life care are respected.

HB 3365
This bill provides immunity from civil liability for a person who gives care, assistance, and advice with respect to the management of an incident during a natural disaster. Furthermore, the bill states that a charitable organization is not liable under state law for the acts or omissions of a person providing care, assistance, or advice on request. The TCCB supports this bill because it allows charitable organizations in disaster settings to focus on providing care and assistance without the threat of future liability.

HB 3369
This bill makes significant changes to the ethics committee review process that exclude consideration of medical conditions, promotes vitalism and eliminates reasonable medical judgment from the decision-making process. The TCCB opposes this bill because it allows an assault on the dignity of the human person by requiring unnecessary pain and suffering for an incompetent patient at end-of-life whose family is demanding inappropriate treatment against the conscience and medical judgement of the physician.

HB 3390
This bill creates a "Voluntary Temporary Caregiver Program" that allows a child removed from their home to be placed with an individual approved as a voluntary temporary caregiver. The TCCB supports this bill because it provides reasonable temporary placements for children in emergency removal.

HB 3392
This bill lowers the age of enrollment in the Preparation for Adult Living program for children to age 14 if they have been in foster care for four years after their tenth birthday. The TCCB supports this bill to assist children who are aging out of foster care in their transition to adulthood.

HB 3395 | SB 18
This bill requires institutions of higher education to ensure that common outdoor areas are deemed traditional public forums and to permit any person to engage in expressive activities therein, so long as it is not unlawful and does not "materially and substantially" disrupt the functioning of the institution. Time, place, and manner restrictions may also be placed but must be narrowly tailored, provide clear, published, and content-neutral criteria, provide ample alternative means of expression, and allows university members to "spontaneously and contemporaneously" distribute material without a permit or permission. Institutions have to adopt policies to these ends and may not take actions against student organizations for viewpoints expressed, including through protecting their rights to bring speakers to campus. The TCCB supports this bill to protect free speech rights, including those of religious student organizations, students, and faculty on campus.

HB 3411
Under current law, Texas' health and education agencies must provide ISDs with a list of best practice programs on several topics, one of which is suicide prevention. ISDs may use the programs as they think useful. Under this bill, the programs on suicide must also aim at reducing the risk of suicide among those who are affected by a previous suicide. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure that all children have the benefit of a safe school environment.

HB 3524 | HB 3931 | SB 1445
This bill would require simplified certification and recertification requirements for individuals who are at least 60 years old and who reside in a household in which every individual residing is at least 60 years old. The TCCB supports bill to help alleviate food insecurity and hunger by simplifying the SNAP certification process for the elderly.

HB 3556 | SB 1815
This bill requires that landlords of residential property provide information to renters about whether their property is located in a floodplain or has flooded in the previous four years. If no notice is given and renters suffer loss of their property due to a flood caused by rainfall, renters may terminate the lease and sue the landlord. The TCCB supports this bill to increase transparency related to protection against disaster.

HB 3590 | SB 1802
This bill would make the "coercion" element in continuous trafficking of persons and compelling prostitution to include causing a person to become intoxicated or withholding alcohol or a controlled substance to a degree that impairs the person's ability to appraise the nature of the prohibited conduct. The latter offense's coercion element also includes "destroying, concealing, confiscating, or withholding from a person," or threatening to do so, government records or identifying information and documents. The TCCB supports this bill to support victims of human trafficking and ensure that they also have access to their identifying documents.

HB 3605
This bill would allow a court to appoint an attorney ad litem to represent an unborn child during a proceeding under judicial bypass procedures for an abortion on a pregnant minor. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure respect for the interests of the unborn child in a bypass proceeding.

HB 3616
This bill would create a task force on faith-based disaster response to develop and implement a plan to improve data collection, develop best practices for communicating, cooperating, and collaborating, identify and address inefficiencies, and identify and address gaps. The TCCB supports this bill to improve coordination among faith-based non-profits in the aftermath of a disaster.

HB 3664
For Fiscal Year 2018, the average length of time an unaccompanied child (UAC) is in custody (from the time of admission to the time of discharge) is approximately 50 days, for UACs in Office of Refugee & Resettlement (ORR) custody, the average length of time is 58 days. Under this bill such a facility located in Texas cannot detain a child for more than 20 days. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure UACs are efficiently released to their families.

HB 3668 | SB 2334
This bill would establish a program to provide grants to nonprofit food banks to build the capacity of nonprofit food banks to respond to disasters. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure that our nonprofit partners can adequately meet the food needs of Texans in disaster situations.

HB 3677
This bill allows students who attend a public or private school to be screened using an electronic eye chart to detect vision disorders as an accepted equivalent to a printed eye chart. The TCCB supports this bill to provide increased access to healthcare.

HB 3743
This bill requires hospitals to adopt and implement policies to prevent financial conflicts of interest on ethics committees and to prevent discrimination based on disability. The TCC supports this bill to improve the composition and practices of ethics committees.

HB 3811 | SB 167
Current law prohibits local law enforcement from "endorsing" a policy which limits the enforcement of immigration laws. The "endorse" provision has been enjoined by federal courts, isn't in effect, and this bill would remove it from the law. The TCCB supports this bill to improve the law on immigration.

HB 3815 | SB 1220
This bill requires that land plats indicate whether a property is wholly or partly vulnerable to flooding and requires sellers to notify buyers of this fact. If a seller does not give notice, a buyer may terminate their contract within 7 days of discovering that the property is vulnerable to flooding and may bring a lawsuit against the seller if they knowingly hid this fact. The TCCB supports this bill to encourage transparency related to disaster mitigation.

