Bishops express gratitude for clemency for Thomas Whitaker

Governor’s decision to stop execution an example of restorative justice.  AUSTIN – The Catholic bishops of Texas expressed gratitude for the decision of Governor Greg Abbott to grant clemency to Thomas Whitaker. Their full statement follows: “We offer prayers of thanksgiving that Thomas Whitaker was granted clemency and mercy has been shown. We are grateful…

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FEMA allows houses of worship to receive hurricane relief funding

The Federal Emergency Management Agency has changed its Public Assistance Policy and Program Guide to add as eligible “activities of community centers or houses of worship open to the general public, without regard to their secular or religious nature,” effect for any major disaster declared on or after Aug. 23, 2017. Thanks for your prayers…

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Texas bishops express sorrow for victims of Sutherland Springs shooting

AUSTIN — The Catholic bishops of Texas express their deep sadness for the loss of life at First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, on Sunday. Their full statement follows: Our hearts ache for those suffering from the terrible loss of life at First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs on Nov. 5. We open our…

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Bishops reiterate opposition to legislation targeting “sanctuary cities”

Courts encouraged to overturn unconstitutional law, SB4 AUSTIN — As major cities and smaller communities throughout Texas join together in a lawsuit in federal court to oppose state legislation targeting “sanctuary cities,” the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops reiterates its opposition to Senate Bill 4, the law which threatens to drive a wedge between law…

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Advancing a Culture of Life

Recently, several single-issue groups in our country have made an effort to advance their political agenda by establishing coalitions with each other. One such example is Indivisible, the founder of which explains his goal as follows: “You might be an abortion rights advocate, an immigrant rights advocate, a racial justice advocate, but if you wait…

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Los obispos cuestionan la detención de una niña con parálisis cerebral

La aplicación de las leyes de inmigración debe ser compasiva, enfocarse en los delincuentes, no en pacientes que esperan cirugía AUSTIN – El caso de una niña de 10 años, indocumentada, que fue detenida por agentes federales en su camino a una cirugía de emergencia, resalta la necesidad de aclarar las responsabilidades respecto de la…

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