Texas bishops thankful Melissa Lucio’s execution is stayed

AUSTIN — The Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops thank and commend the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals for intervening at this late hour to spare the life of Melissa Lucio, a mother of 14 and a grandmother, who was scheduled for execution on April 27. Their full statement follows: Since her imprisonment 14 years ago…

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Texas bishops offer solidarity to Ukraine

AUSTIN — The Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops issued the following statement regarding the war on Ukraine: “We reaffirm the words of Pope Francis, who has been unceasing in his appeal to stop the war on Ukraine. It is a ‘senseless massacre where every day there is a repetition of slaughter and atrocities. There is…

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Texas bishops pray for those affected by wildfires

AUSTIN — The Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops expressed gratitude for all who are responding to wildfires in the state, and prayers for those affected by the disaster. As of March 20, more than 62,000 acres in the state are ablaze, from Spring to just west of the Dallas Fort Worth metroplex. The largest fire,…

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TCCB Comments to Article II Subcommittee on Alternatives to Abortion (A2A) Program

The Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops (“TCCB”) recently submitted comments to the Texas Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Article II in support of the Alternatives to Abortion (“A2A”) program and provided suggestions on how best to utilize increased funding provided by the Legislature during the 86th Session. The A2A program exists to support mothers and…

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Gratitude to Sanofi Pasteur on Ethical Polio Vaccines

Sanofi Pasteur, one of the leading providers of polio vaccines, recently announced it will only use an ethical animal cell line to produce its stand-along polio vaccines Pentacel and Quadracel. The Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops thanked Sanofi Pasteur. You can also, by writing them here.

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TCCB Statement on George Floyd

The Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops offers our prayers for George Floyd, his family and friends, and all those affected by his killing and the events that followed in Minnesota. As the US Bishops stated in their recent pastoral letter, “Open Wide Our Hearts,” the injustice and harm racism causes are an attack on the…

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Statement on Scarce Healthcare Resources

At this time of a highly contagious pandemic, our healthcare providers are performing heroic actions daily in serving our communities. We commend and are grateful for their efforts and ask the Holy Spirit to guide their decisions and provide them and their patients with wisdom, fortitude, and prudence. We also commend and are grateful for…

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An Annunciation Message of Hope

Espanol On Wednesday, 25 March, the feast of the Annunciation, the bishops of Texas join Pope Francis, who has invited “the Heads of the Churches and the leaders of every Christian community, together with all Christians of the various confessions, to invoke the Almighty, the omnipotent God, to recite at the same time the prayer that Jesus,…

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Un mensaje de esperanza en la Anunciación

English En esta fiesta de la Anunciación del Señor, los obispos católicos de Texas ofrecemos palabras de fe viva y esperanza a nuestra gente en este tiempo extraordinario de ansiedad y enfermedad. Al enfrentar tantas incógnitas, podemos estar seguros de la fidelidad de Dios. La Anunciación del Señor es una fiesta de esperanza en la…

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