HB 3873
This bill establishes the Texas Alternatives to Abortion Program that enhances and increases resources that promote childbirth for women facing unplanned pregnancy. The TCCB supports this bill to provide alternatives to abortion programs that support mothers and their children.

HB 3896
The federal government currently provides matching funds to pay for uncompensated care provided by Catholic hospitals. Under this bill, hospitals in Bexar County would be allowed to use their own money to trigger matching federal funds, thereby allowing Catholic hospitals to provide healthcare for the poor. The TCCB supports this effort to increase access to healthcare.

HB 3950
This bill would establish the child welfare task force to develop a statewide plan for the continued implementation of community-based care, family preservation, and other related prevention services in the state's child welfare system. The TCCB supports this bill to improve the state's foster care system which respects subsidiarity through a community-based model.

HB 3963 | SB 1645
This bill allows a school district or open-enrollment charter school to allow a campus to elect to donate food to a nonprofit organization through a parent of a student enrolled at the campus or a person who is directly and officially affiliated with the campus. The TCCB supports this bill to alleviate food insecurity and hunger.

HB 4046
This bill would require emergency services to more effectively respond to disasters and require Texas A&M to establish a public web portal to provide information to the public on disaster response and how to get help from FEMA, the state and non-profits. The TCCB supports this bill to increase efficiency in disaster recovery.

HB 4094
This bill requires the grace period policy on school meals to require communication attempts to the parents and for making arrangements with the parent or other persons for the payment of negative balances, including by helping them complete an application for free or reduced-price meals if the student is eligible and paying for negative balances using private donations. The TCCB supports this bill to help meet the basic needs of Texas school children.

HB 4113 | SB 929
This bill eliminates the law of parties for capital murder so that one individual in a group of offenders cannot be charged with murder committed by another member of the group. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure that individuals are held accountable and make restitution for their own actions.

HB 4151
Under this bill, school districts may establish a period of prayer, to be led by a student volunteer, after the pledges of allegiance at athletic games. The TCCB supports this bill to advance religious liberty and provide an integral education in accord with a family's choice.

HB 4199
This bill eliminates the "wrongful birth" cause of action that would allow a person to sue a health care provider on the basis that a person would not have been permitted to have been born alive but for the provider's act or omission. The TCCB supports this bill to respect the conscience rights of health care providers and recognize the dignity and worth of the unborn.

HB 4213
This bill requires a physician who performs an abortion or who gives, sells, dispenses, administers, provides, or prescribes an abortion-inducing drug to schedule a follow-up appointment for the woman within 14 days after the abortion to confirm that the pregnancy is completely terminated and assess any continued blood loss. It allows the Texas Medical Board to take disciplinary action against a physician who violates the subchapter. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure that women receive appropriate medical care after an abortion.

HB 4232
Under current law, the state maintains a self-sufficiency fund which is used by community and technical colleges, community-based organizations, and state extension agencies to provide job training to individuals who receive public assistance. This bill would allow the funds to also be used for formerly incarcerated persons. The TCCB supports this bill to deter future offenses and rehabilitate offenders.

HB 4240
This bill amends the Women's Right to Know law in Texas by allowing the provision of information at least 24 hours before an abortion to be done orally via a private call. Furthermore, the physician who performs the abortion shall provide in person a copy of the materials on the day of the consultation for a woman who lives less than 100 miles from the nearest abortion provider; or the day of the abortion and at least two hours before if she lives 100 miles or more from the nearest provider. The TCCB supports this bill to strengthen informed consent before an abortion.

HB 4252
This bill repeals the child welfare conscience protection act. The TCCB opposes this bill because it removes the protections for foster parents and child welfare providers to make decisions based on their conscience and sincerely held religious beliefs.

HB 4267
This bill ensures that juvenile defendants are allowed to wear non-correctional clothes during trial and are not restrained unless they pose a safety or flight risk. The TCCB supports this bill because it improves the impartiality of court proceedings.

HB 4343
This bill increases the maximum reference base amount for certain consumer loans from $200 to $300. The TCCB opposes this bill because it would broaden the number of loans subject to the acquisition charge and installment account handling charge in cash advances.

HB 4357
This bill protects mental health providers from being subject to disciplinary action or civil liability for providing services or counseling based on the provider's sincerely held religious beliefs. The TCCB supports this bill to protect the conscience rights of mental healthcare providers.

HB 4407
This bill would prohibit a state agency from accepting a bid or awarding a contract to a vendor or vendor-affiliate that performs elective abortions, destructive embryonic stem cell research, human cloning, or conducts research on human fetal tissue. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure that medical research is done with respect for the life and dignity of the unborn child.

HB 4420
This bill requires insurance coverage for the burial of embryonic or fetal remains. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure coverage for the costs of burial of children who die before birth.

HB 4453
Under this bill a person commits an offense if he threatens to report a person's immigration status because the person is seeking to aid law enforcement. The TCCB supports this bill to protect immigrants who seek to help enforce laws which preserve the common good.

HB 4466
This bill would prohibit providing services to a child for the purposes of "conversion therapy." A provider who does so is subject to disciplinary action by the state and a Class C misdemeanor criminal penalty. The TCCB opposes this bill because it would prohibit healthcare providers and persons from seeking and providing care in accord with their sincerely held religious beliefs.

