Texas bishops call for just and humane approach to migration

The bishops of Texas will continue to work with governmental officials and other people of good will to implement policies that recognize the dignity of every person, prioritize family unity, and address the root causes of forced migration, while respecting the right and responsibility of our country to secure its borders, regulate immigration in an orderly process, maintain the rule of law, and keep its communities safe and peaceful.

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Texas bishops express gratitude for response to tragedy of Panhandle wildfires

AUSTIN — The Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops opened their Spring meeting with a renewed expression of gratitude for all who are responding to wildfires in the state’s Panhandle, and prayers for those affected by the disaster.  For four weeks a series of deadly wildfires have caused suffering across the region, with loss of life…

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‘Great tragedy’ in Texas Panhandle calls for response

The Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops recognizes the great tragedy unfolding in the panhandle region of Texas and Oklahoma, and asks for prayers and support for all. “Our Catholic brothers and sisters are united with all who are suffering from the tragic wildfires,” said Bishop Patrick Zurek of the Amarillo Diocese, where the wildfires are…

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Texas bishops express support of “people of faith” serving on the border

The Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops provides the following statement: The Texas bishops join Bishop Mark Seitz of El Paso in expressing solidarity with ministry volunteers and people of faith who seek only to serve vulnerable migrants as our nation and state continue to pursue failed migration and border security policies. We recognize migrant ministry…

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Bishops celebrate court’s affirmation of EMTALA protection of unborn

The Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops (TCCB)  celebrates the decision on Jan. 2, 2024, by the US Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals to uphold the permanent injunction of a Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) guidance issued last summer. In its decision in State of Texas v. Becerra, the court held that the Emergency…

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Response to migration legislation

The Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops continue to uphold church teaching regarding migration. Most recently, in a letter to the Texas Attorney General in addressing the question of “whether Texas has the sovereign power to defend itself,” the bishops said “they reaffirm their commitment to continue the Church’s ministries of outreach and education, and to…

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Statement on Texas Supreme Court’s Cox ruling

Jennifer Carr Allmon, the executive director of the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops, has issued the following statement regarding the Texas Supreme Court’s ruling in the case of Kate Cox, who has challenged Texas’ ban on abortions. The Texas Supreme Court’s ruling in the case of Kate Cox, a pregnant woman who challenged the abortion…

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Bishops address border tragedies

The TCCB has issued the following statement in response to recent reports of inhumane actions on the border: Recent media reports present a disturbing account of horrific tragedies occurring along the Rio Grande on the Texas/Mexico border. These reports stir our hearts again for the plight of our sisters and brothers who are seeking a…

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Texas bishops grateful for overturn of Roe v Wade

The Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops issued the following statement on the decision by the Supreme Court of the United States regarding Dobbs v Jackson: We celebrate with grateful hearts the historic decision by the Supreme Court of the United States to overturn Roe v. Wade. The state of Texas will again have the ability…

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