Social Concerns

Acquiring wealth can be so highly praised that we forget the poor, who are our neighbors and fellow Texans.


Texans have inherited remarkable economic opportunity, and employment arising from such opportunity has a special dignity. We are grateful for these gifts. However, shrewdness in acquiring wealth can be so highly praised that we forget the poor and vulnerable, who are our neighbors, and cannot be neglected in the work for the common good. Therefore, the TCCB seeks to assist those who are in the greatest need.

We publish brief summaries of the specific reforms in state law that we seek. Learn more below.

Payday & Auto Title Loans

Lenders use loopholes that subvert the spirit of the Texas Constitution and trap low-income, working Texans in debt. We support bills to rein in payday lenders.

Make Work Pay

We see workers turn down higher pay because it's less than government benefits needed for expenses. We support programs that make work pay.

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Legislative Agenda

Our work to improve state law is guided by Catholic teaching and statewide ministry.
There are eight topics on our legislative agenda:

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