HB 4497
This bill would prohibit a governmental entity from taking a discriminatory action against a person wholly or partly because the person acts in a manner consistent with a sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction, including as related to the solemnization, formation, celebration, or recognition of marriages (e.g., floral, photography, baking businesses). The TCCB supports this bill to protect religious liberty rights of Texans, especially as it pertains to marriage and family.

HB 4523
This bill would determine a health benefit plan issuer cannot condition continued coverage based on the enrollee having or being required to have an abortion. An insurer that violates this law would be subject to a civil penalty that may be recovered by an attorney general suit. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure that the conscience rights of persons in healthcare are respected.

HB 4566
Under this bill, if a state jail inmate diligently participates in an educational, vocational, treatment, or work program, they can earn good credit time for up to 20% of their sentence. The TCCB supports this bill to rehabilitate offenders who commit non-violent state jail felonies.

HB 4596
This bill would ensure that child Medicaid recipients whose parents are also in a state or federal correctional institution continue to receive those benefits without interruption. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure that children of the incarcerated do not lose access to healthcare.

HCR 72
This resolution urges the President of the United States and the US Congress to continue to protect the rich religious and cultural history of La Lomita Chapel and Historical Park by prohibiting the construction of a border wall that isolates the Chapel south of the wall leaving it inaccessible by the faith community that has worshiped there for more than 150 years. The TCCB supports this bill to protect the religious freedom of the Catholic Diocese of Brownsville by prohibiting a government taking of religious land.

HJR 40 | HJR 46 | HJR 92SJR 34
This constitutional amendment requires the state to provide Medicaid eligibility to anyone who is qualified for federal matching funds under the Affordable Care Act. The TCCB supports this bill to provide Medicaid expansion and increased access to healthcare services.

HJR 64 | SJR 9 | SJR 16
This bill repeals the constitutional amendment limiting marriage to one man and one woman. The TCCB opposes this bill because the sexual difference between male and female is essential for marriage.

HJR 105
This joint resolution proposes a constitutional amendment that prohibits state funding for a voucher program to pay for any part of a student's attendance at at private school. The TCCB opposes this bill which limits opportunities for parental choice in education.

SB 6
This bill seeks to improve state and local government disaster recovery efforts by studying disaster issues and training local emergency management employees in how to remove wet and dry debris, obtain federal funds, provide housing, and work with non-profits. The TCCB supports this bill to improve efficiency in disaster recovery coordination.

SB 17 | HB 2827 | SB 444
This bill would prohibit a state agency that issues a license or otherwise regulates a business, occupation, or profession from adopting any rule, regulation, or policy that would limit an applicant's ability to obtain, maintain, or renew that license based on a sincerely held religious belief, or burden a license holder's free exercise of religion, free speech, or membership in an organized religion. The TCCB supports this bill to promote religious liberty and promote conscience protection.

SB 18 | HB 3395
This bill requires institutions of higher education to ensure that common outdoor areas are deemed traditional public forums and to permit any person to engage in expressive activities therein, so long as it is not unlawful and does not materially and substantially disrupt the functioning of the institution. Time, place, and manner restrictions may also be placed but must be narrowly tailored, provide clear, published, and content-neutral criteria, provide ample alternative means of expression, and allows university members to spontaneously and contemporaneously distribute material without a permit or permission. Institutions have to adopt policies to these ends and may not take actions against student organizations for viewpoints expressed, including through protecting their rights to bring speakers to campus. The TCCB supports this bill to protect free speech rights, including those of religious student organizations, students, and faculty on campus.

SB 20
The TCCB supports this bill because it strengthens anti-trafficking laws by adding language on coercion and rehabilitation programs, protects victims of trafficking in trials and investigations, tightens regulations on massage establishments and schools and masseuses, and discourages unlawful activities on commercial properties.

SB 22
This bill prohibits state and local governments from entering into contracts with abortion providers or affiliates. The TCCB supports this bill to stop local governments from subsidizing abortion providers and affiliates with tax payer supported buildings and programs.

SB 23
This bill would establish a physician-patient relationship between the child born alive after abortion and the physician, who must exercise the same degree of professional skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life and health of the child as they would render to any other child born alive at the same gestational age. The TCCB supports this bill to promote respect for the life and dignity of infants born after an abortion.

SB 24
This bill requires that the patient and physician counseling done before an abortion is done in private and that the Woman's Right to Know brochure is provided in person prior to abortion. The TCCB supports this bill to improve the informed consent process.

SB 36 | HB 189
This bill would establish full-day pre-Kindergarten for all four-year-old children and three-year-old children who are vulnerable or are the child of certain public servants. The TCCB supports this bill to increase access to pre-Kindergarten programs.

SB 105 | SB 1155
This bill establishes a state-county partnership program to provide mental health services to people in Bexar County. The TCCB supports this bill to assist in the care and support of persons with disabilities.

SB 110
This bill includes payday and auto-title fees in the interest calculation for the purpose of determining usury if the loan is unsecured or if the proceeds are used for personal, family, or household expenses. The TCCB supports this bill to reduce fees leaving families in a cycle of debt.

SB 150
This will would establish a right to abortion in state statute and eliminate most regulations on abortion. The TCCB opposes this bill because it allows abortion on demand, which is contrary to the protection of human life.

SB 152 | HB 980
This bill would remove current references within children's educational materials on the acceptability of homosexual conduct. The TCCB opposes this bill because it would promote gender ideology among children.

SB 153 | HB 573 | SB 251 | HB 978
This bill would amend current state laws referring to man and woman and husbands and wives to gender-neutral terminology in marriage documents. The TCCB opposes this bill because it would further erode the sacredness, fidelity, and permanence of marriage.

SB 155
This bill allows for parole after serving 20 actual calendar years for offenders who were under 18 at the time of their offense if they pass a comprehensive mental health evaluation. The TCCB supports this bill which allows for mercy for individuals who were minors at the time of their crime.

SB 166 | HB 1217
Currently, local law enforcement can inquire into a person's lawful immigration status while investigating a crime, such as during traffic stops. This bill would allow such an inquiry only after a person has been arrested. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure that immigration enforcement is targeted and not indiscriminate.

SB 167 | HB 3811
Current law prohibits local law enforcement from "endorsing" a policy which limits the enforcement of immigration laws. The "endorse" provision has been enjoined by federal courts, isn't in effect, and this bill would remove it from the law. The TCCB supports this bill to improve the law on immigration.

SB 180| HB 4078
This bill requires increased public participation and mitigation efforts for applicants for environmental permits in areas that are majority low income or racial minorities. The TCCB supports this bill which exercises a preferential option for the poor in seeking to prevent environmental injustice.

SB 182 | HB 874
This bill prevents criminal changes or threats of criminal charges for payday or auto-title loan defaults. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure that consumers who default on usurious loans are not faced with criminal charges.

SB 183 | HB 836
This bill prevents theft of service criminal changes for rent-to-own agreements. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure that consumers who default on rent-to-own agreements are not faced with criminal charges.

SB 186
This bill limits the APR of payday, auto-title, and other small dollar short term loans to 36% during a declared disaster. The TCCB supports this bill to prevent predatory lending rates during disasters.

SB 227 | HB 2302
This bill expands the religious expression protection to a property owners' property rather than just the dwelling and entry. The TCCB supports this bill to protect religious liberty.

SB 287 | HB 2081
This bill would open full-day pre-Kindergarten to all four-year old children and three-year-olds who are vulnerable or are the child of certain public servants. The TCCB supports this bill to increase access to pre-Kindergarten programs.

SB 291
This bill creates a human trafficking unity within the Texas Department of Public Safety. The TCCB supports this bill to increases the specialization and focus on human trafficking enforcement.

SB 292
This bill would allow certain school districts to increase PK availability using funds saved by helping high school students graduate in 3 years. Currently, only two Texas school districts may utilize this program; this bill would allow many school districts along the border of South Texas to implement the program. The TCCB supports this bill to increase access to PK programs.

SB 294 | HB 246
This bill repeals the use of the death penalty in Texas while still allowing life without parole. The TCCB supports this bill to end the use of the death penalty.

SB 307
This bill requires that the state continue Medicaid benefits for behavioral health for one year after women who deliver or miscarry while on Medicaid. The TCCB supports this bill which will increase access to behavioral healthcare for post-partum women in Texas.

SB 308
This bill requires that the state continue Medicaid benefits for one year after women who deliver or miscarry while on Medicaid. The TCCB supports this bill which will increase access to healthcare for post-partum women in Texas.

SB 310
This bill allows joint agency for medical powers of attorney and removes the statutory requirements for the forms so that the language and format is not proscribed by statute. The TCCB opposes this bill because it unnecessarily complicates the creation and implementation of medical power of attorneys resulting in a lower chance of patient wishes being respected.

SB 327 | HB 292 | HB 3493 | HB 816
This bill allows counties to seek a federal waiver to provide Medicaid eligibility to anyone who is qualified for federal matching funds under the Affordable Care Act. The TCCB supports this bill to provide Medicaid expansion and increased access to healthcare services.

SB 331 | HB 99
This bill establishes a college liaison and priority access to student housing assistance for college students who were at some point homeless youth or in the foster care system. The TCCB supports this bill to provide assistance to young people who have aged out of foster car and are seeking higher education.

SB 360 | HB 40
This bill would publish a study about temporary migrant labor housing facilities, which was last studied in 2006. The TCCB supports this bill because it would help ensure quality housing for migrant and seasonal farm-workers and their families.

SB 362
This bill allows the courts to release an offender who has charges pending and is not deemed to be a danger to others to be released on bail and receive court ordered mental health services. The TCCB supports this bill to increase access to health and healthcare, including mental health services.

SB 380
This bill would provide increased access by Texas students to online classes offered by the Texas virtual school network. The TCCB supports this bill as part of our support for increasing parental choice in education.

SB 389
This bill prohibits state and local governments from entering into contracts with abortion providers or affiliates. The TCCB supports this bill to stop local governments from subsidizing abortion providers and affiliates with tax payer supported buildings and programs.

SB 396
This bill would establish a state flood plan (SFP), to be published every 5 years through the collaboration of local flood planning groups. The SFP would therefore be similar to the State Water Plan, which is a study on water availability and drought preparedness that the state publishes every 5 years. The SFP would examine flood control projects, floodplains, and provide policy recommendations to control future floods. The TCCB supports this bill to provide efficient planning for natural disasters.

SB 418 | HB 1139
This bill prohibits the use of the death penalty on people who have an intellectual disability. The TCCB supports this bill which reduces the use of the death penalty in Texas.

SB 428
This bill requires HHSC to conduct a study on the feasibility of developing a single intake form for state and federal disaster assistance. The TCCB supports this study as a measure to improve coordination for disaster assistance.

SB 435 | HB 1293
This bill allows local school health advisory boards to recommend appropriate grade levels and curriculum for instruction regarding opioid addiction and abuse. The TCCB supports this bill to increases education on opioid abuse and addiction.

SB 436 | HB 1292
This bill would create a Opioid Use Disorder Maternal and Newborn Health taskforce to improve screening procedures, continuity of care, health care, access to medication, and prevention of opioid use disorder. It allows for the creation of a pilot program before implementation statewide. However, there is no additional funding for the taskforce as the bill requires the program to use "existing resources." The TCCB supports this bill because it would address addiction and opioid abuse to help mothers and their children.

SB 444 | HB 2827
This bill would prohibit a state agency that issues a license or otherwise regulates a business, occupation, or profession from adopting any rule, regulation, or policy that would limit an applicant's ability to obtain, maintain, or renew that license based on a sincerely held religious belief, or burden a license holder's free exercise of religion, free speech, or membership in an organized religion. The TCCB supports this bill to promote religious liberty and promote conscience protection.

SB 451
This bill would allow public schools to use the bilingual weighted allotment for teacher salaries. The TCCB supports this bill which would allow public schools to direct increased funding to educators in the classroom.

SB 461 | HB 918
This bill would require Texas Department of Criminal Justice to provide an inmate who is released from prison with documents that would help the former inmate obtain employment, such as personal ID, a Social Security card, or a resume showing proficiency in a trade. The TCCB supports this bill which seeks to complete the rehabilitation of offenders.

SB 488
This bill ensures that juvenile defendants are allowed to wear non-correctional clothes during trial and are not restrained unless they pose a safety or flight risk. The bill also provides training on childhood trauma to judges who hear cases involving children in foster care or the juvenile justice system. The TCCB supports this bill because it improves the impartiality of court proceedings and helps judges offer children improved support.

SB 495
This bill establishes a mediation process for all juvenile defendants and for adult defendants who have no prior convictions and are charged with crimes against property, such as robbery, theft, or fraud. With the consent of victims and prosecuting attorneys, eligible defendants may enter mediation in which they apologize and pay restitution to the victim as well as perform community service. Adult defendants who successfully complete mediation may have charges dismissed; juveniles may have their records sealed. The TCCB supports this bill to rehabilitate non-violent offenders.

SB 523 | HB 1342
Texas requires occupational licenses for more than 25 percent of professions, which creates especially difficult barriers to employment for the 40 percent of Texans who have an arrest or conviction record. Under this bill, a person may be disqualified from licensure only if they’ve been convicted of a violent offence or an offense that directly relates to the duties of the licensed occupation (e.g. theft & a locksmith license). The TCCB supports this bill because it helps former offenders contribute to the common good and deters future offenses.

SB 524 | HB 590 | HB 840
This bill requires HHSC to provide Medicaid eligibility to anyone who is qualified for federal matching funds under the Affordable Care Act. The TCCB supports this bill to provide Medicaid expansion and increased access to healthcare services.

SB 564
This bill requires the state to collect data about unaccompanied migrant children who reside in a facility licensed by the state. The TCCB supports this bill to provide an increased understanding of minors in the state's care.

SB 576
This bill eliminates the Texas DREAM Act which allows resident tuition for undocumented immigrants who completed high school in Texas. The TCCB opposes this bill which reduces access to education for immigrants.

SB 593
This bill requires the state to adopt procedures for local mental health authorities to receive information necessary for prisoners to receive services. The TCCB supports this bill to promote health and care for persons, including mental health services.

SB 628 | HB 1323
Under current law, when a person is arrested they may be held in prison until their trial if they do not pay bail, and the amount of bail does not depend upon the arrested person's danger to society. As a result, many poor defendants who cannot afford bail are incarcerated before they ever receive a trial. This bill reforms the bail system to ensure that the amount of bail depends on whether an arrested person is dangerous to the community or a flight risk. The TCCB supports this bill, which corrects an injustice under which the poor suffer.

SB 633 | HB 1598
This bill would require the Health and Human Service Commission to identify local mental health authorities in rural counties and develop a mental health services plan. The TCCB supports this bill to increase access to health and healthcare, including mental health services.

SB 637 | HB 1408 | SB 53 | HB 342 | HB 829
This bill extends eligibility for the Children's Health Insurance Program from six months to one year. The TCCB supports this bill to increase healthcare coverage for children.

SB 640 | HB 970
This bill requires that landlords provide information to renters about whether their commercial property is located in a floodplain or floodway. If no notice is given prior to signing, renters may terminate the lease without penalty and if they incur flooding damages, the landlord must pay a tenant's damages, a penalty, and attorney's fees. The TCCB supports this bill to encourage transparency and thereby mitigate the need for disaster recovery.

SB 643 | HB 1483
This bill creates a pilot program that tests whether a slow reduction of benefits, paired with wrap-around case management aimed at securing a living wage job, emergency savings, and debt management plan, will help clients reach long-term self-sufficiency independent of public benefits. The TCCB supports this bill to incentivize self-sufficiency in anti-poverty programs.

SB 716
This bill removes directives that require judges and attorneys to lie to jurors about the level of unanimity required for a death sentence. The TCCB supports this bill which will improve the rights of jurists serving in death penalty sentencing cases.

SB 724
This bill requires the TECQ to update its water availability models for four of Texas' 15 major river basins. The TCCB supports this bill to provide an improved understanding of water availability in Texas.

SB 784
This bill prohibits a school district from offering human sexuality instruction in a school year unless the school complies with measures to provide each parent with a copy of the curriculum materials by mail in advance of the instruction. The TCCB supports this bill to provide greater parental engagement and control over children's education.

SB 795 | HB 937
This bill would require that school district health benefit plans that provide benefits for a prescription contraceptive drug to provide their enrollees to obtain up to a 12-month supply of the covered drug at one time. The TCCB opposes this bill as an expansion of contraception in a multitude of health plans and provides no conscience exemption.

SB 873 | HB 1966
This bill allows a child care facility to post notice of the vaccination rates of the children in care. The TCCB supports this bill to increase transparency and informed consent regarding the basic public health protections of immunization.

SB 886
This bill would prohibit housing discrimination on the basis of SOGI. It would also amend existing religious liberty protections in Section 301.042 by establishing that a religious institution may not give preference to persons of the same religion unless membership in that religion is restricted because of additional SOGI factors (e.g., sex, familial status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression). The TCCB opposes this bill because it would impose liability on those with sincerely held religious beliefs for alleged “discrimination” based on subjective and unverifiable identities, not on objective traits.

SB 900
Under this bill, the duties of Texas' Water Conservation Advisory Council (WCAC) would be expanded to plan for drought and help public water suppliers also develop and update drought contingency plans. The TCCB supports this bill to as a means to attain efficiency and conservation in water use.

SB 923 | HB 4319
This bill would prohibit a person younger than 18 years of age to be on the premises of a sexually oriented business. A business owner that "knowingly" or "recklessly" allows a minor to be on the premises may have their license cancelled or suspended after notice and hearing. The TCCB supports this bill as a way to prevent human trafficking by ensuring youth and young persons are not around sexually oriented businesses.

SB 929
This bill eliminates the law of parties for capital murder so that one individual in a group of offenders cannot be charged with murder committed by another member of the group. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure that individuals are held accountable and make restitution for their own actions.

SB 959
This bill requires health insurance coverage of "fertility preservation" services for all policy holders who receive a necessary medical treatment that may directly or indirectly cause impaired fertility. The TCCB opposes this bill which would impose a mandate to fund objectionable services, such as harvesting eggs and freezing eggs for future IVF, and thus violates religious freedom protections for private insurers, including religious insurers.

SB 965
Texas requires occupational licenses for more than 25 percent of professions, which creates difficult barriers to employment for the 40 percent of Texans who have an arrest or conviction record because the state can deny a license on this basis. Under current law a person can be denied a license on the ground that they were convicted of a Class B misdemeanor in the previous 5 years, even if the offense has no relation to the occupation they want to work in. This bill would remove that grounds for denial. The TCCB supports this bill to deter future offenses and rehabilitate offenders.

SB 967 | HB 3740
In accord with a November 2018 district court ruling, the state has waived childcare facility licensing requirements for facilities that house migrant children. Under this bill, those facilities would be required to meet the same standards as any other childcare facility. Texas' licensing requirements were established to promote the health, safety, and welfare of children; ensure adequate supervision of children by capable, qualified, and healthy personnel; and ensure that facilities follow the directions of healthcare professionals. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure that those same protections are provided to immigrant children.

SB 976 | HB 2644
This bill would allow for the registration of a vehicle by an owner that notes that they have a physical health condition or mental health condition that may impede communication with a peace officer. This information would be in the Law Enforcement Telecommunications System for the purpose of alerting officers on a traffic stop. The TCCB supports this bill to enable persons with disabilities to travel and live independently.

SB 981
This bill requires HHSC to create a directory of local points of contact and local sites for supplemental nutrition assistance (SNAP). The TCCB supports this bill which will improve coordination for disaster recovery assistance.

SB 982
This bill requires the Department of State Health Services to coordinate with local governments and volunteer networks for the provision of emergency shelter and medical services. The TCCB supports this bill to improve coordination of disaster recovery services.

SB 1000
This bill would not allow municipal zoning or land use ordinance to prohibit a religious organization from using their facilities for housing homeless individuals or having units on the organization's property to house homeless individuals. The TCCB supports this bill which offers reasonable flexibility to accommodate ministry to the homeless.

SB 1002 | HB 680
This bill would improve the Texas Workforce Commission's child care program by strengthening the evaluation process and information collected. Furthermore, it would also measure and evaluate the program on coordination with the TEA and other various educational entities. The TCCB supports this bill to increase educational outcomes for Texas students and improve the quality of child care programs.

SB 1008
This bill allows parents to request a copy of human sexuality curriculum in public schools and to refuse to consent for their student to participate. The TCCB supports this bill which allows for greater parental involvement in human sexuality education.

SB 1009
This bill would allow a person authorized to conduct a marriage ceremony from the performance of such ceremonies if it would conflict with their sincerely held beliefs. The bill provides a defense in an administrative hearing, criminal action, or civil action. The TCCB supports conscience protections for individuals and religious liberty rights, especially as it pertains to family and marriage.

SB 1027
This bill would amend the sonogram requirement before an abortion for a minor under judicial bypass procedures. Previously, the minor could choose not to receive a verbal explanation of the sonogram images. This bill would require her to receive a verbal explanation. The TCCB supports this bill to as a part of informed consent for the mother and to increase respect of the dignity of unborn human life.

 SB 1055 | HB 2416
This bill would establish, in consultation with the TEA, a workforce diploma pilot program that will assist adult students in obtaining a high school diploma and develop technical career readiness skills and employability. The TCCB supports this bill to incentivize self sufficiency in anti-poverty programs, as well as funding for educational programs responsive to student demographics.

SB 1084 | HB 1065
This bill would establish a rural resident physician program that would award grants to appropriate health care entities, establish criteria in consultation with physicians, teaching hospitals, medical schools, independent physician residency programs, and others. The TCCB supports this bill to increase health and healthcare access to all Texans, including those who live in rural areas.

SB 1118
This bill would establish a program to provide grants for modifying homes in which a person with disability lives to increase accessibility, eliminate life-threatening hazards, and correct unsafe living conditions. The TCCB supports this bill to increase support to persons with disabilities.

SB 1120
This bill would provide community health workers, health professionals, and applicable employees of local health departments and health districts with continuing education designed to reduce the incidence of communicable and other diseases in border counties. The TCCB supports this bill to increase preventative education in the healthcare setting.

SB 1130
This bill would establish a task force on father engagement that will evaluate services and supports available to fathers in the state, study the impact of father engagement on children, and develop a statewide plan for expanding services and supports available. The TCCB supports this bill to support policies that increase the stability, permanency, and support for families.

SB 1156 | HB 2920
Under this bill, the state may not grant a permit to drill a new oil or gas well if the proposed site is located within 1,500 feet of the property line of a public or private school or childcare facility. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure that Texas children have the benefit of a safe school environment.

SB 1204 | HB 1689
This bill would make it such that, if the parties ("intended parents") in a surrogacy arrangement divorce, their divorce petition must state: (1) that the parties have entered into a gestational agreement to establish a parent-child relationship between the parties and the unborn child, (2) whether the gestational mother is pregnant and if the child has been born, and (3) whether the gestational agreement has been validated. The TCCB opposes this bill because it injures the sacredness, fidelity, and permanence of marriage and commodifies children and women's bodies.

SB 1219
This bill would require the posting of human trafficking signs at transportation hubs. The signs will be developed in accord with rules set by the attorney general's office and must be in both English and Spanish. The TCCB supports this bill to increase awareness of human trafficking in our state.

SB 1220 | HB 3815 | HB 3839
This bill requires that land plats indicate whether a property is wholly or partly vulnerable to flooding and requires sellers to notify buyers of this fact. If a seller does not give notice, a buyer may terminate their contract within 7 days of discovering that the property is vulnerable to flooding and may bring a lawsuit against the seller if they knowingly hid this fact. The TCCB supports this bill to encourage transparency related to disaster mitigation.

SB 1230 | HB 2739
This bill seeks to include reporting of educator misconduct to the State Board of Educator Certification by private school personnel and provides equal access for public and private schools to background check information regarding educator misconduct. The TCCB supports this bill to improve the safe environment for public and private schools.

SB 1231 | HB 2740
This bill would provide private school administrators access to reports involving the abuse or neglect of a child involving an employee of a public or private elementary or secondary school. The TCCB supports this bill to provide a safer school environment for private school students.

SB 1250 | HB 850
This bill prohibits employment discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity or expression. It also provides a definition for "gender identity or expression" and "sexual orientation." The TCCB opposes this bill because it would subject employers to liability based on subjective, unverifiable criteria and forces employers with sincerely held religious beliefs to choose between their work or their faith.

SB 1251
This bill would deem it unprofessional conduct for a mental health provider attempts to change the child's sexual orientation or gender identity, including gender-related behaviors or bender expression; or eliminate or reduce sexual or romantic attraction or feelings towards persons of the same sex. The TCCB opposes this bill because it infringes upon the rights of patients and medical professionals with sincerely held religious beliefs to pursue healthcare, including mental healthcare, consistent with those beliefs.

SB 1256 | HB 2738
This bill creates a "do-no-hire" registry which is publicly available to hiring entities to confirm persons who are not eligible for employment in public schools because of their criminal history or a finding of educator misconduct or abuse. The TCCB supports this bill which will assist public and private schools and child care facilities in screening potential employees to prevent child abuse.

SB 1305 | HB 902
This bill increases the penalty for assaulting a woman from Class A misdemeanor to a 3rd degree felony if she is pregnant and the assailant knows or should have known she is pregnant. The TCCB supports this bill as it recognizes the dignity and worth of unborn children.

SB 1313
This bill would establish the childhood obesity prevention program and the chronic disease prevention program to serve border counties. The TCCB supports this bill to increase access to preventive healthcare in Texas.

SB 1314
This bill will require a study to determine the school districts and open-enrollment charter schools eligible to provide a universal lunch to all students through participation in the Community Eligibility Provision administered by the USDA. The TCCB supports this program to help understand and mitigate hunger of children in Texas schools.

SB 1321
This bill requires, in the case the federal government establishes a block grant funding system for Medicaid, for the commission to establish a state Medicaid program that provides benefits under a risk-based Medicaid managed care model. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure increased access to health insurance and healthcare.

SB 1388
This bill creates an employee database that lists the names of child care workers who have had a license, registration or other occupational authorization revoke by a state agency because they were determined to be responsible for a violation that leads to injury, death, or an unsafe environment. The TCCB supports this bill to create a safer environment in child care facilities.

SB 1403
This bill allows local district courts to make rulings related to whether a juvenile is in state custody, if he can return to abusive or neglectful parents, and whether he should be returned to his parents or home country. Such a determination is necessary for a juvenile to then apply to the U.S. government for a Special Immigrant Juvenile visa. The TCCB supports this bill to provide a path to residency for migrant minors who have been abused or neglected.

SB 1545
The federal government currently provides matching funds to pay for currently uncompensated care provided by Catholic hospitals. Under this bill, hospitals in Bexar County would be allowed to use their own money to trigger matching federal funds, thereby allowing Catholic hospitals to provide healthcare for the poor. The TCCB supports this effort to increase access to healthcare.

SB 1645 | HB 3963
This bill allows a school district or open-enrollment charter school to allow a campus to elect to donate food to a nonprofit organization through a parent of a student enrolled at the campus or a person who is directly and officially affiliated with the campus. The TCCB supports this bill to to alleviate food insecurity and hunger.

SB 1732 | HB 2527
This bill requires that river authorities, groundwater conservation districts, and water control & improvement districts publish recordings of their meetings to the internet if their jurisdiction covers 3 or more counties. The TCCB supports this bill to improve public understanding of water availability and conservation efforts.

SB 1801
This bill would allow a person who was a victim of trafficking or compelling prostitution who provided assistance in the investigation or prosecution of an offense, or who did not provide assistance due to a person's age, physical, or mental disability resulting from being a victim to petition the court for an order of nondisclosure. The TCCB supports this bill to support vulnerable persons, particularly victims of human trafficking.

SB 1905
This bill allows local voters and school boards to establish school choice programs for children in their district. The TCCB supports this bill to provide educational choice and opportunities to Texas parents and students.

SB 1906
This bill creates a school choice program for low-income and special education students which would allow them to receive scholarships from funds donated by insurance companies. Students would then be able to enroll in accredited private schools or pay for instructional materials. Companies that donate to the fund would receive a tax credit for the donation. The TCCB supports this bill to provide Texas students and families with improved educational opportunities.

SB 1949
This bill would extend that applicability of Texas laws to consumer financial transactions if the person was located in the state at the time of the transaction or issuance of a loan. The TCCB supports this law to ensure that all those accessing Texas financial services are subject to state laws on consumer protections.

SB 1957
This bill would allow for each participant in a home and community-based services waiver program to receive a personal needs allowance of not less than $85 of the person's monthly SSI. The TCCB supports this bill to assist persons in home and community-based waiver programs with meeting their personal needs.

SB 1978 | HB 3172
This bill would prohibit a governmental entity from taking an adverse action based wholly or in part on a person's belief or action in accordance with their sincerely held religious beliefs or moral conviction. It provides various forms of relief to such persons. The TCCB supports this legislation to promote and protect the conscience and religious liberty rights of Texans.

SB 2081 | HB 773
This bill allows for the cremation of human remains using alkaline hydrolysis. The TCCB opposes this bill because the dehydration of human remains in a vat of chemicals is disrespectful of the human body and does not allow for burial of the body.

SB 2089 | HB 3158
his bill requires health care providers to provide medical treatment they view to be inappropriate indefinitely at the demand of a surrogate. The TCCB opposes this bill it imposes indefinite treatment on dying patients, and ignores the reasonable medical and ethical judgment of professionals. Requiring physicians and hospitals to continue to provide non-beneficial treatment that they rightly believe is unethical and inappropriate violates their freedom of conscience and harms patients.

SB 2129
This bill makes significant changes to the ethics committee review process that exclude consideration of medical conditions, promotes vitalism and eliminates reasonable medical judgment from the decision-making process. The TCCB opposes this bill because it allows an assault on the dignity of the human person by requiring unnecessary pain and suffering for an incompetent patient at end-of-life whose family is demanding inappropriate treatment against the conscience and medical judgement of the physician.

SB 2166
This bill requires the provision of transitional benefits to a household that ceases to receive cash assistance under Chapter 31 financial assistance programs or a household with children that ceases to receive cash assistance under a state-funded public assistance program. This bill provides for eligibility restrictions for persons who do not cooperate with a child support agency. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure that households receive a SNAP transitional benefits alternative.

SB 2334 | HB 3668
This bill would establish a program to provide grants to nonprofit food banks to build the capacity of nonprofit food banks to respond to disasters. The TCCB supports this bill to ensure that our nonprofit partners can adequately meet the food needs of Texans in disaster situations.

SB 2352 | HB 34
This bill creates a statewide disaster alert system that allows residents to register to receive texts, emails, and reverse 9-1-1 calls in addition to traditional TV, radio, and dynamic message signs when there is a disaster in any part of the state. The TCCB supports this bill because it will enable resident to prepare locally as well as triggering notification to coordinate support from unaffected areas of the state.

SB 2355
This bill requires hospitals to adopt and implement policies to prevent financial conflicts of interest on ethics committees and to prevent discrimination based on disability. The TCC supports this bill to improve the composition and practices of ethics committees.

This resolution seeks to legalize the recreational use of marijuana. The TCCB opposes this bill because it sends a message to children and young people that drug use is socially and morally acceptable.

This resolution seeks to legalize the recreational use of marijuana. The TCCB opposes this bill because it sends a message to children and young people that drug use is socially and morally acceptable.

SJR 9 | HJR 64
This bill repeals the constitutional amendment limiting marriage to one man and one woman. The TCCB opposes this bill because the sexual difference between male and female is essential for marriage.

Life and Family LIfe
Restorative Justice
Social Concerns
Religious Liberty

Legislative Agenda

Our work to improve state law is guided by Catholic teaching and statewide ministry. There are eight topics on our legislative agenda:

1. Life & Family

2. Immigration

3. Restorative Justice

4. Education

5. Healthcare

6. Social Concerns

7. Religious Liberty

8. Creation